Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 424 424 Inspiration Season 6

After about a few seconds, she slowly shook her head, a trace of interest flashing on her face.

Woman: "It's funny, if you hadn't asked me that, I really wouldn't have noticed what the most critical evidence is."

She thought about it thoughtfully, and then continued: "From the beginning to the end, whether it is Wang Wu who said Li Jiu stole something, or the young man in a vest who said Wang Wu stole something, they seem to They didn’t even mention what they lost.”

This is so mysterious. Everyone knows that their things have been stolen, but they still dare not say what they have stolen. What kind of truth is this?
Although Nalin and Nomi had experienced a lot of things, this was the first time they had seen such a weird thing, so they couldn't think of any clues for a while.

But it doesn't matter. The patrol team has called them over anyway, so they can just ask the patrol team directly.

As soon as this idea came up, they saw three people from the patrol taking Wang, Wu and three people away.

And the direction they went to was the dark prison that everyone in the territory avoided.

Originally, this kind of private matter didn't need to be so big, or even go to a black jail, but Wang Wu and Zhang Er... that is, the young man in a vest.

These two people were mysterious and refused to say what they had lost, but they insisted on saying that their things had been stolen, and that the thief was Li Jiu (Wang Wu). In desperation, the patrol team could only take the people away. Walk.

If this is not taken away, there will be more and more people here, and it will be inappropriate no matter how you look at it.

Even the patrol team didn't ask any questions, and the onlookers didn't dare to speak. They saw that the protagonists were gone, and they dispersed themselves.

This incident eventually reached Su You's ears.

Based on what they said, Su You probably guessed what the 'stolen' thing was... As expected, it was probably a course token.

There are two bases for the guess. One is that the place where they quarreled was. Although it was some distance away from the academy, there were no other buildings nearby besides the academy in the trading area.

In this case, it means that the matter is most likely related to the college, and the only items related to the college are course tokens for now.

Another reason is that they are so covert. They just said the day before that course tokens are not allowed to be traded, and violators will have serious consequences. Someone among these three people must have used course tokens to trade, and there may even be more than one, so they That's why it's so cover-up.

After all, there is basically nothing more 'shady' than a course token.

Facts have proved that Su You's guess was basically correct.

The story of this incident is complex and complicated, but it is still closely related to money and interests.

Let me introduce the characters first. There are actually four people involved in this incident, three of whom started the dispute, Wang Wu, Li Jiu, and Zhang Er. The last person who did not appear was Qian Da.

Wang Wu heard about the course token from Qian Da, so he started to think wrongly. He didn't know much, he only knew that this thing was valuable!As for how to get the course tokens and how to sell them after getting them, he didn't think too much, let alone the so-called college regulations.

So Wang Wu found Qian Da, and the two were ready to cooperate.

Wang Wu is responsible for obtaining the course tokens, while Qian Da is responsible for selling the course tokens, and the final proceeds are divided [-]-[-].

Qian Da didn't want to agree at first, but the money he earned was really too much, so he agreed anyway.

Then Wang Wu learned from nowhere that Zhang Er had a course token, and he also learned that Zhang Er was not a resident of the territory, but a wanderer.

Just a homeless man without a home, no threat.

Moreover, the room where Zhang Er lived in the inn was next door to Wang Wu's, and the distance was also very close, so Wang Wu sneaked into Zhang Er's room last night and stole the course token.

The reason why the stealing process was so easy is that Zhang Er did not put the course token away, but put it directly on the table in the room, so that he could take it away immediately when he saw it. , I don’t know if he is big-hearted or he trusts the people around him too much.

Moreover, although Zhang Er is a wanderer, he is very popular. In just a few days, he met many people in the territory, so he went out to drink and chat with those 'friends' yesterday.

The token was not hidden and no one was in the room. The combination of these two factors successfully provided the conditions for Wang Wu to successfully steal the token.

Moreover, Zhang Er was already unconscious when he returned to the room last night because of drinking, so he would not notice whether his things were missing, and naturally he would not be able to detect the thief Wang Wu in time.

After that, Wang Wuyi got up early and brought the token to prepare to come to Qian Da to discuss the sale of course tokens.

They agreed to meet near the college, but they didn't expect that Wang Wu would collide with Li Jiu while waiting for Qian Da. Although Wang Wu was brave and dared to steal things and ignore the territorial regulations, he was also an ordinary person and knew What he did was dirty and he felt very guilty, so no matter who he met, he felt that the other person was not a good person.

He was used to doing sneaky things, so he naturally knew the old method of stealing things by bumping into each other on the road, so he immediately checked what he had on him, and he found out that the course token was missing!
Afterwards, Wang Wu pulled Li Jiu and said that he had stolen his own things. However, because he knew that the stolen things were actually stolen by him, Wang Wu did not dare to find the patrol guards at all.

Originally, he wanted to resolve it privately, but Li Jiu was not a hot-tempered person who could be manipulated. He seemed to have seen Wang Wu's guilty conscience, so he refused to leave Wang Wu and forced him to do so. The purpose of arguing in a conspicuous place is to attract patrol guards.

I just didn't expect that the patrol guard seemed to have other things to do today. After waiting for a long time, he didn't come. In the end, the first suffering master, the real owner of the course token, Zhang Er, came.

Zhang Er woke up drunk and found that the course token was missing, so he searched and asked everywhere, and he actually got it.

Someone said that there was movement in the room opposite him last night, and the person living opposite this person was Wang Wu!
Although Zhang Er didn't know Wang Wu, he had met him a few times and could tell what kind of person Wang Wu was, so he immediately confirmed that the thief was him.

As a result, the quarrel between two people turned into a quarrel between three people, successfully creating the famous scene of "Wang Wu said that Li Jiu stole something, and Zhang Er said that Wang Wu stole something".

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