Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 422 422 Inspiration Season 4

Nalin was also very happy. She comforted Nomi first and took her out of the room, lest they be 'kicked' out by the staff later. You must know that there were dozens of people outside the door waiting to use the room!
After leaving the room, Nalin shared her today's gains with Nomi, and her words clearly revealed her strong love for the monster spawning tower.

After all, for her, this place is not only a building for exercising and improving herself, but also a place where she can regain her life!

"What I just said is true. I do feel that I have touched the bottleneck of the intermediate level again..." Knowing that they care about her, Nalin took the trouble to repeat what she had just said.

"It's good to have recovered. It seems that today's trip was really worth it!" For the people in the bounty group, there is nothing happier than being able to improve their combat effectiveness.

Although there are currently no bounty missions in the territory, after they improve their strength, they can still go to the depths of the forest to collect or hunt to get more rewards.

If their combat effectiveness had been stronger before, Nalin's poisoning would not have happened.

So for people like them who may encounter danger every day, strength is always the most important thing.

"Hello, check out, here is the key." Nomi returned the key to the staff and took the key deposit from the staff. At the same time, this key was the same as the previous one. It didn't last long in the hands of the staff before it passed into the hands of the next person.

After that, the two of them prepared to leave the monster spawning tower.

But the two of them had just gone out, and before they took two steps, they saw a lot of people seemed to be surrounding them in front of them.

"Go and have a look?" Nalin knew that Nomi liked to watch the fun. Anyway, they had just finished fighting for such a long time, and they were not going to do other things in the future. It was not impossible to join in the fun now.

"Okay, but we haven't had lunch yet. You must be hungry, right? I'm going to buy some food nearby. You go there first and pay attention to safety." Although the location of the monster spawning tower is slightly off and not on the main street, But because there is a trading area in front of it, this location is considered prosperous in the territory.

At least if Nalin wants to buy food now, she doesn't need to walk 10, 6, [-] minutes and detour to the restaurant on the main street to buy it. She only needs to walk [-] to [-] minutes to the trading area, where there are all stalls and food stalls. There is everything to drink, play and use.

It is no exaggeration to say that because of the large number of people, the trading area is no less lively than the main street. It can even be better at some times, such as when almost all the owners of the shops on the main street are not around.

"I'm really hungry when you say that, so why don't you make a trip? I'll go and take a look first!" Nomi is really not polite when it comes to watching the excitement. If it were normal times, she might still do it. Just say a few polite words, or she might go shopping herself.

But the situation is different now. Going there will waste time. Maybe by the time she comes back, others will have finished watching the fun, so Nomi didn't refuse much.

Nalin went to the trading area to buy food, while Nomi slowly squeezed in along the direction of the crowd.

When she first squeezed into the crowd, she saw two people surrounded in the middle of the crowd. One of them had an angry expression and pulled the other person's clothes with one hand. It looked like they were about to start a fight.

Because he didn’t know what happened yet, Nomi didn’t judge the rights and wrongs of the two people without authorization.She watched the two people arguing a lot of useless nonsense. Unsure of the cause and effect, she chose to ask the other people around her who were also eating melons.

"Sister, I just came here. I don't know what happened here. If you know, could you please tell me?" Nomi had a sweet mouth. She just found someone to talk to and called her sister without caring about the other person's age. Is this title suitable?

However, the other party was obviously very satisfied with the name Nomi. A smile appeared on her face and her tone was very gentle: "Of course I know, I have watched the whole process!"

"Oh? Then sister, please tell me quickly. My companion is going to buy something to eat, and I will share with my sister later." Nomi said while squeezing to the side of this sister.

This sister didn’t know which of Nomi’s words had gained her a lot of favor, but she told the story of the incident in detail.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. Let me tell you about these two people first. The one wearing a short shirt is Wang Wu, and the one with a bamboo basket at his feet is Li Jiu... Of course, I don't know this kind of barbarian. This name I also heard from other people that there seems to be someone who knows them both over there." This sister is quite reliable, she even knows the names of these two people.

Although this is not too important, it is always easier to talk about the process if you know the name.

"At first, Wang Wu and Li Jiu accidentally bumped into each other while walking on the road. Wang Wu had a bad temper and directly grabbed Li Jiu's collar and cursed. Originally, this incident was nothing, but who knew that Li Jiu After only two steps away, Wang Wu grabbed him again. Wang Wu grabbed him and refused to let him leave, saying that Li Jiu had stolen his things." As the sister spoke, she looked towards the two people with her little eyes. Look in the direction.

"So that's it." Nomi nodded as if understanding.

It is not uncommon to be suddenly hit by someone while walking on the road, and then find that one's things are missing, so Nomi actually lost interest in the matter after hearing this.

The sister who was talking to her saw that she was a little regretful and couldn't help but snickered and added in a low voice: "Little girl, you are still a little too young. Don't think that things are that simple. If it is that simple, then Wang Why doesn’t Wu grab Li Jiu and find the patrol guard?”

You must know that stealing is against territorial regulations. If Wang Wu really thought that Li Jiu stole it, couldn't he just take Li Jiu to the patrol guard?

As long as something is found and it can be proven that Li Jiu is the thief, then unless Li Jiu leaves Sunset Territory, he will definitely have to stay in prison for a few days.

However, that's about it. If you can understand it, you can understand it. If you don't understand, you can't elaborate.

After all, there are a lot of people here talking, and talking about too many people can easily offend people. What's more, Wang Wu looks like a gangster at first glance, and ordinary people can't afford to offend him.

Nomi also knew that the reason why people were willing to say this was because of the good things she had said before, so she was sensible and didn't ask any more questions.

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