Su You gave a few instructions, and then stuffed a note with the medicine garden construction tasks and some other tasks into Ain's house.

After doing this, Su You took Baicao back to the City Lord's Mansion.

Later, Suyou gave Baicao a lot of knowledge about human beings.

Although Baicao will most likely not have too much contact with humans, you still need to know all the basic common sense.

Otherwise, it doesn't matter if you make a joke, the worst thing you're afraid of is that you will be remembered.

It's easy to dodge open guns and hard to guard against hidden arrows. No matter how powerful Su You is, she can't read minds. She doesn't know who is good and who is bad, let alone what other things are thinking in their hearts.

"...Have you remembered what I just said?" Looking at the dizzy rabbit, Su You knew that her words were probably in vain.

She was a little helpless, but she had no choice. After thinking about it, she took Baicao to see Xite.

As an expert in raising animals, Sitter should be good at dealing with rabbits... although this rabbit is somewhat special.

As Suyou expected, Baicao really likes Xi Te. It is obviously the first time for her to meet Xi Te and Dolly, but she will get closer to Xi Te and is more willing to talk to Xi Te.

But she had never taken the initiative to talk to Dolly when she was in the sewing shop before.

This contrast is still very obvious.

"Baicao is special. She will be taken care of by you from now on. She will live in that location, and there will be a herbal garden there." Because the herbal garden has not been built yet, Su You just gave Xite a rough guide. a location.

Not only Baicao likes Site, Site actually also likes Baicao. To be precise, Site likes all small animals.

Although Baicao is a bit special and is not exactly a rabbit, it does not affect Sitter's love for her.

Because of the "two-way rush" between the two of them, Suyou's entrustment of Baicao to Xite went very smoothly.

Originally, Su You wanted to stay a little longer to see the situation at the ranch, but she found that someone came to the City Lord's Mansion to look for her again, so City Lord Su, who couldn't take any time off, could only give some instructions to Xite and Baicao, and then hurriedly Returned to the city lord's mansion.


"You mean, there are other people selling college course tokens?" After listening to Lyle's report, the look on Su You's face became a little strange.

Today is only the first day!

Although Su You knew that after the reputation of the academy spread, she would definitely encounter many other right and wrongs, but she never expected that this incident would happen so quickly.

However, Lyle was still very capable. Suyou arranged for him to be temporarily responsible for managing the security and order issues around the college for the past two days. He immediately discovered that someone was stealing and selling course tokens, and he also found out the reason.

Lyle: "Miss Zenyue purchased a live deer today. Do you know about this, Lord?"

Hearing Lyle's words, Suyou nodded: "I know. She told me this afternoon that the deer has been sent to the pasture... What? Does the course token matter have something to do with this deer?"

Whether it was purchasing a live deer or spending eighty gold coins, it was no small matter. With Chan Yue's serious and cautious character, she would naturally tell Su You about it.

"Yes, this matter is not complicated. When the two deer sellers were catching deer, someone passed by and overheard their conversation..." Lyle told Fang Dong what he had learned about The conversation between Ah Hai and A Hai was simply repeated. At this point, the truth about the sudden overcrowding of the academy has been revealed.

It would be fine if it was Xiao Li who discovered the problem today. After all, although his daily income of more than 180 copper coins is a lot, it is not that conspicuous, at least not so exaggerated.

But this deer is different, this is eighty gold coins!
To translate today’s event into real-world language, it would probably go something like this——

A person heard a conversation between two people saying that one of them caught a creature worth 80 (copper coins) today because he went to the academy!

Although this sentence sounds a bit like a certain "shock literature", the effect is very obvious.

In particular, the purchasing power of money in this world is higher than in the real world. One copper coin can even be worth two yuan, so it is no exaggeration to say that it was sold for a million.

"So that's it..." After hearing this, Su You could probably guess what happened next.

Most likely the person who peeked was a loudmouth and just yelled about it.

Although some people must not believe it, because someone has already taken the class today and knows how good the college is, people who have gossip will ask people around them who are taking classes.

Even if these people don't want the academy's affairs to be exposed so early, they don't dare to smear the academy or say bad things about the academy. If this matter gets out, they will have no room for survival in the territory.

So they either tell the truth or they have to be vague.

The consequence of telling the truth is to attract more students to the college, while being vague actually does not have the effect of hiding the college well, so it has resulted in the current situation where everyone is crazy about coming to the college to take classes.

But in fact, it is more accurate to say that these people come to the academy not simply to learn knowledge, but more for the purpose of making money.

Only the first batch of people came to the academy with the purest mentality of learning.

Having said all this, the top priority is to solve the problem of reselling course tokens.

Because the affairs of the college have been spread out, and how good the courses of the college are is almost everyone in the entire territory, so it is normal for the school to be full of students.

However, some people are taking advantage of this.

They are just like scalpers in the real world. They buy courses but don't take classes, and then resell the course tokens to others.

We must know that even in modern times with advanced technology, it is difficult to eliminate the problem of scalpers, let alone a world without Internet, real-name system, and various technologies such as ID cards.

The token has no registered name and can be used by anyone. This can be said to provide great convenience for scalpers selling course tokens.

But even if the token has a registered name, it is useless. After all, there are so many people in the territory, and no one knows anyone, so they can always be fooled.

All in all, it is difficult to use ordinary means to eliminate scalpers!

But just because it’s difficult doesn’t mean there’s no way.

"I probably understand what's going on. Now, prepare a piece of paper and write what I said on it..." Because Su You had already thought about the possibility of scalpers, but she didn't expect it to happen so soon. But she had already thought of a way.

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