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Chapter 441 441 Inspiration Season 23

But Su You didn't care.

Putting aside the fact that she would not lose a piece of meat if she let people see it, Suyou could also feel that these elves did not have any ill intentions towards her. After all, her personal goodwill with the elves had reached the level of 'respect', which was in addition to 'admiration'. 'Except, the best favor.

The personal adoration favorability level and the alliance favorability level are the same, and they are not levels that can be reached casually.

The latter requires an alliance, while the former requires great help and contribution to the race, such as directly saving the race, or providing critical help in this race's moment of crisis.

Su You: "It doesn't matter. If I weren't going to see the queen, I think I might also see more of those beautiful elves in the elves."

Apart from anything else, the beauty and beauties of the Elf Tribe are definitely the best on the continent. It is a rare opportunity to come to the Elf Tribe. Even if you don't get enough of it, Su You will definitely be more eye-catching.

Suyou's words were half-truth and half-false, but Anita didn't feel the intention to compliment her at all.

Whether they are humans or elves, they definitely like to hear good words. If the good words are sincere, the effect of the good words will be doubled!
In this way, after chatting and walking, Suyou was brought to a spacious and exquisite hall by Anita.

And in the most central position in the main hall, sat a young woman with a gentle aura.

Although she is an elf who has lived for hundreds of years, elves have a long lifespan and have an ageless appearance, so the appearance of the elf queen is comparable to that of a young girl in the human world.

It's just certain details...such as the deep and meaningful gaze, and the elegance exuding in her movements, these can prove that she has experienced many things that are completely inconsistent with her appearance of age.

"Anita has met Your Majesty. This is the human lord who saved Anita and Lu Ning before, Su You."

As mentioned before, there is no obvious class relationship among the elves, so Anita only has respect in front of the elf queen, and there is no awe due to the difference in status.

After all, Anita will also be the queen of elves in the future. From a certain perspective, the status of the two of them is actually the same. This is different from the status gap between the emperor and the prince in ancient times.

The prince was appointed by the emperor, and his rights were also given by the emperor. He could decide whether or not to establish the prince, so he had complete control over the prince.

But the Elf Princess is different. She was conceived by the Elf Tree and is a qualified heir recognized by the Elf Tree. As long as the Elf Tree recognizes her, the Elf Queen has no right to ban her identity.

"She does look like a very good human being. No wonder you like her so much, Anita." The Elf Queen's voice was as young as her appearance, and there was no sense of incompatibility... at least there was definitely no sense of incompatibility with her identity. So intense.

"I have met Your Majesty." Su You also saluted the Elf Queen.

It's a standard elf gift.

There is no class among the elves, so naturally there is no etiquette that implies superiority or inferiority.

This elf gift is just like how humans say hello to each other. It is just a simple greeting gift and has no other meaning.

"Huh? Suyou, you actually know the elf etiquette...and you are so standard." Anita was a little surprised.She didn't remember mentioning this to Su You, and the elves were so reclusive that humans couldn't see them, let alone know about them... But Su You knew about it, and it didn't look like it was the first time they used it. , at least Anita felt that her movements were very smooth, as if she had practiced them countless times.

"I'm lucky. When I was exploring an underwater maze, I got a lot of books from the dragon's treasure cave, including some records of the elves." Obviously, only half of Su You's words were true. Really, the other half is fake.

The real thing is that she did go to the underwater maze and took a lot of things from the dragon's treasure cave, but the fake thing is that the so-called book recording the elf rituals does not actually exist.

But she is not afraid of being exposed, because the territory does have books related to the elves, but they are not detailed.

And the black dragon probably didn't even know what it had given Su You, so Su You's casual excuse could be said to be stress-free, because she knew it would never be exposed.

Moreover, Anita just asked casually. She and the Elf Queen didn't seem to insist on pursuing this matter, so there was no need to make it particularly clear.

"Dragon's treasure cave? It seems that Suyou is very lucky, and you were able to get something from those stingy guys." After finishing this sentence, Anita did not continue the topic.

But what she said is quite interesting. Even the elves, who have always been tolerant towards others, feel that the dragons are stingy. Either there is a hidden meaning here, or the dragons really have such a temperament.


The subsequent exchanges were basically all between Suyou and the Elf Queen.

The two sides asked and answered questions, and basically talked about topics that seemed unimportant, but once you think about it carefully, you always feel that something is not right.

Because he had met the Elf Queen before, and he had met her when the Elf clan was at its lowest, Su You knew her true character very well - she was a woman who looked innocent on the outside, but was actually thoughtful, resolute, and decisive. An extremely persistent and strong elf.

If not, she would not have resolutely chosen to continue to serve as the Elf King after the Elf clan lost its heir, and lead the Elf clan forward with a heavy burden.

Su You really admired her. She may not be the best king of the elves in history, but she must be a qualified... no, it should be said to be a very good king!

Although these things will most likely not happen again because he saved Anita, this does not affect Su You's inner admiration for her.

"Anita, the Elf Tree is looking for you. It is not convenient for humans to go to the Holy Land of the Elf Tribe, so Su You will stay here first."

As soon as these words came out, even Su You couldn't help but start to wonder whether this was really true, or whether it was just an excuse for the Elf Queen to drive Anita away.

After all, if you're looking for an excuse, there are actually many reasons, and it doesn't necessarily mean moving out of the Elf Tree.

But the Elf Tree has already been moved out. Considering the importance the Elf clan attaches to the Elf Tree, it is basically impossible for this matter to be a figment of the Elf Queen.

"Yes, please, Your Majesty." Anita probably felt that the Elf Queen could not use the Elf Tree as an excuse, so she did not suspect anything.

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