Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 417 Chapter 417 Scalper

Chapter 417 417. The Scalper
This method may cause dissatisfaction among some people, but it can effectively eliminate the problem of scalpers without consuming too much manpower and material resources and without requiring technology.

Because he was still worried about the scalpers outside the academy, after listening to Su You's words, Lyle immediately left the City Lord's Mansion and prepared to follow Su You's instructions.



"Hey, brother, are you here to sign up for the course too?" A small-eyed young man looked at the shrewd young man and seemed to be chatting with a middle-aged man beside him unintentionally.

"Yes!! It's a pity that there are too many people. Before I could get in line, the course I wanted to sign up for was already full." The middle-aged man sighed regretfully, then frowned and turned to look at the young man beside him. .

"You should be here to sign up too. Registration for all courses today has ended. You can leave." He said he was trying to persuade the young man to leave, but in fact it was the middle-aged man who didn't want to communicate too much with strangers, so After he said this, he was ready to leave.

But before he took two steps, he was stopped by the young man.

"No, no, no, no, brother, don't leave in a hurry. I see you are queuing up here. What you want to sign up for is the course 'Inspiration Creation', right? I happen to have a course token for this course..." That's all he said. The identity and purpose of the young man are already obvious.

However, the young man definitely didn't want to be exposed as a scalper, so he made up a story.

"Originally, I wanted to sign up for the resource collection course, but I didn't see the sign in front clearly and got in the wrong queue. As a result, I signed up for the inspiration creation course..." Of course that was not the case.

But what the young man said is true. She did want to sign up for the resource collection course at first.

But it wasn’t because he saw the wrong position or was in the wrong team that he signed up for the wrong course. It was because the resource collection course was the most popular among the five subjects, so he simply couldn’t get the chance to sign up for this course!

After the young man found out that the resource collection class was full, he thought about going to the other three combat classes, but found that the queues for these three courses were also very long. Even if he queued up, [-]% of the time he would not be able to sign up.

But at this moment, the young man saw that the queue for one of the courses was very short... Yes, this queue was the registration point for the Inspiration Creation course.

Because the course description was too abstract and the course price was the highest, it successfully became the last fully booked course.

Precisely because the course is abstract, the young man is regretting it now, because he has asked many people if they need the course. Those people excitedly expressed their need, but when they heard the name of the course, they all chose to leave.

The middle-aged man can be said to be the only person the young man has found who has a high probability of being willing to buy this course.

In order to prevent this thing worth 3 silver coins from falling into his hands, the young man must find a way to sell this course token no matter what!

Back to the present, the middle-aged man had actually guessed something after hearing what the young man said. He was not a fool, so he would not believe the nonsense about being in the wrong team... If he was really in the wrong team, then just go back out. Isn’t it enough to just take classes?
Anyway, the staff of those colleges are still there, and the canceled classes will be refunded at the original price, so he will not lose money.

But Zhigui knew that the middle-aged man would naturally not say it, not only to give the other party face, but also because he really wanted this course token!
The middle-aged man is actually a sculptor who has been stuck at the intermediate level bottleneck for a long time. He chose to leave home and travel around in order to break through.

Although the description of this inspired course is very abstract for ordinary people, for people with skills like them, as long as this course can really guide and teach them to inspire as described, it will definitely become their most popular course. Favorite course!
none of them!

After several twists and turns in his inner thoughts, the middle-aged man stopped, turned around and said, "How much is it?" The young man was overjoyed after hearing this. He didn't care at all whether the person in front of him saw through him, he just I know this business, I have it!
But before he could be happy for long, the two of them heard a lot of noise coming from the direction of the college.

The young man was not interested in this news. After all, he only cared about whether he could make money.

But the middle-aged man was different. He cared about whether anything else happened in the college, so after hearing the movement over there, he immediately left the young man behind and walked directly in the direction of the college.

Although the young man was anxious when he saw this, the two people had not yet discussed the 'business', so he could not do anything but follow him, lest the person ran away and the money would be gone.


Here, Lyle, who learned the solution from Suyou, came to the entrance of the college, and then posted a piece of paper with writing on it in front of everyone at the entrance of the college.

After that, he handed over the extra papers he had written on his hands to the people around him and asked them to send them to the staff at the registration point.

Five courses, five registration points, here are five pieces of paper.

Coupled with the paper posted at the door, these people have a total of six places where they can watch the content on it... This is actually done considering the large number of people here. If only one paper is prepared, so many people gather together, It’s hard to see at all, and it’s easy to make a mess.

It would be bad if someone took advantage of the chaos and did something, or if there was a stampede.

Divided into six places, these people were also divided into six parts, so that there were fewer people, which naturally reduced the risk of things happening.

After doing this, Lyle left without doing anything else or saying a word.

Everyone looked at him in confusion as he came and left, their curiosity successfully aroused.

In this way, most of the people present chose to stay to see what was written on the piece of paper. Only a small number of people felt that the time was almost up and it was time to go home, and did not want to join in the fun.

Middle-aged men and young people are the majority who choose to stay.

After squeezing into the crowd, the two people read the contents on the paper, and their expressions changed drastically.

The difference is that the middle-aged man's face became overjoyed, while the young man's face became ashen.

[In order to protect the interests of everyone, the college will implement the following new regulations starting from tomorrow——

1. Anyone who has registered for a course can go to the college to withdraw from the course one hour before the start of the course. No additional fees will be charged for withdrawal. 】

(End of this chapter)

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