Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 425 425 Inspiration Season 7

Chapter 425 425. Inspiration Season 7
To be honest, if this incident didn't happen in her own territory, Su You would definitely take it for fun, but it was different if it was her own matter. Not only could she not have fun, but she also had to find a solution.

After all, this incident caused quite a big fuss. Almost everyone in the territory knew that someone was playing matryoshka dolls in front of the academy today.

One person says that another person is a thief, and another person says that person is a thief. This already chaotic relationship will definitely be aggravated by others in the process of spreading, and then it will become a rumor... No one knows what will happen next. What kind of 'truth' will come out.

So Su You not only needed to resolve the matter between the four people and the course token, but also needed to announce this matter to the entire territory - rather than letting others spread it indiscriminately, it was better to announce the truth directly in an official way.

But having said that, what made Su You most gratified about this incident was that after interrogation, Qian Da said that he had not found a buyer.

In other words, the college's regulations still play a role.

Otherwise, Su You would still be wondering why there would still be people like Wang Wu and Qian Da when there are such strict regulations. Now it seems that such 'unruly people' are still in the minority.

More people are still very afraid of violating the rules of the college.

But this incident can be regarded as a wake-up call for Su You.

Although rules can restrain most people, they are absolutely impossible to restrain everyone, otherwise there would not be so many cases in society.

As the lord of a territory, Su You is actually running a small 'society'. It is impossible for her to completely prevent people like Wang Wu Qianda from appearing in the territory, and it is also impossible for her to completely prevent similar things from happening.

All she can do is to increase the cost of their crimes as much as possible, making these people subjectively feel that doing so is not only wrong, but also not worth it. In this way, the probability of bad incidents happening will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, in addition to announcing the truth of this matter to avoid random speculation, Su You also needs to announce the final punishment and results of this matter.

Since the punishment results are to be announced, the punishment must not be too light, otherwise it will not have the effect of killing the chicken to scare the monkeys.

But it shouldn’t be too heavy, as too much weight will make everyone fearful of the territory.

What she needs is for everyone to have awe of the territory, instead of being like a tyrant who uses killing or cruel criminal laws to solve problems, which makes the people distracted and full of fear for the territory.

After some thinking, Su You's punishment for Qian Da and Wang Wu was to arrange for them to go to the ranch to be responsible for cleaning for a month.

This job looks easy, but in fact it is not.

Because the first batch of animals in the pasture have fully grown up and started to breed in recent days, many more baby animals have been added one after another.

The number of animals has increased, which means that more manpower is required to raise them in captivity, and it takes a lot of time just to clean up the animal feces every day.

And not only is the job dirty and tiring, it also carries the risk of injury.

After all, animals with cubs are not very good-tempered, and basically no one else can get close to them except for Sitter.

So when they were cleaning up, if someone accidentally provoked those animals, they would be beaten.

It is precisely because this job is difficult to do that almost no one in the ranch is willing to do this job, so it is usually Sitter who takes the initiative to call people by name to help, and has to process the money.

Now, now that we have two culprits, we can arrange for them to do whatever they want, and we don’t have to pay!In addition to having to go to the ranch to clean during the day, they also need to be locked up in a dark cell for half a month. After half a month, they are released and continue to work for another half month before this punishment is over.

As for why the time is one month, this is because the animals in the pasture give birth one after another, and the time from the first batch to the last batch is almost a month.

When this month passes, they won't be needed anymore.

As for Zhang Er and Li Jiu, the former is a victim and the latter is also an implicated victim.

The reason why Li Jiu is also a victim is that it was later discovered that there was a hole in Wang Wu's pocket, and the course token happened to be in the holed pocket, so the course token was probably lost on the road instead of being picked up by Li Nine stole.

The location of the course token is unknown now, but Zhang Er has already given him a replacement course token. The previous course token has become invalid and cannot be used even if it is picked up by others.

As soon as the two announcements were issued, Qian Da and Wang Wu were sent to prison, and the matter was completely resolved.


In the following time, Su You mainly used it to collect statistics on the academy, the monster spawning tower, and the overall data of the territory.

First of all, among the [-] people who signed up tonight, only about [-]% were residents of the territory, and the other [-]% were either wanderers or travelers from other territories.

In addition, only less than [-]% of people have attended the college for two consecutive days.

Of course, this does not mean that they are unwilling to take the second class. As the first batch of people to take class, they know the good of the college. The reason why they did not come to class may be due to money issues, but the most important thing is Maybe it’s because I didn’t get the chance to sign up.

This can be seen from the fact that residents of the territory only occupy less than half of the college seats. After all, most of the students on the first day are residents of the territory.

Although Su You wanted to see the academy be full, the residents of the territory were unable to attend classes because they couldn't get the chance to sign up, which Su You didn't want to see.

She definitely still hopes that people from the territory will come to study in the academy. After all, these people are her own people, and everyone else is 'outsiders'.

But considering that what happened with Qian Dawangwu just happened today, and it was already not too early, registration for tomorrow's course would start in less than two hours, so Su You didn't do anything.

She arranged to change the quota ratio until tomorrow.

According to her idea, two hundred of the three hundred students were given to territorial residents, and one hundred were given to travelers and wanderers.

In the future, registration courses at the college will be divided into two channels, one for residents and one for non-residents. The quotas for the two channels are independent and do not affect each other.

If there are remaining spots in the resident channel, registration will be drawn by lottery one hour before class the next day.

As for whether some people will be dissatisfied with this 'privilege'... I can only say that there will definitely be, but they will not find it strange, because the same is true in other territories.

Because no matter which territory you are in, residents and non-residents are treated differently in the territory.

(End of this chapter)

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