Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 437 437 Inspiration Season 19

But most do not represent all, there are still some special NPCs that are related to each other.

For example, Duoya and Zenyue are the most typical examples.

In addition, the same is true for Meike and Fia. As mentioned before, Meike's true love is a senior seamstress... Yes, this senior seamstress is Fia.

In the past, the two of them were not only lovers, but also a well-known couple of gods and goddesses in the territory.

Originally, Su You was still wondering if there would be no involvement between the two of them if they changed places, but now it seems that she is overthinking it.

A magician with low emotional intelligence who only knew how to cook met the person he loved most.

However, this was all in the past. In the current story line, Feiya does not know Meck, and the idea of ​​a 'fairy couple' is even more nonsense.

In order to prevent Meike from scaring Fiya away, Su You stepped forward to say hello to Fiya, informed her of her identity, and then took her away.

"A Fei, I have something to do. I'll leave the work here to you today. I'll teach you the recipe you want to learn tomorrow." Seeing the person leaving, Meck didn't hesitate. He just put down his burden and threw it to others.

If Su You were here at this time, she would definitely regret finding a few helpers for Meike and giving Meike a chance to be lazy!

However, Su You is definitely not here now, so naturally she doesn't know about these things.

She is currently chatting with Feiya in the City Lord's Mansion.

It was said to be chatting, but in fact it was just mutual exchange of words that both parties knew well.

Although Suyou knew Feiya's story, she didn't know it through normal means after all, so she couldn't just say, 'I can help you solve the Valais family's matter.'

She can guarantee that as long as she dares to say this, Feiya will definitely leave the territory in the next second.

No one would like their information to be known by another person without any reservation, especially Fia, who is not an ordinary person, and she definitely does not want others to know what she has experienced.

Therefore, even though Su You knew everything, she still had to pretend not to know and slowly find out all the information she needed to know.

In about 10 minutes, Su You got the information she needed, and Fiya also figured out Su You's purpose.

"Lord Su, Sunset Territory is indeed good, but I have no idea of ​​joining any territory at the moment." Feiya has been recruited by many territories before, so she is not surprised by Su You's idea.

However, she always had a vague feeling in her heart that the lord in front of her seemed to be a little different from the other lords.

But if she was really asked to tell what was different, she couldn't tell, but that didn't affect her rejection of Su You's invitation.

"If you have any concerns, you can tell me. As long as you are willing to join the territory, I will try my best to help you solve everything." This was not the first time that Su You's invitation was rejected, so she didn't care at all and directly expressed her willingness to help. her attitude.

Sure enough, when Fiya heard that Su You was willing to help, she seemed to hesitate for a moment, but soon decided to refuse. "Lord Su is overthinking. I don't have anything to solve. I just don't like to join any territory. Wouldn't it be nice to be free on your own?" Feiya smiled softly. It was obviously a rejection. From her words Saying it out of your mouth does not cause dissatisfaction from others at all.

Su You was about to say something, but her peripheral vision inadvertently glanced at a sneaky figure outside the window.

Su You: ...why did this guy come with you? !

What she wanted to say was suppressed by Meck's sudden appearance. Fiya saw the strange look on her face and thought something had happened. However, Su You quickly came to her senses and changed the subject. So Feiya didn't ask any more questions.

"Since Miss Feiya is not willing, I won't force it. Although I can't enjoy the blessings of nature without joining the territory, the newly opened academy in the territory is also quite good. If you are interested, you can check it out... Sunset Territory welcomes you at any time. If you change your mind after joining us, you are welcome to come to the City Lord’s Mansion to find me at any time.”

After more than ten minutes of persuasion, Feiya's attitude was very firm, and Su You couldn't continue persuading her. Otherwise, not only would Feiya not be allowed to join the territory, but the other party's favor would also decline due to constant entanglement.

In this case, it's better to let this matter go for now. Anyway, Feiya just said that she will live here for a while, so Su You doesn't need to be too anxious.

"Thank you Lord Su for your understanding." Feiya's words meant the end of the conversation between the two people.

Just when Feiya was about to leave the City Lord's Mansion, there was a sudden knock on the door outside the City Lord's Mansion.

Under normal circumstances, the gate of the City Lord's Mansion is not closed during the day. The door leads directly to the lobby of the City Lord's Mansion. Although the place where Suyou lives also belongs to the City Lord's Mansion, it is in another area with another door. .

But if Su You was talking to other people, the door of the City Lord's Mansion would be closed by her, and she would only open the door after the conversation was over.

Because she had just seen someone, Su You knew who was knocking outside. Although she was reluctant to open the door, Fiya was still here and she needed to go out through the door, so the door had to be opened.

She prayed that Meck wouldn't mess around, and prepared to open the door with a heavy face.

Feiya looked at her such a serious expression, and the inexplicable feeling in her heart rose again... In her opinion, it was just opening the door, was it necessary to show such an expression?
This is just opening a door, not going through fire and water.

Although there were many questions in her heart, Feiya suppressed them in her heart and did not ask them out. She had already rejected Su You, and there was no need to know more about this territory. She just wanted to leave here as soon as possible.

When she opened the door, Feiya saw a man wearing a dark red robe and holding a staff that glowed like a gleaming flame.

With such an obvious appearance, this person's identity is almost obvious - he is a magician, and most likely a fire magician.

Feiya, like everyone else on the continent, has a natural respect for magicians.

But it is just respect, and she does not feel that she is inferior because of it. The object of her respect is not actually the magician himself, but a kind of respect for strength.

Unlike Feiya, Su You was speechless when she saw that the person who originally wanted to come as easily and conveniently as possible suddenly dressed up so gorgeously like a peacock courting a mate.

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