Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 433 433 Inspiration Season 15

Chapter 433 433. Inspiration Season 15
She paused for a few seconds, and then continued: "You mean, my father deliberately wanted us to come to this continent?"

Lin Mu is not stupid, he is even very smart.

She had never thought of this before, not because she couldn't think of it, but because she simply didn't think about it. Needless to say, the reason was.

Ordinary people would be at a loss when encountering such a thing, and would be confused, confused, and have no clue at all.

Although they calmed down later, because this experience was too sad and despairing, they would not take the initiative to recall it, and naturally they never thought about what was wrong with it.

This is why Lin Mu has always firmly believed that he was the one who harmed everyone.

"I have the same idea as you, otherwise how can I explain that you will appear here... You shouldn't think this is just a coincidence, right?"

Lin Mu was silent, and she was not happy because the Lin family's demise had nothing to do with her. After all, people are dead when they die, and this fact cannot be changed even if it has nothing to do with her.

But after knowing that this matter had nothing to do with him, Lin Mu couldn't help but think about what the real purpose of these people was.

However, before she could think of anything, Su You took the initiative to give her own thoughts.

"Actually, there are four continents in this world. These four continents should be a whole... Your father must know this, otherwise he would not be able to find the location to another continent so accurately." Su You briefly told Lin Mu the story of the splitting of the continent, and then brought the topic back.

Lin Mu listened to Su You's words and agreed.

After thinking about it, she found that this should be the case. Father Lin did know a lot of things... but what did these have to do with the demise of the Lin family?

Su You: "None of us have seen those people's methods, but if what your housekeeper's wife said is true, don't you think those people's methods are impossible to appear on the continent where they are located? ?"

Although the Chaoyang Continent was not opened in previous games, Su You also learned from those ancient books that the Chaoyang Continent was a relatively 'physical' continent.

In other words, there are no magicians, enchanters, or restorers on that continent who rely on special energy to act and whose actions are not very 'scientific'.

Therefore, if you want to destroy a family without anyone noticing, without considering special circumstances, such as external interference, the only thing Su You can think of is that those people are not locals from the Chaoyang Continent, but from the Sunset Continent. people.

From the perspective of force value, the Sunset Continent is definitely higher than the Chaoyang Continent. What is more preferred over there is the long-standing cultural heritage and extremely high knowledge quality.

One is partial to literature and the other is partial to martial arts. There is no comparison between the two continents.

But the differences here are enough to achieve this effect, such as using some methods that are completely untouchable by people in Chaoyang Continent to destroy a family with overwhelming combat power.

"Thank you Lord for reminding me, I understand." Lin Mu saw that Su You was helping him analyze, so he was very grateful.

She always felt that it was completely impossible for her to think that there were other people who could 'smuggle' from the Sunset Continent to the Rising Sun Continent like them.

The answer was obviously very simple, but she just couldn't think of it, as if there were some restrictions that firmly locked her thinking.

"You don't need to thank me. As a lord, it's nothing to solve some minor problems for the residents of the territory." Solving minor problems is indeed nothing, but this is obviously not a minor problem.After all, Su You had obtained the answer from the system and knew that what happened to Chan Yue, Jing Que, and Lin Chen and Lin Mu were indirectly related.

The relationship here is that someone wants to repair the four continents and merge all the continents into a whole.

Therefore, in addition to relieving Lin Mu's worries, Su You also wanted to figure out some things so that she could have more clues about this matter.

For example, it is very likely that the Lin family has methods, props, or clues to merge the continent.

In the same way, the Zenyue family probably also hid relevant secrets, so they were hunted down.

As for Jing Que, because after her family was destroyed, her own life was not in danger, nor was she controlled. Instead, she was brainwashed into a killer and could move freely, so Su You believed that there should be no relevant clues about her family.

The biggest difference between Jing Que and Chan Yue and Lin Chen and Lin Mu is that the people behind the scenes have a simple intention to kill Jing Que and his family without any special purpose, while they have a purposeful intention to kill Chan Yue, Lin Chen and Lin Mu. Heart.

But Jing Que is still indirectly related to this matter, so Su You believes that her relationship with this matter should be involved after she grows up.

Regardless of Jing Que and Chan Yue, Su You just wants to figure out the storyline of Lin Chen and Lin Mu first.

"Did you two bring anything with you when you went to sea? Whether it was small items, clothing, etc... Or, did you mention anything else in the letter your father gave you? "

Normally, when the two of them were rescued, they would have nothing on them except a pair of tattered clothes, but this was not reality after all.

Su You didn't believe that such two important characters would not have any clues about items, and she knew that some hidden plots must be triggered in time, otherwise it would be too late to trigger them after a certain period of time.

Lin Mu saw her sudden seriousness, and he put away the negative emotions in his heart and tried hard to recall what happened before.

Unfortunately, she didn't think of anything.

Just when Su You felt confused and regretful, Lin Chen, who had hurried out earlier, came back.

"Ah Mu, are you in there? I've put away the wine. We can go home!" Lin Chen didn't know that Su You was there, so he only called Lin Mu's name when he knocked on the door.

Lin Mu glanced at Su You, then stood up and opened the door.

"Hey, why are you here in this room... Huh? Why are you here, Lord?" Lin Chen was still a little confused about why Lin Mu came to this room. After all, this room is actually a utility room, with many things piled up in it. Without things, the environment is indeed not particularly good.

The space outside is so big, there is no need to stay here.

However, all her inner doubts disappeared after seeing Su You.

"Don't leave in a hurry. I want to ask you a few questions." The questions Su You wanted to ask were obviously the same ones that he asked Lin Mu before.

(End of this chapter)

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