Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 429 429 Inspiration Season 11

Chapter 429 429. Inspiration Season 11
Their purpose is obvious, that is to become dragon masters.

Because as early as five generations in a row, the Valais family had no descendants of the dragon-controller bloodline, and some people had already questioned the Valais family's dragon-controller bloodline in public.

They suspected that the Valais family's dragon-controller bloodline was fake. The reason why they could control dragons must be because they had mastered a certain method... and the mastermind behind these murders was for this dragon-controller who did not know whether it existed. Dragon method.

Needless to say the appeal of riding a dragon.

If it is blood, they cannot snatch the blood, so the people who are most envious and envious of the Valais family are the 'Chosen Sons', and angrily curse "God is unfair", but they dare not do anything else, for fear of being killed by the Valais family. Or they may be retaliated by the dragon that protects them.

But if the Valais family does not have the blood of dragon masters, but can obtain the protection of dragons because they have mastered a method of controlling dragons, then the difference will be huge.

After all, blood cannot be changed, and there is no other way except envy and jealousy, but the method can be learned, and they can definitely rob it!
Therefore, Fia experienced countless thrilling kidnappings when she was less than ten years old. When she was 15 years old, someone in the family colluded with the outside world, and she was successfully taken away from the Valais family by people with malicious intentions.

With internal and external troubles, it was not surprising that Fiya was arrested. Even Fiya was completely heartbroken after knowing that someone in the family betrayed her.

As for why someone would collude with people from other families... With the previous stories, the truth is obvious.

Only when Fia disappears completely can certain people take the position of controlling the power of the Valais family, even if they all know that Fia has no intention of competing.

Feiya's fate was completely changed when she was kidnapped at the age of 15.

Her captor made a contract with a dark creature in the abyss, and used her as a sacrifice to obtain the blood of the dragon master.

Feiya had no fighting talent, and she was still young at the time, only 15 years old, so she had no ability to resist.

But just when the other party was about to succeed, she saw a dragon that only existed in family secrets!
This dragon came to save her, but unfortunately, it was a step too late.

The process of sacrifice has been completed, and even the dragon cannot change it. All it can do is change the beneficiary of the sacrifice from the bastard who kidnapped her to Fiya.

In other words, 'Fiya sacrifices herself and gives energy to herself'. Although this cannot reverse the results of the sacrifice, it can minimize the damage to Fiya and save her life - this is already that Tiaolong was the best solution he could think of at the time.

As it turns out, the dragon did something right, and it did it very well.

Because after the sacrifice, Feiya gained exclusive qualities that few people on the entire continent had, and there were two of them.

Of course, she also paid a huge price. She will always be afraid of the darkness.

After the sacrifice, Long told Feiya the truth about the so-called 'Dragon Controller' thousands of years ago.

In fact, the old ancestor of the Valais family was not a dragon master, nor did he have any dragon master blood. The dragon beside her was only saved by her during the transformation period, and in order to repay her kindness, he followed her. Around me, nothing more.

It just happened to be seen by others, so the news of the 'Dragon Controller' spread.

The dragons owned by the main line in the subsequent three generations were just a favor requested by the ancestors from the dragon clan.

She asked the dragons to help protect the Valais family.

Because she knew that the matter of the Dragon Controller had already made a big fuss, and clarifying it would definitely not work. It would only make the Valais family the target of public criticism, so she could only let the Valais family take root with its own strength.It takes time for a big tree to take root, so she asked the Dragon Clan to protect her for three generations.

In three generations, with the protection of dragons, the Valais family should be able to develop well and surpass other families... This is the future she imagined.

The dragon she saved had an unusual status, so the dragon clan agreed.

But it is a pity that within three generations, although the Valais family developed very well, after three generations, they lost the protection of the dragon, and the Valais family declined faster than everyone imagined.

But this is not important anymore, and it has nothing to do with this old ancestor.

She has done enough, and even asked for help from the Dragon Clan. If the younger generation fails to live up to her expectations, what can she do?
Fiya was surprised when she knew the truth, just as Suyou was when she heard the truth from the former 'Fiya'.

But having said that, the Dragon Clan still values ​​love and justice.

Although it was only guarded for three generations, after three generations, the dragon saved by the ancestor still looked after the Valais family from time to time, but never showed up on its own initiative.

The ability of a dragon is not comparable to that of ordinary humans, so if it doesn't show up on its own initiative, naturally no humans will know about it.

Although it is taken care of, the Dragon Clan is inconvenient to interfere with human order, so it will only take action when the Valais family is on the verge of extinction. However, although the Valais family has been ups and downs for many years, it is like a broken and decayed but extremely strong dead tree. Generally speaking, it remains standing.

But no one expected that although the Valais family survived, the only bloodline of their ancestors would almost die in the hands of these people.

This is also the reason why this dragon saved Feiya, because she is the only bloodline of the old ancestor, and she is the person that the dragon clan needs to protect the most.

The Valais family itself, as well as other members of the family, are just the objects to be taken care of in addition to protecting the main line.

As for the life and death of these people, Long doesn't care.

Therefore, from the moment Feiya chose to leave the Valais family after being rescued, the Dragon Clan also completely left the Valais family.

After that, because Feiya had two exclusive traits and super talents, even if she left the family, she still lived a prosperous life, even better than before.


[She opened a sewing shop in a small territory and lived a very comfortable life. Except for a certain shadow that would make her life a little inconvenient, there was no other impact.

But I don’t know if it was due to bad luck. One day decades later, Fia met someone from the Valais family... To be precise, the other party discovered her and secretly notified the rest of the family, wanting to put her away. She brought it back.

Feiya discovered something was wrong after being reminded by the clerk at the sewing shop. In desperation, she had no choice but to give up the place where she had lived for more than ten years and leave again...]

The above paragraph is the introduction about Feiya that Suyou saw on the recruitment interface of the tavern.

The previous story information panels were definitely not on it, and it was impossible for the system to tell such secrets in such detail.

(End of this chapter)

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