Chapter 418 418. Various forms of living beings

[2. Excess places resulting from class withdrawals will be re-registered within one hour before the class starts. The registration structure will be determined by drawing lots. The registration fee will remain unchanged and other conditions will remain unchanged. (Note: The excess quota resulting from subsequent regulations will also be handled in accordance with this article.)
3. Roll call will be conducted within 5 minutes before the start of all courses. Students who do not arrive at the college and sign in will lose the opportunity to study in this course and will be recorded in the college’s special list (when a name appears on the special list more than three times, the name will be The student will be directly entered into the college's blacklist (the name on the special list can be eliminated once for each normal course), and the student can subsequently withdraw from the course with the course token.

4. Course tokens are only allowed to be used by the individual, and transactions are prohibited. Once discovered, both parties will be entered into the college's blacklist and permanently unable to enter the college.

5. If anyone is found to have violated the provisions of Article [-], he or she can report to the college at any time. The report is anonymous and participants can also report. After verification, the person who reports will receive a free course study quota. The quota is not limited to subjects and is not limited to subjects. Within a limited time, if the report is made maliciously, the person making the report will also be included in the hospital's blacklist. 】


To sum up these five regulations, the most important ones actually only have two contents:

Content [-]: All quotas for voluntary withdrawals and passive withdrawals (withdrawals due to lateness) will be re-registered within one hour before the start of class. The registration method is lottery, which is absolutely fair.

Content [-]: It clearly states that the buying and selling of courses is prohibited, and that correct reports will be rewarded and malicious reports will be punished.

The previous content made it a joke for scalpers to think that they have an absolute study quota if they own Catcher Tokens.

If there is no such content, then these scalpers will occupy a quota by buying the course. If other people want to take the class, they must buy it from these scalpers.

But once these regulations are put in place, they no longer need to worry about this issue.

Because the scalper does not go to class, the quota will be invalidated and registration will be drawn.

Although the probability of being chosen by lot is very small, everyone will feel much better as long as they think that scalpers have not occupied the quota and that the quota has not been wasted.

But in fact, if there is only one content, it cannot absolutely suppress scalpers. No matter where you are, there will never be a shortage of rich people.

Although some people feel uncomfortable knowing that scalpers have made money, they need this course and are willing to pay extra money for it. This is enough for scalpers. Scalpers don't care what these rich people think. Rich people don't care how much money they spend.

What really inhibits the existence of scalpers is content two.

After all, entering the college blacklist means that you will never be able to enter the college to study, and you may even be unable to continue living in this territory in the future. It is impossible for these people to not care about such serious consequences.

In particular, there is a very interesting sentence in Article [-], which is 'Participants can also report'.

In other words, whether you are a scalper or someone who bought a course from a scalper, you can report your transaction.

This sentence is tantamount to turning the transaction between scalpers and buyers into a dangerous handle. As long as the sale is completed, both parties have a handle that can report each other at any time.

In this way, transactions become almost impossible, because no one would choose to believe whether a stranger can guarantee absolute confidentiality in a purely monetary relationship.

If the other party uses this threat to seek benefits, then the deal will be a huge loss!

As for why Su You still needs to add content one when only content two is needed to completely suppress the existence of scalpers... this is just a foreshadowing.If this regulation only contains content two, although it can still achieve the effect, it will be more rigid, and it will also easily give everyone a feeling of being ruthless and impersonal.

But if content one is added, it clearly shows another milder method of suppressing scalpers. With such a step-by-step process, the existence of content two becomes very natural.


This newly released regulation can be said to be very effective. At least many people like middle-aged people who originally wanted to pay a higher price to buy courses from scalpers have given up this idea.

Not only because they don’t want to spend more money, but most importantly they are afraid of being reported.

Although you may not be able to get the invalidated spot in the lottery tomorrow, it is still better than being reported and then being blacklisted by the college, and being unable to enter the college for the rest of your life.

"Sorry, I don't need it anymore." The middle-aged man said to the young man next to him with a cold face after reading the regulations.

"Why are you like this! You just made it clear..." The young man was obviously very angry at the middle-aged man's renegade behavior.

He opened his mouth to accuse, but was choked back before he could say more than two words.

"How am I doing? What did I say to you again? Don't talk nonsense! I have nothing to do with you!" After saying this, the middle-aged man left here directly.

The young man looked at his leaving figure and had no choice but to be angry.

Like him, there are still many scalpers who have not yet sold their courses, and some of them, like the young people, have not yet found good customers.

The other part of them thinks that the college will not care about this matter, or will not be serious about it, so they regard the quota for this course as a 'commodity' that will increase in price, and hold it tightly in their hands, ready to wait for it. Sell ​​at price.

The result is now good. As soon as this stipulated notice was posted, all their sweet dreams became in vain.

Many people beat their chests with regret and hated themselves for not selling the course tokens earlier. There were even those who had already found customers, but because they wanted to increase the price, the transaction was postponed.

These people first felt extremely regretful, and then they couldn't help but look for buyers who had originally intended to purchase the course... Unfortunately, these people had already disappeared without a trace after reading the new regulations.

Of course, many people who have completed the transaction are relieved, but they are also worried that after this announcement, people who bought course tokens will come to them to refund their money.

In short, a black and white notice directly caused everyone to fall into a mess at the entrance of the college. This picture can be said to vividly show to others what "all living beings are in all kinds of states".

In order to prevent others from fishing in troubled waters and causing other disturbances, after watching for a while, Lyle and Lake led a patrol team to maintain order and drive away the troublemakers.

(End of this chapter)

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