Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 432 432 Inspiration Season 14

At this point, Lin Mu paused for a few seconds, and then continued: "Of course, nothing happened to me even when I encountered the poisonous flower. It was precisely because of this experience that my family discovered that I have a physique that is invulnerable to evil poisons."

After two paragraphs, Su You understood the general process and results.

At the same time, the special physique hidden on Lin Mu’s information panel has been unlocked——

It's just that 'evil and poison cannot invade'!
As for the allergy-prone constitution, Lin Mu did not give an explanation for this. Su You felt that it was not because she did not want to say it, but because she did not know why. However, Su You could guess that this was due to the balance of the special constitution of being immune to evil poisons. subsequent negative effects.

After all, the trait of being immune to evil poison is too unnatural.

Not to mention poison, 'evil' can represent too many things, such as witchcraft, voodoo, and even black magic curses, these all belong to 'evil'!
In other words, Lin Mu with this physique is basically impossible to be tricked into death, and can only die 'physically'. This trait can be said to be rare in the world.

Therefore, for the sake of balance, she has a constitution prone to allergies. After all, allergies are neither poison nor evil, which is very reasonable.

Although she is immune to evil poisons, she can still get injured and get sick, and needs to take medicine. Her allergic constitution will increase the difficulty and cost of treatment.

As for why Lin Chen only has a constitution that is prone to allergies but does not have a constitution that is invulnerable to evil poisons, this may be because the two of them are siblings.

These two physiques should be unique to Lin Mu, but because they are siblings and have an extremely close relationship, Lin Chen was affected before birth and became allergic.

The physique of being immune to evil poisons is more advanced, and the probability of 'infection' is extremely low, which leads to the current result.

To put it simply, Lin Chen was completely 'implicated' by Lin Mu.

However, Lin Chen also knew all this, but she didn't care. The relationship between the two sisters was still very good, even better than ordinary sisters. They studied medicine by themselves, so that their allergic constitutions could not affect their normal lives at all.

After understanding the special physique, the next step is about chasing and killing.

Because this matter indirectly related to Jing Que and Chan Yue, Su You was extra serious and even took out paper and pen to record. Lin Mu was a little confused after seeing the actions.

However, although she didn't know why Su You wanted to record this, she didn't choose to ask more questions. After organizing her words, she revealed the bloody 'scar' in her heart.

"Our family... they were all probably killed by me..." Lin Mu's tone was heavy, and the grief and vulnerability mixed in it were very obvious.

Su You just heard this sentence and felt like she had guessed something.

Lin Mu said that the Lin family was killed by her. This could not be literal. Combining the special physique that she had learned before, Su You suspected that someone knew about Lin Mu's "evil poison" and wanted to take advantage of her. He wanted to do something, so he took action against the Lin family.

This plot is cliché, but very common and very reasonable.

"About two months ago, a group of people appeared in the small town. No one knew where they came from, their names, and no one knew them... They appeared inexplicably, as if... People who don’t exist appear out of thin air..."

Because this experience was too tragic, Lin Mu spoke very slowly, with many pauses, and often found himself unable to continue.

After taking some time to listen to all the content, Su You roughly summarized the entire story of the Lin family - the doctor who discovered that Lin Mu had picked poisonous flowers betrayed the Lin family, allowing outsiders to know about Lin Mu's special physique. Someone wanted to take Lin Mu away in exchange for benefits, but the Lin family did not agree, which eventually led to tragedy.

There were dozens of people in the Lin family. Except for the two sisters Lin Chen who were out playing with their friends, no one was spared. They all turned into ghosts.

The only wife who escaped from the housekeeper brought the news to Lin Chen and the two sisters who were away from home, and also gave them a letter.

This letter was written by Lin's father. It had an address on it. He asked them both to go to that place and then leave here.

Not to mention the pain and struggle during the process, in short, when the two of them arrived at their destination, they found that it was a vast ocean, and on the shore of the vast ocean, there was a wooden house and a boat.

Inside the wooden house were some necessities, which happened to be enough for two people. It looked like someone had deliberately prepared it for them.

But they didn't know if it was bad luck. Just when they were about to leave by boat, they found that the boat was broken down.

In desperation, they could only delay a few days to prepare a new ship.

Just when they bought the boat, their traces were discovered by the group. In desperation, they could only leave without being fully prepared. It was precisely because of this that they encountered wind and waves at sea. The boat capsized and ended up unconscious.

But they were lucky. Not only were they washed ashore by the waves, but they also happened to meet Su You and his group who were cleaning up the sea area, and were rescued.

"Although I don't know the truth, I know that this matter actually has nothing to do with you." Looking at the sad Lin Mu, Su You did not offer any words of comfort, but expressed his speculation in a calm tone.

Things have already happened. For people like Lin Mu, comfort is useless unless the dead can be resurrected.

The saddest thing for her was that she thought it was because of herself that she had harmed her whole family. Su You thought so too at first, but after thinking about it, she felt that it made no sense.

Since this group of people is already so powerful that they can 'appear out of thin air' and wipe out a family without any effort, wouldn't it be easy for them to know the whereabouts of Lin Chen and Lin Mu?

In other words, if their target was really Lin Mu, then they should go to Lin Mu directly instead of going to the Lin family. After all, Lin Mu was not at home at the time.

Therefore, the biggest doubt now is what their purpose is... at least it definitely cannot be for Lin Mu.

"Have you ever thought about why your father asked you two to go to the beach and leave by boat?" Although it was a question, Su You actually already had a guess.

Father Lin definitely knows that other continents exist, and he also knows how to go to other continents, and that ship is the tool to go to other continents!
Otherwise, it is completely impossible to explain why he let Lin Chen and Lin Mu go to sea in this place, and the two of them still successfully reached the Sunset Continent even though they encountered a shipwreck.


Suyou didn't believe it.

"What the Lord means is..." Lin Mu paused, his mouth a little dry.

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