Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 431 431 Inspiration Season 13

Because low-level astrologers are not good at studying, they cannot analyze many things through astrology.

Precisely because there are not many clues analyzed, wrong conclusions are often drawn. Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, an astrologer is basically equivalent to a liar who talks nonsense.

However, high-level astrologers can always predict the future like a 'prophet', knowing a lot of important information in advance and providing great help for the development of the territory.

It just so happens that Yaoguang is a senior astrologer, and he also has two senior astrologers with astrological skills and characteristics.

This is the reason why Suyou chose Yaoguang.

Although magicians are rare, they are not irreplaceable, because magicians mainly improve the combat effectiveness of the territory, but it does not mean that without magicians, the territory is a lamb to be slaughtered.

But the astrologer is different. Her existence is likely to change the future of the entire territory. This is something that countless magicians cannot do. After all, magicians are not omnipotent. They may be able to resist man-made disasters, but they are absolutely unable to fight against them. natural disaster.

This is why Suyou gave up the two magicians and chose Yaoguang.

In addition to Yao Guang and the two magicians, the other two people are actually quite good. One has master-level management skills and has reached the bottleneck, and the other has master-level rune skills.

There is no need to recruit the former, because although managers are very important, the territory does not currently need master-level managers, and they are still master-level managers who have reached a bottleneck.

Not to mention overqualification, the biggest common problem among managers is that they like to dictate their territory. After all, they are professionals with management knowledge and a leader accustomed to giving orders.

Especially when the level of the territory is lower than the strength level of the managers, they, like scholars, will be full of arrogance and difficult to manage.

So Su You doesn't need him.

She is still busy for the time being, but if she recruits this person, it is uncertain. She does not want to cause other troubles for herself.

The latter was even more unnecessary. After all, she had just recruited Qian Shuang. Although the skill level was one level lower, with the rune knowledge in Su You's brain, it was only a matter of time before Qian Shuang was promoted to a master-level rune master.

Therefore, the person who finally decided to recruit was Yao Guang.

In addition to being a senior astrologer, Su You thinks her name is also a special easter egg.

Because the name 'Yaoguang' is actually the name of the seventh star of the Big Dipper, which is consistent with her own professional skills, and the name Yaoguang is very good, as it symbolizes auspiciousness.

Although it may be a coincidence, it is also possible that it does have a special meaning, and the trait of 'Star Child' also illustrates this point.

The only fly in the ointment is that the two negative traits of 'fragility' and 'sickness' are a bit too severe.

Originally, the trait of fragility reduces the attributes, which is equivalent to increasing the probability of the person getting sick in a disguised way, because the physical attributes are also reduced. If the constitution is poor, it is easier to get sick.

It turns out that Yao Guang also has a sick trait. The two are superimposed on each other, and the probability of illness will increase... To put it bluntly, it is really a miracle that Yao Guang can survive to this day.

However, Yao Guang has lived peacefully for more than [-] years, which shows that although she is prone to illness, she is not that prone to death.

In addition, there is Vivian, there are so many things in the territory warehouse, and there is Millennium Stone Lotion, Su You doesn't even have the confidence to save one person's life.

[Are you sure to recruit 'Yao Guang'? 】

['Yaoguang' is heading to your territory, estimated time: 48 hours]...

Yaoguang was the last person Su You recruited. In other words, Su You could leave the tavern now, but she did not do so. Instead, she went to the backyard to find Lin Chen.

As a result, Lin Chen was not found in the backyard, but Lin Mu, who was supposed to be running a flower shop, was found.

"Lord." Lin Mu was obviously surprised to see Su You. She put down the wine jar in her hand and came to Su You.

"Didn't you go home? Do you know where Lin Chen is? I have something to ask her about." Basically all shops will be closed at this time, so it is understandable that Lin Chen is not in the flower shop.

Lin Chen and Lin Mu are two sisters, so it is not surprising that Lin Mu appears in the tavern. She must be here to see Lin Chen.

What's really strange about Su You is why Lin Chen is not in the tavern, but Lin Mu is in the tavern.

"Xiaochen was brewing wine when I came over. She seemed to have something urgent to go out, so I helped her complete the follow-up work of brewing and let her leave."

Although Lin Mu has no talent or skills related to brewing, her family has been in this business for generations and is a leader in the industry. She has been influenced by her ears and eyes, and there is no problem with some basic work.

Lin Chen knew this, so she went out with confidence.

As for why Lin Chen went out, where he went, and when he would come back, Lin Mu didn't know, because before she had time to ask, the man had already disappeared.

Lin Mu: "If the lord is not in a hurry, you can wait here, or I will ask her to find you after she comes back."

Although she didn't know what was going on with Lin Chen, Lin Mu knew that she would definitely come back. After all, she had to put the wine into the wine cellar herself. Lin Mu didn't know how to place them, and she still needed to close the tavern. .

Su You didn't have anything else to do after that, so she simply chose to stay.

While waiting, Su You and Lin Mu chatted a lot.

Although Lin Chen and Lin Mu are still unable to join the territory, their favorability value for Su You has reached the full value of [-], so it can be said that they know almost everything about Su You.

Su Youke still remembered that among Lin Mu's traits, there was a hidden 'special physique' trait that had not been unlocked.

In the past, because she didn't have time, she often forgot about it when she was busy. Now that she is free, she can try to ask about it.

Perhaps it was because the favorability value was already full and Lin Mu was very loyal to the territory, so although she looked very hesitant, she finally closed her eyes and was ready to tell Su You everything.

Everything here includes not only her special physique, but also what they guessed about the truth about the hunt.

Because this matter was relatively secretive, Su You and Lin Mu came to the small room in the backyard of the tavern.

As soon as he sat down, Lin Mu spoke——

"I have loved flowers since I was a child. I would often pick flowers from outside and bring them home. But once I accidentally picked a poisonous flower and brought it home. The pollen and petals of that poisonous flower were all poisonous... Fortunately, the doctor at home discovered it in time. problem, so there were no other accidents later.”

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