Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 434 434 Inspiration Season 16

Chapter 434 434. Inspiration Season 16
Although she didn't get an answer from Lin Mu, Su You firmly believed in her idea. She believed that there would definitely be a clue that she could pursue in this matter, so she decided to ask Lin Chen again.

After Lin Chen heard Su You's words, although he was a little confused, he still walked in.

After that, Lin Mu briefly explained what the two of them had talked about before, and then Su You asked Lin Chen the same question.

"Before you left home, or did your father ever mention anything unusual, or did you take anything with you when you left home... These details are likely to be involved in the destruction of the Lin family. the truth.”

Suyou talked about many possibilities, and the two sisters also followed her words to recall.

Unfortunately, another 10 minutes passed and still found nothing.

Su You saw that some of them were even more anxious than she was... After all, Su You said that this matter involved the truth about the demise of the Lin family, so it was impossible for them not to be anxious.

But if you really can't think of any clues, there's nothing you can do.

Seeing that it was already very late, Su You didn't have to know anything today, so she asked them to relax and go back to rest first.

"This matter is not urgent. You can come to me at any time when you think of clues. It's not too early now. Go back and rest."

Lin Chen and Lin Mu nodded, and then all three of them left the tavern.


After Su You left the tavern, she did not return to the city lord's mansion. Instead, she went to the warehouse to count the supplies that the patrol guards had put into the warehouse today.

The lack of patrol guards in the territory today is obviously not a normal phenomenon, but since they are not in the territory, it is not because they are lazy and fishing, but because they have been arranged by Su You to do other things.

Because this morning, many residents reported that there seemed to be a lot more wild beasts around the territory. They discovered these wild beasts because when they were resting late last night, they could hear the movements of various wild beasts from time to time, disturbing them. Didn't sleep well all night.

Although she knew that large jackals, tigers and leopards were unlikely to appear outside the forest, Su You still arranged for a patrol to go out for inspection just in case.

This shows the disadvantages of insufficient manpower.

Because the monster spawning tower is open today, manpower is needed to guard the monster spawning tower to prevent conflicts and fights.

In addition, someone needs to be responsible for patrolling the inside of the monster spawning tower to prevent someone from spawning monsters and accidentally killing themselves.

A group of people were transferred from the monster spawning tower, and another group of people were transferred from Su You's side to patrol the surrounding areas of the territory, which also resulted in a shortage of patrol guards.

Although Lake has been selecting young people who are suitable to join the patrol guards, after all, it takes time to select and train them. It is impossible for these people to start doing this job without understanding anything, so it is very likely that more people will appear. Big mess.

Because the number of patrol guards was insufficient, Su You could only temporarily arrange the remaining few to patrol in the most critical places, where things were most likely to happen.

The college does not belong to one of these key places, so there is no one to inspect it.

But she didn't expect that by such a coincidence, something happened in a place where there were no patrol guards.

Now that the matter has been resolved, let's not mention it for the time being. The focus now should be on what the patrol guards who went out to patrol discovered.If they had to say something, it would be a bit exaggerated, because they only found many small and medium-sized beasts. Other than that, there was nothing else wrong, and no large and ferocious beasts appeared.

So they hunted these beasts and brought them back.

However, although there are no large beasts, and the combat effectiveness of these beasts is not very strong, there are surprisingly many of them.

There are already more than a dozen wild dogs in that wild dog group alone. There are more than ten beasts that are the same size as wild dogs, and there are as many as thirty animals smaller than wild dogs.

"It seems like the beast tide is really coming..." This was Su You's thought after counting the loot.

Otherwise, there is no reasonable answer that can reasonably explain why so many beasts appear outside the forest.

Su You reasonably suspected that what happened today should be an early warning. After all, the season of inspiration has not passed yet. Under normal circumstances, beast tides will not appear in the season of peace. The name 'season of peace' already explains the reason.

But the inspiration season only lasts for five days. Su You believes that these five days should be enough time for her to prepare for the beast wave attack.

Although this time is a bit short, in fact, almost all the things that need to be prepared have been prepared. The previous drawings of combat machinery can provide great help to the beast tide.

At the same time, the season of inspiration can also greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the territory. Unless the difficulty of this beast tide exceeds the time limit, it is basically impossible to be invincible.



After one day of digitalization, the monster spawning tower and the academy are still full, and everyone's attitude towards these two buildings is even more enthusiastic than before.

Due to the level limit of the monster spawning cage, the monster spawning tower cannot increase the space and is always full.

However, due to the improvement of the territory level, the courses taught in the college, and the number of students, the college has met the conditions for upgrading, so Su You directly upgraded the college that night.

Although the upgraded secondary college cannot increase the number of students a teacher can teach in a course, it has increased the maximum number of employees by five and refreshed the college's recruitment.

If Su You uses all five quotas to recruit teachers, then the college's daily student quota will increase from [-] to [-]!
But this is only if, because Su You is not going to use all five quotas to recruit teachers like the previous two days. This time, she plans to use a few of the five staff quotas to recruit staff.

College staff have many roles, such as improving course quality, improving teachers' teaching abilities, reducing course time, reducing college maintenance fees, teacher salaries, etc.

Previously, staff were not recruited because there were not enough places in the academy.

Although the current 300 people are not enough, the quota of 600 people is a bit too much. After all, she will give some privileges to the residents of the Sunset Territory today so that they can more easily obtain places in the academy.

Under such premise, in fact, the number of places in the college does not need to satisfy everyone, but only needs to satisfy the number of territory residents who want to study in the college.

(End of this chapter)

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