Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 436 436 Inspiration Season 18

Even though Su You knew that Yao Guang must be outstanding, she never expected that Yao Guang would directly say such words that seemed to break the fourth wall.

Such words may sound quite scary at first, but after all, Su You has been in this world for a while, and it is impossible to be frightened by a word. Therefore, although there are many thoughts inside, there is no change on the face.

She stared at Yao Guang and spoke slowly: "To be able to say this, you are different from ordinary people."

Yao Guang was silent for a few seconds, and then chose to change the topic: "The horoscopes in the past few days are changing and very valuable for deduction. I need an astrological lamp. If possible, it would be best to have a celestial mirror. The result of this deduction It can be more accurate.”

"I will have these things prepared for you as soon as possible." Su You could naturally tell that she was changing the subject, but she was not prepared to talk more about this, so she did not continue to talk about it.

After successfully recruiting Yao Guang, it is necessary to arrange accommodation for Yao Guang.

Regarding this issue, Su You had already thought about it before Yao Guang came to the territory, so she made the decision without thinking too much.

"You will live here from now on. Next door to this room is a healing magician. In addition to magic, her medical skills are also very good, but she will be in the medical center most of the day. If you feel uncomfortable in any way, , you can go find her."

Housing space in residential areas in the territory has always been relatively affluent, so even if they don't spend extra money to buy another room on the same floor for people like Vivian, Su You will try his best not to arrange it for them. Roommate'.

Whether it's partiality or privilege, she has the strength and value to deserve such arrangements for Su You.

But Yaoguang is different. Her physical condition is destined to require someone to help take care of her. Although Vivian may not be the most suitable candidate, she is the best candidate at this stage.

Yaoguang didn't expect Su You to make such an arrangement, but she also expressed her gratitude to Su You for the arrangement.

"Thank you Lord for taking care of me. What is the name of that magician?" Yaoguang was not surprised that there was a magician in this small territory that did not seem to be particularly prosperous. His calm attitude was as if she had already Got it generally.

"Her name is Vivian. She is relatively young, but has good strength, but her temper may be a little weird. I hope you can be more tolerant." Vivian is close to adulthood, but she is not yet an adult after all. For Yao Guang, her age is indeed relatively high. It's small, so there's no problem in saying so.

As for the temper issue, although she knew Vivian was sensible, in order to avoid scaring Yao Guang... In fact, it didn't matter whether ordinary people were scared or not. The main reason was that she was afraid of scaring Yao Guang, so Su You couldn't help but Just one more reminder.

"It doesn't matter. I don't go out very often. I only go out at night when the stars converge." After all, Yaoguang is just an astrologer, not a prophet. It is impossible to know what Su You means by 'weird temper' .

Perhaps in her opinion, what Su You said was that Vivian would have a little girl's temper, but these were nothing.

Su You didn't seem to understand, and she wasn't ready to explain. After all, this thing couldn't be explained clearly for a while. If she didn't explain it well, it would easily lead to misunderstandings. If she had the time, she might as well explain it to Vivian. Two sentences.

After a few more brief chats, Yao Guang entered the room to rest.

Although there is no one living here, Su You has already thought about arranging Yao Guang here, so she has already prepared daily necessities in the house, so Yao Guang can just move in with her bags without needing to prepare anything else.

After that, Suyou went to see the other eight new residents besides Feiya.Judging from the current situation, these people should be very satisfied with the territory, and their favorability and loyalty points have increased more or less.

Su You paid attention to recording the initial values ​​and fluctuating values ​​of these people, so now it can be clearly seen which residents' values ​​have increased significantly.

Although it does not mean that a large increase means loyalty, and a small increase means there will be dissent, these data can be used as a reference.

At least under the same conditions, Su You would definitely be more willing to give opportunities for improvement or benefits to residents with higher loyalty values.

After confirming their situation, Su You told them about the academy and the inspiration season. As for whether they should go or not, that was their business.

But it seemed that everyone was very excited, because they all took the initiative to ask Su You to learn about the situation of the academy, and they looked eager to give it a try.

Suyou didn't explain much to them, but just asked them to go to the academy to check the relevant information.

She is a lord. Although she will take the initiative to recruit residents, she does not need to take care of them like a tour guide and nanny. She will answer everything for them.

After leaving these people's residence, Su You went to the inn and found the only one among the ten people who had not chosen to join the territory for the time being.

This person is - Feiya.

It was expected that Feiya did not choose to join the territory. After all, her experience meant that she would not stay in one place for too long.

After she left the Valais family, she didn't know if something happened to make someone who had disappeared from her world for more than ten years reappear in front of her.

If they just said that those people regretted it, knew they were wrong, and wanted to save Feiya, she would definitely not believe it. She was not a three-year-old child.

Therefore, in order to avoid being tracked by the Valais family, Feiya's current idea is definitely not to join any territory first, and then slowly move away from the area where the Valais family is located, and then find a place to settle down.

If Suyou wants to persuade Fiya to stay, he must help her solve the problem of the Valais family, just like before, help Fiya drive away the people who come to pursue her.

As long as she can convince Fia that she can deal with the Valais family, she won't say whether she will immediately agree to join the territory, but at least she won't leave in a short period of time.

Su You actually had a rough idea about how to convince Feiya to trust her, but what she didn't expect was that the plan didn't catch up with the change, and there was another person in the territory who met Feiya before she did. .

Seeing Meike who didn't even bother to cook and just stared at Feiya, Su You fell into a brief silence.

A long time ago, when Su You learned about 'Qin Yao' from Duoli, she mentioned that most of the NPCs in this game have no connection.

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