Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 439 439 Inspiration Season 21

Su You had compared and checked the data of Lingbao and Black Snake before. As long as the combat bloodline was activated, Lingbao could fight two black snakes with one mink, and the black snake he hit had no backhand power at all.

Meike was not even Black Snake's opponent. He was almost able to kill Black Snake because Black Snake was injured at the time. In this case, it was naturally impossible for him to beat Lingbao.

However, this does not mean that Lingbao is invincible.

The biggest difference between Lingbao, Meike and Black Snake is that it has to pay a price to have invincible fighting power.

Lingbao is not a pure dragon bloodline, and it does not even eat the dragon's inner elixir. Although its treasure-hunting beast bloodline is high, it was passed down after thousands of years, so it is also thin.

The bloodline is impure, and the bloodline needs to be activated during battle... It is said that the bloodline is activated, but it is actually the energy that provides powerful combat effectiveness at the cost of burning the bloodline.

Impure bloodline will become less and less. When the bloodline is burned out, although the Lingbao will not die, it will become the little white one who knows nothing and knows nothing at the beginning. mink.

It is even very likely that its treasure-hunting bloodline will disappear, and it will become an ordinary beast like other ferrets on the continent without any special abilities.

If possible, Su You definitely wouldn't want it to do this.

However, things are not that exaggerated. As long as she follows the development step by step, no matter how difficult the subsequent siege is, Lingbao will not necessarily be required to appear.

Its greatest function is to serve as a mascot, providing a powerful buff aura for the territory.

Moreover, bloodline is not irreplenishable. There are many formulas in Suyou's memory that can replenish special bloodline, or even improve and purify bloodline, but there are no materials to make them.


Having said that, after Meck heard Su You's warning, his face immediately sank. Seeing such an attitude, Su You frowned, and the doubts buried in his heart rose again.

Is this Meike the original 'Meck'?
Su You had experienced the story between Meike and Feiya before, so she knew that Meke had absolutely deep feelings for Feiya, and was even willing to pay for it with his life.

If it was that Meike, then he would never be dissatisfied because of Su You's warning. He would only remind and reflect on himself. At most, he could say "meddle in other people's business" to Su You, but that was just words. His actions still proved that he listened to Su You's warning.

Just when Suyou was thinking about many possibilities in her head, Meike finally spoke.

"Am I this kind of person in your eyes? Do you think I copied the magician's code in the past ten years in vain?! It's my own business to like her. What does it have to do with my identity as a magician!" Meck said The true confession and firm promise stunned Su You.

Sure enough, the character remains the same, and she is still the same character who puts Fiya first in everything.

After making sure that Meike's words were sincere, Su You felt relieved. Once she was relieved, she drove them away - he was a very laid-back cook who could give up work at any time and leave the work to others, but she could No more leisure!

There is no second lord in this territory who can make her throw away her work!

"You also know that it has nothing to do with your identity as a magician? Then what do you mean by wearing this? You're here to show off, right?! Let's go, let's go, don't be an eyesore to me, you don't know this staff of yours It’s almost shining like the sun!”

"If you want to chase someone, figure it out yourself. If you don't leave, I will go find Feiya!"

Although Meck wanted to ask something else, seeing that Suyou looked unkind, he was afraid that she would really go to Fiya and talk nonsense to Fiya, so in the end he could only touch his nose and leave angrily.After Mike left, Su You instantly felt that her ears were clear.

Not only that, without the almost bright sun-like staff dangling in front of his eyes, Su You felt that his vision had recovered instantly, and the pain in his eyes was instantly relieved.

After struggling for so long, arranging this and that for the new arrivals, and after finishing the arrangements, they still had to recruit Feiya, and then the Meike incident happened, Su You was very tired now.

I finally got some free time and could rest for a while, but before I could sit down for long, a little bird like a willow leaf flew in through the opening of the window, and then flew straight towards Su You.

'Squeak--' The green bird chirped, then landed on Su You's hand, and finally changed from the form of a bird into a palm-sized letter.

The identity of this bird is obvious. It is the elf bird that Su You released a few days ago to deliver a message to the elves.

There are actually two ways for the elf bird to send letters. One is to write the letter like Suyou, give it to it, and then let it send it out like a carrier pigeon.

The other method is unique to the elves. They will tell the elf bird what they want to say, and then the elf bird will convert it into an envelope, and then relay the content to Su You.

Before reading the letter, Su You took the wheat kernel from her backpack and placed it on the table just like when she sent the letter, and then started to read the reply.

[First of all, I need to express my gratitude for your timely message. I also want to thank you for your concern for my health. Although there were some accidents during the process, the locking bell on Aning and I has been unlocked, and it has not caused any harm to our bodies. Other effects.

The information you provided attracted the attention of several elders and the queen. The elves will not let go of those who harm the elves.

In addition, we also informed the Orc tribe about the leakage of the template for the forbidden bell. We are sorry that we also informed the Orc tribe leader of the information you provided without your permission.

The orcs are also participants in this matter. Telling them about this matter will help to track down the person behind the scenes. In order to express my apology, I asked the elf bird to give you a bottle of spring water from the Elf Spring.

Finally, on behalf of the entire elves, I invite the benefactors and friends of the elves to come and visit the elves.

There are too many words to say here. I will inform you when we meet. If you are willing to come to the Elf clan, you can ring the voice call at any time to let us know. The Elf will arrive in the territory and open the portal within one day.



After reading the letter, Su You touched the feather on the envelope and said, "Let's go eat."

The feathers moved in response, and then changed from a letter to a little bird.

Its smart eyes looked at Su You, then at Mai Ren, and then like magic, it created a transparent crystal bottle that was larger than its entire body.

The liquid inside the bottle is crystal clear, without any impurities, and the water shines brightly under the light.

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