Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 443 443 Inspiration Season 25

Chapter 443 443. Inspiration Season 25
And, in addition to failure, she will also be 'punished' as punishment for trying to disrupt 'order'.

In less than a month, she tried countless times. What all the elves didn't know was that their seemingly strong, determined, and omnipotent Elf Queen was riddled with scars inside her body...

This was not an injury on the surface of the skin, but a kind of pain that no one else could see and that only she could feel, emanating from her bones.

Slowly, the Elf Queen understood that although she was back, she could not change everything, so she did not continue to try to tell Anita about it.

Although Anita is important, she is the current king.

If the cost of saving Anita is herself, it also makes no sense.

Because the current Anita has not fully grown up, if the Elf Queen is forced to abdicate due to injury, then Anita will only be forced to take over the burden of the elves.

It is more difficult for an elf princess who has not yet fully grown up to endure this than for the elf queen to forcibly support her own strength.

All she can do is to make everyone more vigilant and try their best to find ways to prevent this from happening again, or to prepare in advance for what happens.

The result was obvious that nothing she did was of any use, and Anita was still caught. However, the Elf Queen, who had expected it, immediately arranged for the elders and other elves to go out to search.

In fact, the Elf Queen cast a positioning and tracking magic on Anita before she was captured. Although she could not let Anita escape the fate of being captured, she thought it would be best to find her as soon as possible. Anita.

It would be best to find her before she is irreparably harmed, so that the purpose of protecting the heir can also be achieved.

Unfortunately, the good tracking magic that originally existed completely disappeared when Anita's accident happened.

The appearance of disappearing out of thin air surprised the Elf Queen and made her feel desperate... because in her opinion, what had happened before was about to happen again.

As soon as she recalled the near-destructive blows that the elves had suffered, the Elf Queen felt powerless. Even though her strength was obviously strong now, it was of no effect because her opponent was not a human being or any living creature. , but fate.

This feeling of knowing what will happen in the future, but being unable to fight against fate and can only watch it happen again is the most suffocating feeling.

Just when she felt that nothing could be changed, the good news came from the elders who were out looking for Anita - Anita had been found!
Anita was found a full month in advance. While such a big time gap surprised the Elf Queen, she also felt a glimmer of hope in her heart.

Facts have proved that this surprise did not disappoint her. Although Anita and Lu Ning were hit by the locking bell, they were not seriously injured.

After the forbidden bell was unlocked, and with the elf doctor's careful care, Anita and Lu Ning fully recovered.

After recovery, Anita is almost the same as when she was not injured, so she can still serve as the heir to the Elf Queen and take over the burden on her shoulders.

After things changed, the Elf Queen directly called Elder Tong Sheng to understand the situation. After learning about Su You, a human lord, she became interested in meeting Su You.

Not only because she was the one who saved Anita, but also because she suddenly discovered that this human had the same name as a human in her memory who also saved the elves.

She wanted to make sure it was the same person.

It doesn't matter if it's not a human being, because the change in the plot made the Elf Queen think that this human might be able to provide important help when the elves are in crisis in the future.After all, this human being did what she couldn't change. No matter who she was, there must be something special about her.

So, what Anita said today, the Elf Queen wanted to see her.


Of course, the Elf Queen did not tell Su You all the above. She omitted unnecessary details and only talked about what she had done and her failed attempts.

"Originally, I was wondering if it was another human lord with the same name, not you... I already know the answer now." The answer is naturally Su You and the human lord Su who she knew who had helped the elves in times of crisis. Pomelo is the same person.

Hearing this, Su You didn't know whether to be grateful that she had disliked the trouble of naming, so when creating the lord character, she used her real name, otherwise the Elf Queen might not recognize her.

After all, although the game was a holographic game, in order to protect personal privacy, the player's model is very different from the real person. If you only look at the appearance, you can almost say that they are completely different, so if you just want to identify people by their appearance, it is absolutely not possible. possible.

Now that the words have reached this point, it is impossible for Su You to doubt the Elf Queen anymore. If nothing else, at least she definitely has no ill intentions towards him.

Moreover, her previously inexplicable increase in favorability from the elves has been explained. As the king of the elves, her likes and dislikes will directly affect the favorability of the entire elves.

If she were just an ordinary elf with no identity, no matter how much she liked Suyou, it would not affect the entire elf clan.

In other words, the Elf Queen has a very high opinion of Su You, otherwise it would not affect the favor of the entire Elf clan, so she would be even less likely to harm Su You.

After confirming that he was a trustworthy person, Su You was not polite and started the question and answer mode directly.

She wanted to ask all the questions she had from the first day today.

Of course, things about the digital world are definitely not mentioned.

Although with the Elf Queen's IQ, she must have guessed something, but this matter is equivalent to a thunder pit between the two parties, which cannot be easily crossed, so they all have a tacit understanding not to mention this matter.

Su You: "Your Majesty, do you know how you got here? Do you think there are others like you?"

Since the Elf Queen is the original 'data', can Su You boldly suspect that Meike and Fiya are also the original 'data'?
It's just that for unknown reasons, they don't remember what happened before. Maybe it's because the time hasn't come yet, or maybe because the two of them don't have as high authority as the Elf Queen.

"I don't know. I just feel like I've had a long dream... As for the one who's like me, at least I haven't found another one among the elves."

 I saw someone asking about adding updates, so here’s my answer:
  There will be extra updates during the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, but because it is a holiday and the actual work is even busier, the extra update time cannot be set on the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day.

  The current arrangement is that there will be three updates in the three days from 10.3 to 10.5, and 10.6 and 10.7 will depend on the situation.

(End of this chapter)

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