Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 435 435 Inspiration Season 17

Then there is the need to improve the quality of the courses and the speed of learning so that they can improve their skills at a faster speed.

So, after selection, Su You chose two teachers and three staff members.

Among them, the courses of these two teachers are 'endurance training' and 'speed training'. The function of the former is to reduce the physical consumption of all actions, and the function of the latter is to increase the speed of all actions.

The improvement of these two courses is very slow. If it is said that with the gain status of the Season of Inspiration, it only takes about ten lessons to collect all the resources of Toge Teaching, then these two courses require at least thirty lessons. , to complete [-]% of the progress.

As for the last 100%, you cannot pass the course learning. You can only achieve [-]% progress by training more on a daily basis.

'Endurance' and 'Speed' are both basic attributes. They are the most difficult to improve. They are also the ones with the most obvious and powerful effects after being improved.

After all, these two courses can be used in a wider range than the resource collection course. Whether they are combatants or non-combatants, they can improve themselves by studying this course.

Apart from these two teachers, the remaining three places have been used to recruit staff.

These three staff members are the 'cleaner' who can increase the speed of learning, the 'teacher's assistant' who can slightly improve the quality of courses, and the 'janitor' who can speed up the upgrade of the academy.

The recruitment of the five people is over. Like the first batch of five teachers, they will report to the college tomorrow morning.

During this period, Su Youduo issued an announcement introducing the new course, and explained the registration time, fees, and number of places.

The quota limits for the previous five courses will take effect from registration tomorrow evening, that is, the course the day after tomorrow.

But the two courses are different. Su You plans to give all the places in the first class of these two courses to his own people, that is, the residents who have joined the territory.

Unless there are spots left within one hour before class, the spots will be opened to non-territorial residents. Otherwise, if other people want to study this course, they will have to wait until the day after tomorrow at the earliest.

After the arrangement was over, other people would naturally do the rest. Su You only had to be responsible for the overall planning. She couldn't worry about all the details, otherwise she wouldn't be able to be busy by herself. come over.


One day passed and time came to two days.

The two new courses added by the college have been greatly loved by everyone. Although many people are unable to register for these two new courses due to the restriction of 'only one course can be registered per day', this does not affect the popularity of these two new courses. The places are still filling up very quickly.

After all, the number of people who have not grabbed the course is still far greater than the number of people who have grabbed the course.

Now everyone in the territory focuses on a 'love of learning'. As long as there is a place in the course, they will fight for it.

Originally, Su You was still wondering if there would be a lot of places left for these two training classes, but in the end, there were three classes a day, and there were [-] places left, and not a single one was left.

This is true for both courses.

Although only residents of the Territory can sign up for this course, everyone regardless of whether they are residents of the Territory can see that the college has added new courses, so they are also extremely envious of the residents of the Sunset Territory.After all, they queue up to sign up every day, but almost all of them have the opportunity to learn. This inevitably makes more people want to join the Sunset Territory.

It can be said that their having this idea is exactly what Su You wants. What she wants is that they have this idea.

Otherwise, she would not allocate all the places to her own people. In addition to wanting to promote her own people, another reason is to let non-territory residents see the real benefits of joining the Sunset Territory.

With this stimulation, within half a day, Su You received nearly a hundred application messages.

This time, Su You was not in a hurry to agree to their application. The reason why he agreed before was because he wanted to upgrade the territory, but now the level of the territory has reached the level of a small town. If he wants to continue to upgrade, he will need [-] people and [-] points. Prosperity.

The current prosperity of the territory is only over 700, which is still a long way from [-]. Therefore, even if the number of people reaches the standard, they cannot be upgraded. Naturally, there is no need for her to rush in to bring these people in.

She knew they were in a hurry, but she knew that she would still be stuck with them for a while.

After all, these people only joined the territory for the academy's quota, and their loyalty and other aspects are not high. However, most of the existing territory residents have high loyalty values, so Su You will naturally not choose to promote "newcomers" and give up. old man'.

At the same time, the ten people Su You recruited at the tavern two days ago have also arrived at the territory.

Although only Qianshan triggered the probability of direct recruitment, it was not particularly difficult to recruit others.

On the one hand, it's because their strength is not particularly outstanding, and on the other hand, because the current situation in the territory is extremely good, plus there is the bonus of the Inspiration Season, so even if Su You doesn't need to do anything, they will Because I want to join the territory.

Even 'Yao Guang', whom Su You thought was the most difficult to recruit, was recruited extremely smoothly.

Because it went so smoothly, Su You couldn't help but suspect something.

It wasn't until she heard Yao Guang's words that she understood why she so readily agreed to join the Sunset Territory.

"The stars guided me here... I seem to be destined to this territory." Yao Guang even coughed twice after saying this. It seems that her health is indeed not very good, and she looks very thin. look.

However, although she is thin, Yao Guang is very full of energy and her eyes are surprisingly bright. If you look at nothing else but her temperament and face, you really can't tell that she is a frail and sickly person.

"In that case, I won't say any more nonsense. You are welcome to join the Sunset Territory." Su You didn't know whether Yaoguang's words were an excuse or true, but as long as she was willing to join the territory, nothing else mattered. .

"Thank you, Lord, for taking me in." Yao Guang smiled slightly. His slightly petite figure looked fragile, as if he would fall down at a touch.

But she was such a 'weak woman'. After staring at Su You for a few seconds, she suddenly said something that made people feel chilled in the back——

"Although this is our first meeting, Yao Guang always feels that Lord Lord, you seem to be different from us."

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