Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 430 430 Inspiration Season 12

Chapter 430 430. Inspiration Season 12
The original recruitment interface only vaguely mentioned that 'Fia left the family for some reason'.

As for the reason, if Su You hadn't recruited her, it would have taken a year to find out the truth.

After all, she only said this to herself a year after she recruited Fiya, gained a lot of favor, and successfully drove away the Valais family members who were planning to kidnap Fiya secretly.

But having said that, in addition to having this special backstory, Fia herself is also extremely special to another person.

Thinking of the scene where the two people would meet, Su You felt inexplicably excited... Don't ask, you just want to eat melon.

While imagining the scene at that time, she recruited Feiya, and then selected two people from the remaining few people.

[Are you confirmed to recruit 'Valle Fia'? 】

[Are you sure to recruit 'Qian Shuang'? 】

【Are you confirmed to recruit 'Qianshan'? 】

[Three residents including Valle Feia, Qianshuang, and Qianshan are heading to your territory. Estimated time: within 48 hours. 】


Qian Shuang is a female senior rune master who can possess advanced skills at a young age. This is also due to her extremely high rune talent, which is 90 points. In addition, she also has a carving talent of 80 points and an intermediate talent. Engraving skills.

Runes and carving are two skills that complement each other. The two natural talents that come naturally make Qian Shuang's progress in runes far faster than ordinary people.

The reason for recruiting Qian Shuang is very simple. On the one hand, her skills and talents are very good, and her traits are not bad. On the other hand, Su You has countless rune drawings. She needs a professional rune master to produce these runes. arts.

If she only has drawings but no way to turn the things on the drawings into actual items and props, then the knowledge she has mastered can be said to be wasted.

Although Su You could also carve runes herself, she could clearly feel that her strength was being suppressed.

Without a skill level, even to carve a high-level rune she needs to rely on intermediate runes to upgrade, so she really doesn't have the strength to create top-level runes.

Regarding this point, Su You has already consumed many materials and tried it many times, so there is no need to say more.

Qianshan is a man with advanced fishing skills. It is worth mentioning that his fishing skills have reached a bottleneck. If he can come to the territory as soon as possible and join the territory, then he is likely to become the number one in the Sunset Territory. A master-level skill holder.

Before the fishing skill is advanced, it can only be used for fishing. Once it reaches the master level, it will undergo a qualitative change.

Lucky runes, lucky enchanted fishing rods, and fishing equipment with lucky attributes. With this set, even if Su You wears it, he can fish out two or three pieces of rare materials a day.

Of course, it's hard to say whether these rare materials can be used or what they are used for, but after all, they are rare materials, so you can't ask for too much, and you can sell them for money.

I don't know if the system heard Su You's voice. After her recruitment was over and before she could use the recruitment card, she received another message——

[Resident 'Qianshan' came here due to the attraction of the Inspiration Season of the Sunset Territory. He will choose to join the territory directly when he arrives at the Sunset Territory. Please check the message and process it in time. 】

The meaning of this passage is obvious. Qianshan's situation is what I mentioned before. It is a small probability event that Suyou will automatically choose to join Sunset Territory without Suyou's active recruitment.

"It seems like you are pretty lucky today..." Su You never expected that not only would she be able to see her old acquaintance Feiya today, but she would also be able to trigger a direct recruitment event with a low probability.

Perhaps wanting to strike while the iron was hot and take advantage of the current good luck, Su You immediately used a recruitment card in his hand to see if he could refresh a few more good residents.But I don’t know if it’s because the refresh of the tavern has used up all the luck. The residents refreshed by the subsequent three recruitment cards are average in all aspects.

Although due to the level restrictions of the tavern, their skill levels have a minimum intermediate bottleneck, and most of them have at least one high-level skill, but skills are also divided into easy-to-use and difficult-to-use skills.

The bunch of 'advanced gathering skills', 'advanced mining skills' and 'advanced tree-cutting skills' on this panel are obviously not worth recruiting.

Although there are a few young talents who are good at looking only at their skills, when they look at their talents and traits, Su You's eyes immediately go dark...either the success rate of manufacturing output decreases, or the probability of manufacturing high-quality props decreases.

There are also all kinds of shadows and quirks, which almost make Su You feel psychologically shadowed.

After the short man struggled to select six barely passable residents, Su You looked at the last selected recruitment card in his hand and fell into deep thought.

Use it, she feels so dark just now. If the dark energy continues to spread to this selected recruitment card in her hand, she will probably die.

But no, it's a waste of time. After all, the next recruitment is five days later. Although it's not impossible to recruit tomorrow, it will affect the natural refresh time of the tavern and is not cost-effective.

After some tangle, Su You decided to use it.

After drinking the last bit of fruit wine in the cup, he decisively used the selected recruitment card.

Facts have proved that the selected recruitment card does not discredit the word "selected".

Select Recruitment Cards are one out of five, not one out of seven.

But when there were only five people, Suyou discovered that there were two magicians above, and they were both intermediate magicians. There was even a wood magician whose talent was not inferior to that of Meck.

Just because he is younger, he is still at the intermediate level, but as long as he can be trained in Su You's hands, she can definitely ensure that his future is brighter than that of Meike.

However, when there were two magicians, both of whom were mid-level bottlenecks, Su You still chose one of the other three.

This is an astrologer named 'Yao Guang'.


Gender: Female
Age: Youth

Loyalty: 65
Favorite: 20
Talents: Astrology (90), Painting (88)

Skills: Advanced astrology skills (bottleneck), advanced painting skills

Traits: Children of the Star (children with the blessing of stars have luck that is different from ordinary people), stargazing eyes (more thorough understanding of the stars), fragile (physical weakness, reduced attributes in all aspects), sickly (more susceptible to diseases)


Astrologer, as the name suggests, is a special profession that can analyze the future through astrology.

(End of this chapter)

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