Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 423 423 Inspiration Season 5

Seeing that the entanglement here still had no result, Nalin had already brought food to Nomi's side.

Nomi kept her word and gave one of the portions to the sister. Fortunately, Nalin bought more, so even if she shared one portion, it was still enough to eat.

"...That's probably what happened." Nomi whispered to Nalin while eating.

Nalin stared at the two people for a while, and then suggested: "How about we go find the patrol team?"

It's strange to say. Logically speaking, although these two people did not fight, because of the two of them, a lot of people have gathered here. If they continue, this road will be blocked. If There's a patrol here, so there's no reason why they can't come and deal with this.

But since the patrol team didn't come, Nalin thought about going over and saying something.

In any case, the lord of this territory saved her life. Her own strength was limited and she couldn't do much to help the territory, but she could still do small things like saying a word.

"Okay, let's go together. I don't think there's anything else to enjoy here." Nomi finished her food in a few mouthfuls and was about to leave when she was pulled by the sister from before.

"Don't blame me for talking too much, sister. It's better for you two to leave this kind of thing alone." She said this out of kindness.

In her opinion, it's okay to join in the fun, but don't get involved, otherwise it's not your fault and you may suffer unintentional disasters in the end.

But she didn't know that neither of the two weak-looking women in front of her was easy to bully. They were not ordinary people with no power, and naturally they were not afraid of the revenge of the king.

"Thank you, sister, for reminding me. We both know it well." No matter what, others are kindly reminding me. Although my thoughts are different from my own, I still want to thank you.

Seeing that they didn't listen to the advice, the sister just sighed and did not continue to dissuade them.

We have never met before, so it's good to have a reminder. The two of them don't look like irrational people. Since they did this, they probably have their own reasons... maybe they are capable and are not afraid of this king. What about Five Revenge?
In short, Nalin and Nomi finally found the patrol team after a lot of hard work.

When they found the patrols, these patrols were carrying a lot of prey, and Nalin and Nomi could clearly see that the prey was not small animals like rabbits, roe deer, and squirrels, but wild wolves. , the level of wild boar.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" The leading patrol guard frowned when he saw the two of them, and then asked others to place these things first. He walked up to the two of them and said to them. Ask about your identity and purpose of visit.

Although Nomi and Nalin were very curious as to why these patrol guards suddenly disappeared, they had to look for them for a long time, and now that they have found them, they actually have a bunch of prey on their hands... Could it be that these days even the patrol guards can go to work and fish for fish? , go out hunting to make extra money?
Although they were confused, Wang Wu and Li Jiu's matters were more important at the moment, so they simply talked about the matter.

After hearing this, it was clear that the person in front of him had a higher status. The person suspected to be the patrol leader frowned, then greeted a few people and followed them to the previous location.

Before they reached their destination, they were surrounded by a crowd. One of the patrol guards looked at the location and subconsciously said: "Isn't this the entrance to the college?"

Nomi was stunned for a moment, and before she could answer Nalin, she spoke first: "Yes, the location where the two people were entangled was near the entrance of the college, but they did not block the door of the college." If you don't block the door of the college, In other words, they dare not block the door of the academy. After all, this matter is their private matter. If it affects other people, it will not be easy to solve.

There were three people from the patrol, including the captain. They revealed their identities and successfully made the crowd move out of the way.

Precisely because everyone got out of the way, Na Lin and the two people who called the patrol over could see the situation clearly without having to squeeze into the crowd. Originally, there were only two people, Wang Wu and Li Jiu, but now There was another young man wearing a brown vest.

Nalin and Nomi looked at each other, obviously realizing that things seemed to be getting more troublesome.

But before they could think about what happened, the sister who had explained the cause to Nomi also came to them at some point.

"Did you two call these three patrol guards?" She lowered her voice, as if she was worried about being heard by others.

The patrol team has special uniforms to wear when working, so everyone does not need to recognize the face of each patrol guard, they only need to recognize the clothes.

Not only did this person not expect that Nomi and the others actually called the patrol, but Nomi also didn't expect that this woman who seemed to avoid troublesome things would dare to talk to them at this time.

Isn't she afraid of 'getting into trouble'?

The woman seemed to have figured out what she was thinking, and suddenly smiled and said, "You have called the patrol over, so what is there to be afraid of?"

Nomi didn't know whether she was telling the truth or a lie, but it didn't matter. Whether she answered or not didn't affect the woman's knowledge that the three patrol guards were found by the two of them.

"Since I said I wanted to look for him, I wouldn't go in vain... Sister, can you tell me what happened to the new guy in the vest?" Nomi admitted without hesitation, and then asked in passing. There's something about that third person.

The woman didn't hide anything, and told exactly what happened after the two of them left.

"I don't know the new guy in the vest, and I don't see anyone around him who knows him. He probably just came to the territory in the past two days, and no one is familiar with him... It was almost five or six minutes after you left. This man in a vest suddenly appeared and said that Wang Wu had stolen his things. I won’t talk about what happened after that. Anyway, that’s what you see now.”

The woman said it very simply, but things were obviously not as easy and simple as what she said.

First, Wang Wu and Li Jiu collided, then Wang Wu said that Li Jiu had stolen his things, and then a young man in a vest appeared and said that Wang Wu had stolen his things... This was really a mess.

Nalin didn't know what she was thinking of. She looked up at the woman and asked, "So did they say what was stolen or what was stolen?"

The woman was stunned for a moment, lowered her head and thought for a moment.

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