Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 420 420 Inspiration Season 2

The previous fright was just because the skeleton creature refreshed too suddenly. It didn't know where it came from. It seemed to appear out of thin air, so it was frightened.

But after coming back to their senses, both of them picked up their favorite weapons and prepared to fight.

Nomi: "Nalin, do you need my help?"

After the introduction of the staff outside, the two of them knew that the first floor of the monster spawning tower was suitable for people with elementary combat skills to practice, the second floor was suitable for intermediate levels, the third floor was suitable for advanced levels, and the fourth floor was the top level that ordinary people could enter. Suitable for those with master level combat skills.

With Nalin's current strength, although the first floor will be relatively relaxed and won't provide much pressure, it is indeed a good place to practice combat skills.

Although Nomi's combat skills are not as good as Nalin's before, they are still intermediate. If she takes action, then the purpose of their coming here will be gone.

Therefore, as expected, Nalin shook her head and refused Nomi's help.

"It doesn't matter, just watch me from the side. I'm not so weak that I can't even defeat the monsters on the first floor." After talking to this point, Nomi said that it was impossible to help, so she took two steps back. , giving Nalin enough room to display.

But although her people retreated, her weapons did not put away.

Although Nalin's current combat skills are at a primary level, her body has not fully recovered, so she can only display [-]% to [-]% of her strength.

Nomi could not have caused Nalin's injury because of her own negligence.

Ten minutes later, Nalin used her own strength to prove that she was indeed not so useless that she couldn't even kill the monsters on the first floor.

Although there were still some problems during the battle, they were all minor problems. Nalin, who has rich combat experience, easily solved all the three skeleton monsters that spawned at the beginning and the two skeleton monsters that spawned later. .

"Nalin! It seems that you are recovering well!" Nomi looked at her in surprise. The smile on his face that was sincerely happy for her made Nalin, who was also very happy, feel a little guilty.

Nalin: "Sorry, I have made you worry about me during this period."

In fact, Nalin has always known that everyone cares about her emotions, but because she has been immersed in the frustration of declining strength, she has no intention of caring about other people's thoughts.

However, these are all normal things. It is already good that she can adjust her mood and not cause unnecessary trouble to others.

Not everyone can remain so calm after going through this.

Now after Na Lin's battle just now, the depression that had accumulated in her heart these past few days has completely disappeared.

After the depression disappeared, she recalled everyone's concern and care for her, and thought of her decadence in the past few days, and then she made an apology.

"It doesn't matter. Everyone understands how you feel. As long as you can recover, not just me, everyone will be happy." Nomi obviously didn't take this matter to heart. After all, in her opinion, everyone is a team. people.

No matter what happens, as long as they don't make bottom-line mistakes, they will definitely help each other.

Although Nalin guessed that Nomi would say this, when she actually heard these words, she must have been very moved in her heart.

After being moved, Nalin made a suggestion: "I want to go to the second floor."

"This..." Nomi hesitated.Because their target was only on the first floor at the beginning, and the monsters on the second floor required intermediate combat skills to defeat. Although Nomi wanted to believe Nalin, the fact was here.

She couldn't ignore the reality just because she believed it.

Nalin knew her worries, but when she said she wanted to go to the second floor, she didn't do it out of impulse, but after careful consideration.

"I know what you are worried about. I want to go to the second floor not just because I want to exercise, but because you... I don't know how long the blessing of nature will last. At such an important time, you should also go to the second floor to improve. Yourself." Instead of being here with me.

Nalin's meaning was already clear. She did not want to waste other people's time for improvement because of herself, especially when it was unnecessary.

But she also knew that if she asked Nomi to go to the second floor to exercise while she stayed on the first floor, Nomi would definitely not agree, so Nalin proposed that she also go to the second floor.

As long as she goes to the second floor by herself, Nomi will definitely follow, and her goal will be achieved.

Nomi obviously understood what Nalin meant. She was about to say that it didn't matter, she could go to the second floor later, but then she heard Nalin explain again.

"You also saw my strength just now. The monsters on this floor are too simple for me and can't provide any training at all. So even if you don't accompany me, I still want to go to the second floor." Na Lin's words were not false. After all, Nomi saw what she had done just now, and she knew that what Na Lin said was true.

Even though the words had come to this point, Nomi did not continue to refuse... She was not a stubborn person, and there was no reason why she would not do something that could kill two birds with one stone.

In this way, the two people left the first floor, then went to the front hall and exited the room.

When they checked out, the two of them could clearly see that the reception hall of the monster spawning tower was full of people standing or sitting.

Everyone also holds a rough wooden sign in their hand - this is their queue number.

"There are actually so many people...!" Nomi muttered in disbelief, while Nalin on the side was also very shocked.

But soon, Nalin thought of a problem - there were not enough rooms!

If there weren't enough rooms, how could there be so many people crowded here?

Thinking of this, Nalin decisively stopped Nomi who was about to check out, and then expressed her guess under her doubtful eyes.

"I suspect there are not enough rooms. Don't rush out yet. Let's first ask if there are rooms on the second floor. If not, then we'll use the one on the first floor first." Although the monsters on the first floor are really incompetent in combat, They both can still train.

For example, you can take off your armor and weapons and practice fighting with bare hands, or you can just defend instead of attacking, practice dodging attacks in battle, etc.

Nomi understood what she meant, nodded and went to the front to ask.

Nomi: "Are there any rooms on the second floor?"

The staff knew that the two of them came out of the room on the first floor, but they did not ask why they asked about the room on the second floor when they had a room on the first floor.

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