Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 427 427 Inspiration Season 9

The current tavern has almost become one of the most popular buildings in the entire territory.

Although people on this continent cannot be said to be alcohol-free and happy, basically everyone drinks a little bit.

After all, this is a world full of danger and magic. Alcohol is a very good soothing item for nerves. It is not only delicious, but also makes them feel happy.

Although drinking alcohol is wrong, since there is such a hobby, it proves that wine does have its uniqueness.

In addition, there is only one tavern in the territory, and the wine in this tavern is also very delicious——

At least many people think that the wine in this tavern is very special. I don't know if it is their imagination. The wine in this tavern seems to have a taste that they have never felt before.

What they don't know is that their feeling is correct and not an illusion.

After all, the wine is made using techniques from another continent, so it is normal for them to think it is unique.

It is precisely because of this uniqueness that the pub's initial popularity even surpassed that of the restaurant.

If it weren't for the fact that most people don't have to drink, but they have to eat, it is estimated that Meike's popularity in the territory will be robbed by Lin Chen.

It was already past eight o'clock in the evening, but when Suyou entered the tavern, there were still many people chatting and drinking in the tavern.

Although for everyone in the real world, eight o'clock is not even the beginning of nightlife, but for people on this continent who are basically ready to go to bed at nine o'clock, eight o'clock is actually very late. .

Lin Chen didn't seem to be at the front desk of the tavern. There was a waiter she chose herself.

Because it was Lin Chen who picked her, this person didn't know Su You, let alone her identity.

But after seeing her, the girl in a long skirt smiled at her, and then asked her what she needed in a gentle voice. In the noisy tavern, the waiter's attitude was like someone under the scorching sun. A cup of clear spring makes you feel refreshed.

"Just a glass of fruit wine." Although Su You could go directly to the backyard of the tavern, she suddenly wanted to join in the fun here, so she casually ordered a glass of fruit wine.

She found a seat at the bar and opened the recruitment interface while waiting for her order of fruit wine.

Because she only recruited Baicao last time, Su You retained one chance. Not counting recruitment cards, she could recruit a total of three people this time.

In addition, Su You also has four recruitment cards in his hand, three of which are the most common recruitment cards. Their function is the same as before, which is to directly refresh the tavern, then increase the number of available people by two and gain two recruitment opportunities. .

One card can recruit two people, three cards means six people, plus one person from the selected recruitment card and the reserved recruitment opportunity, Su You can recruit up to ten people today!

When browsing the recruitment interface, the fruit wine Su You ordered had also been delivered.

In addition to the fruit wine, there is also a small bowl of ice cubes placed next to the fruit wine.

Su You's eyes flashed, and before the person delivering the drinks left, she asked, "Where does this ice come from? Does the tavern sell ice?"

There are no refrigerators in the mainland. The only convenient way to make ice is to use saltpeter. The source of saltpeter is mining of saltpeter-containing mines. But Su You knows best that there are no saltpeter resources around the territory!

Moreover, ice is something that is not easy to store, so merchants will basically not choose ice as goods. At most, they will only sell saltpeter.

However, the profit of saltpeter is not high, and transportation is also troublesome. It is a commodity that small caravans cannot sell and large caravans disdain. Therefore, so far, the Sunset Territory does not have any reserve resources of saltpeter.Saltpeter itself is not an important material, but the ice it can produce is a necessary material to resist many natural disasters.

If this were not the case, Su You would not have stopped recruiting and asked specifically about the ice, because she knew that the ice was definitely not a resource of the tavern. If there was ice, it was impossible for Lin Chen not to tell her, and there was no way she would not tell her. Know.

So the only possibility she could think of was that the ice was a personal item provided by the person in front of her and did not belong to the tavern.

In response to Su You's question, the woman was stunned for a moment, with some hesitation on her face, but she finally shook her head: "Miss, I'm sorry, the tavern doesn't sell ice. I bought this ice myself, but I just accidentally bought it." I bought too much and it was difficult to store, so I took it to the pub."

She is lying.

Su You saw this almost at a glance.

Under normal circumstances, any food-related store is strictly prohibited from bringing private items into meals and delivering them to customers. The reason is very simple. If something goes wrong with the food, who is responsible?

Is it the store’s responsibility?

Or is it the responsibility of the person who brought the items privately?

The store is responsible for improper management, and the person who brought the items privately may be responsible for malicious murder, so this kind of behavior is strictly prohibited no matter where it is.

As the descendant of a century-old wine alley owner, Lin Chen cannot possibly not know this, because wine pays more attention to taste than ordinary food, regardless of environment or temperature.

Therefore, it is impossible that she did not give relevant instructions when selecting and teaching people.

Even if you take a step back, Lin Chen forgot to tell you this. Doesn’t the person in front of you also know?

Although Men'er knew in her heart that there was something wrong with this matter, Su You was not ready to expose it for the time being.

On the one hand, she still had things to do, and on the other hand, in addition to being able to tell that this person was lying, she could also see that she had no bad intentions.

The most important thing is that the woman in front of him is a resident of Sunset Territory. Su You can see that her loyalty value is almost full, and her favorability value towards the lord (Su You) is not low either...

With the help of data, Su You was even more convinced that there was no malice in her actions, and [-]% of them had other stories.

"Okay, I understand, thank you." Su You picked up the cup and drank a glass of fruit wine. Seeing that Su You didn't care about it, the other party let out a faint sigh of relief and left.

After finishing the drink, Su You continued to look at the recruitment panel.

Among the seven people refreshed this time, only one has an intermediate skill. The remaining six all have at least one high-level skill, and one person even has two high-level skills!
And I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, but Su You happened to know this person with two skills... just like when he 'met' Meck.

【Valley Fea】

Gender: Female
age: middle age

Loyalty: 70
Favorite: 20
Talents: Sewing (90), Music (80)

Skills: Advanced Sewing Skills (Bottleneck), Advanced Rhythm Skills

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