Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 421 421 Inspiration Season 3

The other party flipped through the book in his hand, then looked up at her and said, "You are lucky, there are still two last rooms on the second floor."

Almost as soon as the staff member finished speaking, a man suddenly appeared from nowhere next to him.

Man: "Hello, I want a room on the second floor."

Staff: "The room on the second floor costs twenty copper coins per hour. How long do you need? If you don't have enough time, you can pay in the room at any time to extend the time. Currently, one person can only use it for a maximum of five hours a day."

Man: "Come for two hours first." The man said as he took out forty copper coins.

After registering, paying, and getting the key, in a blink of an eye, there were only two empty rooms left.

"I also want a room on the second floor! It will be filled in five hours!" Seeing that there was only the last room left, Nomi immediately put the money into the hands of the staff.

Staff: "Sorry, I won't accept bribes."

"???" Nomi was stunned for a moment, with question marks on her face.

Then, she watched the staff put away a silver coin and then handed her a key. Nomi was speechless.

She really didn't expect that the staff of the monster spawning tower was actually... quite humorous.

Now that the room on the second floor has been purchased, the room on the first floor is useless, so Nomi returned the room on the first floor.

Just after handing the key to the first-floor room to the staff, Nomi saw her holding up the key and shouting: "Please come over on the 25th to get the key to the first-floor room."

As soon as she finished speaking, a person walked over with steps that he didn't recognize, and then Nomi watched the key she had just handed over to the staff go into the hands of another person.

"...It seems that Nalin is right. This monster spawning tower is indeed very popular." Nomi muttered, then went back to find Nalin. The two of them went upstairs and discussed what had just happened, and they were also talking about something. About the monster spawning tower.

On the second floor, they met many acquaintances, including neighbors, other members of the bounty group, and acquaintances who often met in the territory.

Compared with the first floor, the space on the second floor will obviously be wider. After all, the total space on the first and second floors is almost the same. However, there are fifty rooms on the first floor and only thirty on the second floor, which is nearly half less. The space is naturally limited. Big.

Continuing up, there are thirty rooms on the third floor, and only ten rooms on the fourth floor.

As for the fifth floor, because it is not open yet, no one knows what is going on inside. In addition, the fifth floor is heavily guarded, so no one dares to break into the fifth floor.

In terms of prices, they are all based on hours. The first floor is ten copper coins per hour, the second floor is twenty copper coins, the third floor is fifty copper coins, and the fourth floor is one silver coin.

Once the time is up, monsters will stop refreshing in the room. Users can call the staff through the bell to renew. If the payment is not renewed within 5 minutes, staff will come to ask people to leave.

The same is true if the renewal time reaches the upper limit.

In short, the various regulations and measures of the monster spawning tower are still very complete. This can be seen from the fact that there are many people here, but there are no accidents in the monster spawning tower, and it is still operating in an orderly manner.


While chatting, they found the room and opened the door with the key. Nalin and Nomi began to train using the skeleton monsters that spawned in the room.The skeletons on the second floor are obviously much more difficult to deal with than those on the first floor. Even Nomi was almost injured when killing these skeletons, let alone Nalin, whose strength has now regressed to the junior level.

But fortunately, starting from the second floor, there are patrols on each floor. If someone finds that they cannot deal with the monsters, or other emergencies occur, they can ring the bell at any time, or directly shout for help.

Moreover, the patrol team will knock on the door of occupied rooms every once in a while to inquire. Considering that the owner of the room may not be able to respond during the battle, the patrol team will wait at the door for 5 minutes.

If there is no response for more than 5 minutes, then they will enter the room directly——

The leader of the patrol has the keys to all the rooms on the entire floor.

Although this may infringe on privacy, it is mainly to protect everyone's safety, lest someone unexpectedly be unable to use the bell or call for help, and thus die at the hands of the skeleton monster.

Everyone knows about the patrol team, so those who can come here to train basically agree to the rules here by default. If you don't agree, you don't have to come. Anyway, the popularity of the monster spawning tower shows that there is no shortage here. guest.


In a blink of an eye, five hours passed.

From around seven o'clock in the morning to around twelve o'clock at noon, Nalin and Nomi almost never stopped and were fighting all the time.

Until the last monster died, the two people sat back to back on chairs to rest.

The two of them were now exhausted from five hours of continuous fighting.

Although they also took time to rest, in order to save time, the two of them were still fighting most of the time.

The longest period of rest is only 10 minutes.

Although it was tiring, their efforts paid off, and it was a huge gain.

The one who has gained the most is undoubtedly Nalin. After five hours of training this morning, her skill level has reached the intermediate level, even close to the intermediate bottleneck. She originally only had a beginner's bottleneck.

Nomi will be slightly worse. She is still intermediate, but she also feels that she has reached a bottleneck.

Of course, this does not mean that Nomi will be worse than Nalin. Nalin improves quickly because she is the original owner of advanced skills.

At this time, she is just like Meck, who has power but cannot use it, but as long as there is an opportunity, an opportunity for them to release it, their progress will be rapid.

But this does not mean that they have grown, they have just recovered and returned to their original appearance.

"Nalin! Are you telling the truth? Do you feel that you have returned to the level of intermediate martial arts?" Nomi was very surprised, but also a little surprised.

Although she and the others in the bounty group had thought that the monster spawning tower combined with natural blessings would make everyone make rapid progress, they never expected it to be so fast.

It’s only been five hours!
Five hours is a long time for combat, but what is five hours for improving a skill?
Let alone five hours, many people find it difficult to move forward in five days, five months, or even five years!

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