Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 426 426 Inspiration Season 8

Chapter 426 426. Inspiration Season 8
If this were not the case, no one would think that they must join a good territory.

If a territory does not have exclusive privileges for residents, no matter how well it does, it will definitely not be able to attract too many residents to join.

Because there are no privileges, everyone does not need to join the territory to enjoy everything, which is equivalent to everyone having 'privileges'.

If that's the case, then why don't they choose to join another territory and enjoy the 'privileges' of both territories at the same time... Wouldn't it be more cost-effective?
Therefore, although everyone hates privilege, everyone loves privilege, and privilege is essential in every territory.

With such a prerequisite, Su You will be more relaxed when arranging this matter. There is no need to think about how to explain to everyone why the arrangement is like this, and there is no need to worry about fairness and unfairness.


Then there is the data on the monster spawning tower.

The opening hours of the monster spawning tower are from [-] a.m. to [-] p.m., a total of fifteen hours. It will not be closed during this period. The staff inside work in shifts, so there will be staff serving inside at any time.

There are nearly [-] people using the monster spawning tower today.

Nearly [-]% of the people exercise on the first and second floors, and the remaining [-]% ​​almost all exercise on the third floor.

Why almost?
Because one person went to the fourth floor, and this person was Meck.

For special combat professions like magicians, the level defined by the monster spawning tower does not apply to them.

Under normal circumstances, as long as they are not magicians with weak offensive abilities such as wind healing magicians, or have no offensive ability at all, other combat magicians can go to the second level for beginners, and to the third level for intermediate level. In the case of Meike, go to Four floors is also possible, but it may be a bit reluctant.

But Meck didn't stay on the fourth floor for too long. He seemed to just walk around and then came out.

Su You didn't know how he was 'playing' inside, and it was not convenient to ask.

If he gets frustrated inside, then isn't her question hurting someone's face?

Su You would not do something with such low emotional intelligence.

Although she felt that this possibility was low, what actually happened did not reduce the possibility to zero... In short, the truth of this matter became a mystery that could never be solved.

Regardless of the special case of Meike, Su You learned the good news from other statistics. That is, today there are 52 people in the territory whose combat skills have been upgraded from elementary to intermediate, and [-] people have their combat skills upgraded from intermediate to intermediate. advanced.

These 65 people are all residents of the territory.

Of course, it doesn't mean that non-territory residents can't improve. There definitely are. But because they are not from the territory, Su You can't see the detailed data. In addition, these people don't have the bonus of the Inspiration Season, so Even if someone upgrades, the number will definitely be less than 65.

The situation is similar at the college.

Today, the 'gathering' skills of all residents who go to the resource collection class have basically been upgraded to the intermediate level.

Gathering is the most basic auxiliary skill, and it is easy to upgrade. In addition, there are academy course learning bonuses and inspiration season bonuses. Therefore, before the end of the inspiration season, the territory can definitely cultivate a group of people with at least advanced gathering skills. residents!

As for those who learned the three combat skills, they have also improved more or less. Although not many people have improved, the improvement speed is obviously much faster than before.

Not to mention too many, in five days, even if you don’t count the people who join the territory later, by the end of the inspiration season, there will definitely be more than fifty people with advanced combat skills in the territory.

And the overall level can also be averaged in the intermediate combat skills.Compared with the other four courses, the progress of the inspiration creation course is even slower, because this is a more metaphysical course in itself, and each person's learning progress is completely related to his or her own talent, so we will not discuss it here.


Because of the inspiration season and the famous halo bonus, as well as the unlimited number of people in the territory, Su You had received nearly a hundred applications to join the territory throughout the day.

Although Su You wanted to upgrade the territory as soon as possible, adhering to the principle of "it's better to lack than to waste", Su You still screened more than 100 people.

The main purpose of screening is to eliminate those whose character and morality are not up to par, and has nothing to do with skills and strength.

After the screening, more than 100 people turned into 89 people. In the blink of an eye, 89 people joined the territory. The number of people in the territory successfully exceeded 300, meeting the conditions for upgrading the 'town'.

[Congratulations to Sunset Territory for reaching the town upgrade standard. Do you want to upgrade the territory? 】


Su You didn't waste time this time and upgraded her territory as soon as the conditions were met.

The reason for not upgrading before was because upgrading the territory would affect the effects of the special season, and natural disasters would become more severe.

But similarly, after the territory is upgraded, the effect of the Inspiration Season will also be improved.

[Congratulations to the sunset territory for reaching the upgrade standard and successfully upgrading the territory to a small village. The upgrade rewards have been distributed to the treasure chest in the mission hall. 】

Almost at the same time, Su You received another message.

[The tavern has been refreshed, you can go to the tavern recruitment point to choose the residents you want to recruit. 】

The last time I recruited was Baicao, five days ago.

Originally, the tavern was supposed to be refreshed every seven days, but after Suyou got the building upgrade card, she immediately upgraded the tavern, and one upgrade equaled two levels.

As a result, the seven-day refresh time has become six days. At the same time, the strength of the people who can be recruited in the tavern has also been greatly improved, and the number of refreshers has also changed from five to seven.

Nowadays, there is almost no one with basic skills in the tavern, even if it is a magician.

In addition, the fifth-level tavern also has a rather unbelievable effect, that is, during recruitment, there is a probability that residents will be directly allowed to join the territory, without Su You having to actively recruit them.

This probability is affected by many factors, such as the person's skill level, personality and hobbies, territory level, territory reputation, etc...

Upgrading the tavern later will not only increase the skills and strength of the people recruited, but also increase the probability of direct recruitment.

If the level of the building was not related to the level of the territory and the average level of the territory, Su You would have wanted to use all the building cards directly on the tavern.


After finishing what she was doing, Su You went to the mission hall to open the box, got some optional rewards, and then entered the tavern with several recruitment cards like a nouveau riche.

(End of this chapter)

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