Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 440 440 Inspiration Season 22

This is exactly what Anita mentioned in the letter. The spring water from the Elf Spring is also one of the most precious things of the Elf people.

The elf bird was eating wheat kernels, looking at the bottle of elf spring water from time to time.

Suyou was amused by its appearance.

After hesitating for a moment, she opened the lid of the fairy spring water and poured some into the teacup next to her.

Although not much was poured, and there was no trace of the liquid in the crystal bottle falling, the elf bird was still very happy. He chirped at Suyou a few times, and then without any courtesy, he drank the elf spring water in the cup cleanly. .

After eating and drinking enough, the elf bird made a sound like a hiccup, then turned into the shape of an envelope and lay flat on the table.

Suyou put the envelope away casually, recalling Anita's reply to her in her mind.

There are actually three key points.

The first one is that the forbidden bells on Anita and Aning have been solved.

The second is that they already know the news given by Su You and take it very seriously. This can be seen from the fact that Anita specifically mentioned the Queen of the Elf.

In addition, they also told the leader of the orc tribe about this matter, and also sent an apology for taking action without informing her in advance...

In fact, Su You thought it was nothing. Although the forbidden bell was fake, the real forbidden bell must have been seen by some malicious people and even copied the drawings. Otherwise, they would not be able to reproduce the bell. of.

In this case, it was either because the orcs themselves were lax in their management, which led to the leakage of the forbidden bell information, or there was a traitor.

No matter which possibility it is, it is actually quite serious. If you discover it early and notify it early, you can take appropriate countermeasures early to avoid bad consequences.

Of course, there is another possibility that the orcs have actually colluded with the people behind the scenes.

But this possibility is very small.

After all, the elves are not fools. They cannot trust each other without reservation without investigating the orcs. They must have confirmed that the orcs have no direct connection with this matter, and they have confirmed that the orcs have no direct connection with this matter. They didn't know it, so they told the orcs the news Suyou gave.

As for the third key point, it was obviously Anita's invitation to go to the elves.

As the letter said, it was very simple for her to go to the elves. She did not need to leave the territory and go all the way to the entrance of the elves. She only needed to wait for the elves from the elves to come and open the portal.

This was also the case when she went to the Elf Tribe. She opened a portal and found where she went in and where she was when she came out. Not only did she save time, but it was also very safe.

Moreover, Anita also said that she could ring the voice call at any time. Su You suspected that this was not just her way of saying that Su You could go whenever he wanted, and that the elves would follow her time.

At the same time, it also hints that if Su You wants to go to the Elf Clan in the future, he can also ring the messenger at any time.

The former is nothing, while the latter can be regarded as a supreme honor.

Suyou opened her information panel and found that her personal favor among the elves suddenly increased a lot. Although she didn't know how this favor increased, this should be the reason for Anita's change in attitude.Although Anita can go whenever she wants, Su You is not prepared to delay for too long, because she is very concerned about the first half of the last sentence in Anita's letter.

She seemed to have something she wanted to say to herself, but it was difficult to say these words in a letter, but could only be said in person.

Although I don’t know what Anita wants to say, I can guess that it must be a very important thing, otherwise she would not mention it specifically.

In this case, Su You didn't waste time and directly rang the voice transmission order. After spending a day arranging everything in the territory, she followed the elves who came to open the portal to the elves' home.



"I didn't expect you to come so soon." Anita looked at Su You and greeted her with a smile.

Not only did she not expect that, but Su You also didn't expect that Anita would actually come to the door of the elves' illusion to pick her up.

Although Su You was the benefactor who saved Anita, she was after all the princess of the Elf clan and the heir to the next Elf King.

Her identity determines that even if she acts arrogantly, no one will say anything, including Su You, who will not think there is any problem with the elf princess not coming forward to receive her.

It's just that Su You's sincerity is always for people who care about her and who she also cares about.

Anita obviously cares about Suyou, otherwise she wouldn't be here.

"The Elf Princess personally invited me, so I naturally came as soon as possible." When Su You saw Anita's attitude was still the same as before in the territory, there was no change, so she herself became more casual in attitude, and did not Because this is someone else's territory, it's too formal.

There was no respect for Anita because of her status.

Anita obviously liked Su You's casual attitude, so the smile on her face became even brighter, and she directly took Su You's hand and led her outside a palace that looked like it was made of jasper.

Compared with the splendid palace that I once saw in the underwater maze, the palace of the elves seems a bit "low-key". However, this low-key does not mean that the palace is simple. It is a kind of luxury that has been accumulated for a long time, which is very in line with the elves' style. Temperament, this is incomparable to ordinary gold and silver.

"This is the palace of the elves. Although I want to tell you many things, the queen wants to see you, so I will take you to see the queen first." Anita said as she took Su You away from the gate of the palace. Go in.

Su You could keenly notice that whether it was the elves behind him or the elf knights guarding the palace, their eyes were looking at him, as if they were curious about why humans appeared among the elves.

Most importantly, the relationship between this human and their princess seems to be so good!
Anita noticed that Suyou's attention seemed to be on other elves. She looked back at those elves, and then uttered a string of elven language.

After hearing this elf language, the elves left one after another, and even the elf knights guarding the palace lowered their heads.

With such an obvious reaction, even if she couldn't understand Elvish, Suyou could probably guess what Anita said.

"Sorry, the elves haven't had outsiders for a long time. They were a little curious, but they didn't mean any harm." Anita also didn't expect that Suyou would attract so many people from the same clan to watch, and she felt a little embarrassed for a moment.

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