Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 419 419 Inspiration Season 1

With them maintaining order, anyone who wants to continue living in this territory does not dare to act recklessly.

Within ten minutes, calm was restored in front of the academy, and everything was successfully resolved.



[Blessings from nature are coming. From today on, the residents of the Sunset Territory will receive blessings from nature. 】

[The Blessing of the Season of Inspiration improves the efficiency and speed of all learning-related actions, and also adds additional innovative inspiration, allowing the owner of the blessing to obtain more new ideas related to skills. 】

[The surprises of the inspiration season are far more than that, there are more surprises from nature’s blessings waiting for everyone to explore...]

Today is the day of the digital world, the second day of the official opening of the college, and the first day of the inspiration season.

The feeling brought by the season of inspiration is very wonderful. Residents of all territories can feel that everything they do today goes extremely smoothly, as if they have been blessed by the goddess of luck.

This is true for ordinary people, but people with special skills feel extremely surprised.

Because they found that all the skill-related actions they did today were very smooth.

Things that were clearly impossible to do before, today it was as if a pair of invisible hands appeared around them, gently assisting them, correcting their mistakes, and leading them to grow step by step.

This effect is extremely obvious. At least half of the day has passed, and Su You has already received feedback from countless territory residents.

They were extremely excited about this strange but very special situation, but at the same time they felt a little worried and scared.

Because human beings always subconsciously fear those unknown forces, even if it seems that this force is friendly and even helping them.

But this does not affect their fear.

However, this fear disappeared after Su You's announcement.

It was precisely because of reading this new announcement that everyone understood what the natural blessings mentioned in the previous announcement Su You meant.

But this is not important anymore. The only thing they care about most now is that they have natural blessings, and they can still improve their own strength!

It can be said that the spread speed of this news is no less than that of yesterday's '80' news.

Within half a day, the territory became very lively, and almost everyone gave up going out. They were all honing their skills in various places.

Even the combatants who need to improve themselves through fighting have not gone out, because in addition to the arrival of the inspiration season today, there is another place that is also open, and this place is——

Spawn the monster tower.



"Nalin, let's go. The leader said that today is a good opportunity for promotion. I will accompany you to the first floor to practice your skills."

Nalin was the woman who was cured by Vivian after being poisoned by blue miasma.The person she was talking to was Nomi, who was also a member of the bounty group and the woman who brought Suyou to see the poisoned Nalin.

Nalin's poison has been cured long ago. The current situation is that although the poison has been cured, it still has a certain impact on the body of the poisoned person because of the delay.

Even if Nalin didn't say anything, everyone else in the bounty group could tell that she was in a bad mood recently...

Also, a person who was once agile, quick and accurate, and even killed a jackal in a single fight, and teamed up to wipe out tigers and leopards, suddenly turned into a "waste" who even struggled to deal with an ordinary person.

No matter who it is, encountering such a disparity will definitely be unacceptable for a while.

If Suyou were here, she could clearly see that Nalin's original combat skill was 'Advanced Fighting', but because her body was affected after being poisoned, her current skill level is only 'Elementary Bottleneck'.

It is precisely for this reason that Nalin is depressed and unhappy all day long.

But the arrival of the inspiration season undoubtedly gives Nalin and everyone a new hope.

They had actually known about the existence of the monster spawning tower for a long time, and also knew that the territory would open the monster spawning tower today, so when they got up early in the morning, they directly asked Nomi to take Nalin to the first floor of the monster spawning tower to practice their skills.

It was said to be training, but it was actually 'rehabilitation training'. They all hoped that Nalin could regain her original fighting strength, but judging from Nalin's physical condition, it seemed impossible.

The arrival of the inspiration season undoubtedly makes this impossible possible.

That's why the two of them appeared here at this time. Nomi's task today is to accompany Nalin to walk around the first floor of the monster spawning tower, try her skills, and exercise some more by the way.

Under the guidance of the staff, Nalin and Nomi came to the entrance of the first floor of the monster spawning tower.

"Enter from here to the first floor of the monster spawning tower. The monsters inside are of average level and are most suitable for practicing. If you need anything, you can ring the bell at any time and our staff will get here in time..."

Because today is the first day that the monster spawning tower is open, everyone is new and does not know the process, so those working in the monster spawning tower can be said to be very busy, because they need to repeat the rules and precautions to everyone , if you talk too much, you will naturally become tired.

"If there is anything you still don't understand, there is a help manual on the cabinet at the door. You can check the answers you want based on your personal needs." After saying this, the staff nodded politely to them and then turned around. leave.

"Let's go." When Nalin hesitated at the door, Nomi decisively pulled her in.

When they opened the door, the scene inside surprised the two of them.

First of all, because it is a monster spawning tower and a place for fighting, there is nothing else inside except for lamps, window cabinets and other necessary furniture. At a glance, it is a huge open space.

In this clearing, they saw a skeletal creature suddenly appearing in front of them.

The creature held an ordinary wooden stick as a weapon, and the eye sockets without eyeballs were filled with dense blue fire. The skeleton monster was standing in a twisted posture that was completely impossible for humans to complete.

And right next to it, there were two skeleton monsters with almost the same appearance, staring directly at them.

Suddenly seeing such an ugly and gloomy monster, both of them were startled.

But after all, they are members of the bounty group. Even though they have seen a lot of the world, they will never be afraid because of this thing, let alone not dare to fight because of this.

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