Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 438 438 Inspiration Season 20

Chapter 438 438. Inspiration Season 20
God knows, Meck has never worn this outfit for a long time, and he never even wore it when he went out to fight several times before.

The reason is simple. Meck dislikes the fact that the clothes are in the way and hinder his performance.

Magician robes and the like may look cool, mysterious, and powerful, but in the eyes of real high-level magicians, they are just a mere appearance, useless, and even a drag that affects their spellcasting.

Not only Meck, but Vivian also doesn't like to wear robes, but her robe was given by her teacher. It is enchanted with the special effect of increasing healing magic, so she will wear it during battles, even if she doesn't wear it normally. , will also be put away properly.

But it is obvious that Meck also knows that although this outfit is useless, it still looks good, otherwise he would not wear it specially to appear in the city lord's palace... to be precise, in front of Feiya.

"Lord, there are some ingredients in the restaurant that are seriously lacking. You need to deal with it..." Although Meck came for Feiya, he naturally couldn't say it clearly, so he made up an excuse in a serious manner. He came to see Suyou.

Looking at Meike's rare serious look, Suyou cursed inwardly: Although you look handsome in the magician suit, you look really embarrassed when you talk nonsense and make excuses.

After complaining inwardly, Su You also cooperated with Meike's 'performance' and pretended to chat for a while.

Fiya was originally going to leave, but Meike blocked the door, so she couldn't leave. She wanted to talk, but Meike was communicating with Suyou again, so she was too embarrassed to interrupt, so she could only stand by the door and wait. .

After finishing the two useless sentences, Meck turned his head and glanced pretending to be surprised: "Why didn't the lord say anything when he had a guest... Who is this?"

Su You rolled her eyes so many times in her heart. If she could, she really wanted to throw Meike out... Is there anyone who pursues people like him?
ah?Have it? !
Even if you don't have a wife, you'll still have to do it yourself, right?

"This is a very powerful senior seamstress...Mike, she is leaving. If you have anything to do, come in and tell me." Su You's words directly broke Meke's idea of ​​continuing to block the door.

Not only that, Meike obviously wanted to know Feiya's name, but Suyou didn't say it, and just referred to Feiya as 'a very powerful senior seamstress'.

Originally, Meike wanted to continue pretending to be stupid, because he had just heard part of the exchange between Fiya and Su You, and knew that Fiya was not planning to join the territory. As long as she did not join the territory, there was a possibility of leaving.

What would he do if she left?
Meck's head is now a little down, and he has completely forgotten that he can actually leave the Sunset Territory.

Of course, this can also reflect from the side that Meck is actually very satisfied with his life in the Sunset Territory, so much so that he did not think that he could choose to leave with Feiya at the first time. The best result he thought was that Feiya Ya can also join the territory and stay together.

But none of this mattered anymore. When Su You gave a subtle hint to him not to block the way and let him go quickly, Fiya had already quickly left the city lord's palace from the position that Meike had given up.

Seeing his lost look, Su You couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"What are you looking at? People have gone away. Tell me, what is missing in the restaurant? Not to mention the goods that were replenished yesterday. Even if the goods are not replenished, there is always a lot of things in the restaurant. Don't think that I I don’t know that many people didn’t hand over the resources they collected to the mission hall, but sold them directly to the restaurant!”

In fact, apart from restaurants, other stores are in a similar situation.

For example, fiber does not have to be used to submit tasks in the task hall. You can also spend some time on your own to twist the fiber into thread, and then sell it to a sewing shop at a higher price.The same goes for other ingredients. You can choose to submit a task, or you can choose to sell them directly to restaurants, pubs, etc. that are in demand.

There are also wood, ores, and herbs, which can be sold at the corresponding carpentry shop, blacksmith shop, and medical clinic.

The advantage of this is that Su You no longer needs to actively mobilize supplies, because the resources and materials purchased by these stores are enough for them to be self-sufficient.

As for the disadvantages, it's not that there are none, but the impact is not big.

Because the resources are scattered in each store, it will be more troublesome for Su You to take inventory. Unlike when all the resources are in the warehouse, she can directly check the status of all supplies.

But these are all minor issues. Su You won't put too many restrictions in this area, otherwise it will be too unfree and inconvenient for everyone.

As the number of residents in the territory increases, one mission hall will definitely be overwhelmed. With other stores sharing the acquisition, the pressure on the mission hall will be easier.

"Tell me, what's the name of that young lady just now?" Meck was already fuming, but Suyou just couldn't understand his hints and went against him.

He had reason to suspect that she did it on purpose!
Facts have proved that his suspicion was correct, Su You did it on purpose.

"Hey, if you have anything to do with me, Lord, if nothing happens, it's just you and me. If you want to know someone's name, just ask it yourself. What's the point of asking in private?" Although he knew that these two old acquaintances would get together before, But now everything has changed, it's a whole new world.

Su You couldn't subconsciously think that these two people should be together because of the stories she had experienced, and then deliberately match them up.

This is unfair to Fia.

And given Meike's bad temper, Su You thought it would be a good idea to make him suffer.

Meck has now regained his original strength. The magician level has reached the advanced level. Basically no one in this territory can beat him. The only loophole in his cooking skills has been filled by an advanced cooking skill book. , now the only one who can make him suffer, and is willing to suffer, is Feiya.

Su You: "I'm warning you, don't act recklessly just because you are a high-level magician. No one in this territory can beat you, but I don't mind summoning a guardian beast to test its power."

Although he knew that with Meike's character, he would most likely not do any "taking by force", Su You still said the warning first.

It was not a joke to ask Lingbao to teach him a lesson, it was true.

As for whether Lingbao can beat Meck, there is no doubt about it.

(End of this chapter)

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