Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 442 442 Inspiration Season 24

After she said this, she left in a hurry. After all, it was the elf tree's call, and no elf would neglect it.

When there were only two people left in the hall... to be precise, one person and one elf, Suyou saw the Elf Queen suddenly stand up from the throne, and then approach step by step.

"Su You, you are different from everyone else." When she was only about five steps away, the Elf Queen stopped and said something that made Su You feel extremely familiar.

Yao Guang also said this, but the difference is that Yao Guang said 'you seem to be different from us', while the Elf Queen said 'you are different from everyone else'.

One is a question and the other is an affirmation. Although the intended meaning is the same, the feelings given are completely different.

In front of the Elf Queen, Su You would definitely not be able to expose this matter directly like she did in front of Yao Guang.

From a game perspective, the Elf Queen is one of the important NPCs and her AI is extremely high. It is impossible for Su You to fool her with just a few words.

Secondly, without considering whether this is a game or reality, just considering the environmental conditions in which the Elf Queen spoke, Su You suspected that she had something to say to him. If she chose to fool her, she probably wouldn't. Tell her anything.

It seems that what she and Anita both thought was impossible turned out to be true - the elf tree was indeed just an excuse.

An excuse to send Anita away.

"Your Majesty, what do you want to say to me?" It was definitely impossible to admit it. After all, she couldn't guarantee whether this was some kind of bait.

For a moment just now, Su You even wondered if the Elf Queen was a trap set by the system or other beings with the same status as the system to lure 'players' like them out.

As for what the purpose was, she didn't know... But what the Elf Queen said next made Su You understand that she was overthinking it. The Elf Queen really just had something to say to her, and there was no conspiracy. .

"Don't worry, I just have something to say to you." The Elf Queen smiled slightly, turned her slender hand over, and something suddenly appeared in her palm, which made Suyou's pupils shrink suddenly.

"Sure enough, you know her." The Elf Queen's expression remained unchanged, but the things in her hands gradually dissipated like dust, leaving no trace at all.

If it weren't for the Elf Queen's words still echoing in her ears, Su You might even have doubted whether what she saw was her illusion.

"Thank you very much for your help to the elves. If you have any questions, you can ask me. I will try my best to tell you the answers, but please forgive me. There are many things I cannot say." He was sure that Su You was what he was looking for. After that, the Elf Queen's attitude became much more casual.

At least the current Elf Queen is less distant and indifferent and more familiar and natural than before.

And Su You also found a somewhat familiar feeling in this drastically changed attitude.

Although all this seemed incredible, Su You now had reason to suspect... no, she could even directly confirm that the elf queen in front of her was the same one she had seen before.

To Suyou, she is a bit like Meike and Feiya. The biggest difference between her and the other two is that the Elf Queen, like Suyou, has previous memories.

That's right, the memory referred to here is Su You's archived memory!

The thing she just showed Su You didn't have anything special in appearance. It looked like an ordinary piece of jade carved into the shape of a green leaf.But only Suyou knew that this piece of green leaf jadeite was an item that appeared in the previous save.

This is a prop that cannot be copied, because the carving of this green leaf jadeite was made by Su You - this is what Su You sent out to the elves in times of crisis.

It is a golden-quality prop carved from natural stone and has extremely powerful healing ability for all creatures containing natural elements.

Suyou gave away the natural stone just to help the Elf Queen stabilize her own strength, in order to protect the peace of the Elf clan who had lost their heir.

So, is the elf queen in front of her really the elf queen Suyou once knew...?

"Do you have memories from before?" Originally Su You shouldn't have asked such a dangerous question, but maybe it was because the piece of green leaf emerald made her relax, or maybe it was because of the backlog of being alone in this world. The pressure was already too much for her to bear... Anyway, she still asked.

"Yes and no, at least I don't know what happened or why you came here."

Su You was silent for a moment, then raised his head and stared at her closely: "Then you should have known that Anita would have an accident, right? You didn't stop it."

This is the fundamental reason why Su You doesn't believe in the Elf Queen.

If she is really the elf queen who once experienced the decline of the elves, she must know that it all started because Anita was accidentally kidnapped.

In this case, she can completely prevent this from happening, so that the elves will not repeat the same mistakes.

But she didn't do this, otherwise Su You wouldn't be here now.

"Yes, I know, but I can't stop it. I can't do it." When she said this, the Elf Queen's tone was filled with a hint of loss and regret.

Such a true performance made it impossible for Su You to judge whether what she said was true or false.

If what the Elf Queen said was false, Su You couldn't figure out why she deceived her.

If what the Elf Queen said is true, it is actually quite reasonable. After all, Anita's arrest was part of the original plot line. As an NPC in the game, the Elf Queen naturally cannot do things outside of the system's regulations, let alone change the plot.

"But Anita is fine now." Su You didn't know whether this sentence was meant for her or for herself, but she still got a response from the Elf Queen.

"So Suyou, you are different. Only you can do this." The Elf Queen knew that everything she said was true and not a single word was a lie.

She was very happy when she knew that she had returned to a time when the elves were prosperous.

But after being happy, there was deep worry, because she always felt that if there was no other force to stop it, what should happen would still happen, and the elves would still gradually decline.

In order to prevent this from happening, she tried countless methods...but whether she directly or indirectly told or influenced Anita's actions, she could not succeed.

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