Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 444 444 Inspiration Season 26

Chapter 444 444. Inspiration Season 26
Su You nodded and was about to continue talking when the Elf Queen seemed to have thought of something and suddenly said: "If you have a chance, you can go find the leader of the orc tribe, the king of the dragon tribe, and the emperor of the mermaid tribe."

Although there was not much explanation, Su You understood the meaning of her words.

There is no second being in the Elf race with memory. This does not mean that there is no one in the entire continent. The ones the Elf Queen just mentioned have the same status as her and the same AI level. They are all the most likely to appear. There are people in the same situation as her.

As for why she only mentioned the orcs, dragons and mermaids, but not the goblins, dwarves and giants, this is probably related to the history of these races.

In addition to the human race, the history lasts for thousands of years. The only races that have experienced the ancient war are the elves, orcs, dragons and mermaids. The other races were all created after the end of the ancient war.

If even the four major races don't know something, other races with shorter histories certainly don't know it either.

It's a coincidence that among the four major races, there is no need to say more about the elves, the orcs have Baicao, the dragons have black dragons, and the mermaids have Luya... Suyou feels that she has unknowingly interacted with all four major races. A connection was made.

Although the connections with other races other than the elves were somewhat weak or almost non-existent, such a coincidence made Su You feel like it was a hint.

You must know that creatures of other races rarely touch human territory. If there is no chance, it is really difficult to meet one of them. But it is such a coincidence that the people she needs to visit in the future are now the first time to meet them. pass.

But now is not the time to think about this. Gaining favor with other races is something that will happen after returning to the territory and has nothing to do with now.

"As for what I said before, someone wants to merge the continent, does your Majesty have any other clues here?" Basically, all games will only have one main line, and the main line is always the most important, the most complex, and the largest system. It also has the most relationship chains.

Obviously, the matter of merging the continents not only involves the few residents Suyou recruited, but also has a high possibility of involving the elf princess, the artifacts of the orcs, and even more.

Such a complicated relationship chain can definitely be regarded as the 'main line'. At least Su You can't think of any other relationship chain or plot system that can surpass this.

In this case, Su You's future goal is very clear - to figure out why those people want to merge the continent, the price they need to pay for merging the continent, and whether she wants to prevent the merger of the continent, or help it.

This is not only the main thread of this digitalized world, Su You suspects that this may also be related to the truth of the digitalized world.

After all, she has made it this far, and coincidences one after another are all guiding her in this direction.

She absolutely does not believe that there is no system or other existence controlling it.

"There are some clues, but all I can say is one sentence - the continents cannot be merged." The Elf Queen's attitude was somewhat unexpected.

Su You really didn't expect... She had thought about the many answers the Elf Queen might give, but she never thought she would give such a definite answer.

Since the Elf Queen has already said this, this is all she can say about this matter, so Su You will never be stupid enough to continue asking.

Can't say and don't want to say are two completely different things. If it's the latter, Su You can still think of ways to persuade and use tricks, but if it's the former, there's no need.

They are just existences subject to rules.

"Do other races also have this stance?" Su You understood the Elf Queen's stance, which was actually equivalent to understanding the stance of the entire Elf race.

But this is not enough.Just because the Elf Queen has no intention of harming her does not mean that their positions will be the same in the future. At least Suyou doesn't know the advantages and disadvantages of merging the continents now, and she doesn't know how to choose.

But she can use other people's opinions.

If the positions of the other three major races are the same as those of the elves, then Suyou will most likely choose the same position as them. After all, if she chooses to oppose them, it is equivalent to opposing the four major races at the same time.

However, the Elf Queen did not give a clear answer.

"The Dragon Clan does not have a close relationship with the Orc Clan and the Elf Clan, but the Emperor of the Mermaid Clan must be the same as me." When she said this, the Elf Queen's eyes changed slightly. In Su You's view, she seemed to be trapped in something. kind of memories.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I understand." Suyou knew that the mermaid tribe and the elves had a good relationship. She had read the relevant history.

In the early years, the mermaid tribe also suffered a disaster. At that time, the elves came to help, helping to clean up the polluted waters and drive away the dark creatures that took advantage of the mermaids. Only then could the mermaid tribe continue to live in the ocean.

Although it has been a long time since this incident, the relationship between the two tribes has not faded due to time, but has become better and better. To this day, the two tribes are still closely related.

When the elves lost their heir, the mermaids tried their best to send countless mermaids to help find items that could cure the elf princess, but unfortunately, nothing was found.

But no matter what, even if she knew the attitude of the mermaid tribe, Su You still needed to find a way to go to the mermaid tribe, because she wanted to know more than this.

Not long after this question ended, Anita returned.

Moments before she came back, the Elf Queen had returned to her seat and sent them both off with a smile.

Still led by Anita, Su You came to the private palace belonging to the Elf Princess.

Just as she sat down, Suyou saw Anita take out a leaf and hand it to her.

The moment she saw this leaf, Su You was stunned for a moment, because this leaf was not the leaf of an ordinary tree, but the sacred object of the elves, the leaves of the elf tree.

【Guardian of the Elf Tree】

Quality: Gold
Category: special

Introduction: This is a leaf fallen from an elf tree. It represents the respect of the entire elf clan. Those who own it can receive the highest treatment in the elf clan.In addition, as the incarnation of nature, the elf tree's protection can bring good luck to the wearer, and at the same time, all events related to nature will become friendly.


I don’t know if the elf tree is intentional or because of other reasons. In terms of appearance, this leaf is no different from ordinary leaves.

(End of this chapter)

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