Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 451 451 Inspiration Season 33

Chapter 451 451. Inspiration Season 33
Meike: Advanced fire magic skills, intermediate wood magic skills

Vivian: Advanced physician skills, advanced healing magic skills (bottleneck)

Yue: Intermediate water magic skills

Zen Moon: Intermediate wind magic skills (bottleneck), advanced Buddhist skills (bottleneck)


The list here only records those who joined the territory before the Season of Inspiration, so the combatants among those recruited in the same batch as Feia are not included.

Jing Que was not among them. Because her personal mission had not been completed, she did not join the territory, but she looked like she would not leave voluntarily. It was no different from recruiting, so Su You went with her.

Now Jing Que is recuperating and reading books every day, and her life is quite leisurely. No one can see the shadow of the cold-blooded killer in her.

In addition to Shocking Magpie, it is also worth mentioning that Lilith, who has been relatively rare, is actually a combatant... To be precise, she does not have combat effectiveness, but her abilities can give her combat effectiveness.

Even though she is now running a pet shop safely, playing with cats, raising dogs, and coddling her jealous little wolf cubs every day, her life is the same as that of Jing Que, a retired pensioner, but she is about to get busy.

Because Suyou had already asked Lilith for her opinion before the Inspiration Season - she hoped that Lilith could help the territory tame a group of beast companions who could fight together.

In fact, this idea had come up a long time ago, but Lilith's favorability and loyalty value was not high at that time. Su You could easily be rejected if she proposed it. In addition, Lilith's skill level was not high at the time, and she could not be domesticated in batches. Beasts are even prone to accidents, so let it go.

But now that Lilith's loyalty and favorability values ​​are at full levels, and her skill level is only one step away from the master level, it is very appropriate to make this request at this time.

Of course, another important reason is that Black Snake confirmed the situation in the forest and told Suyou the news. The beasts in the next area were indeed restless - this was a precursor to the beast tide.

Therefore, the beast tide incident is basically a certainty, but Su You is not worried at all, and is even a little happy.

Who says beast tides only have bad sides?

Isn't this just the time to deliver a 'express delivery' to them?

Su You can just use this group of beasts to tame a group of fighting forces for the territory, and avoid having to send people to catch them in the forest.

Of course, the most important reason why she is not worried is her confidence in the combat effectiveness of the territory. Otherwise, let alone catching wild beasts and taming them, it is hard to say whether the territory can be saved.

After the combatants are the productive residents in the territory who are responsible for running any shops——

Dolly: Intermediate sewing skills (bottleneck), advanced restorer (bottleneck)

Canglan: Intermediate blacksmith skill (bottleneck)

Yusen: Advanced planting skills

Sitter: Advanced Animal Husbandry Skills

Anjie: Intermediate mechanical skills


Although there are only five people in total, the sewing shop, blacksmith shop, farmland and pasture basically cover most of the needs of the entire territory.

Although Anjie, a mechanic, has low talent, he managed to raise his skill level by one level through the Inspiration Season, reaching the intermediate level.There are a lot of improvements for intermediate mechanics, because intermediate mechanics can make medium and large parts more conveniently and quickly, and their mastery of these two parts will also be improved. In other words, the recipes for various machines that can be made will also be improved. Increase.

After reaching the advanced level, what can be produced is not large parts, but tiny 'precision parts'. Compared with the intermediate level, what is added to the advanced level is not the formula, but the ability to refine and improve various mechanical equipment.

However, the intermediate skills are enough at this stage. At least the pile of formulas in Su You's head that require medium and large parts can finally be used.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s precise or not, as long as it works!

Finally, there are four non-combatants and non-production residents——

Bu Guo: advanced trading skills, elementary persuasion skills (bottleneck), elementary math skills

Ed: Advanced librarian skills, intermediate writing skills

Ain: Advanced construction skills (bottleneck), intermediate construction drawing skills (bottleneck)

Jinluo: advanced mathematical skills, intermediate management skills, intermediate financial management skills, elementary trading skills


Not to mention Ain and Ain, these two people just improved their skill levels, but something was wrong with Bu Guo and Jinluo.

One learned the other's calculation skills and learned the persuasion skills without any teacher, and the other learned the other's trading skills... Such a strange change, although unexpected, seems to be reasonable. middle.

Su You really didn't expect the result of this wave of 'mutual learning'. She just thought that the two of them liked money and had similar interests. Although there was an age difference, Bu Guo was already precocious, so they were not happy to get along with each other, but At least there won't be any conflicts.

I didn't expect that even though the relationship between the two of them was getting better and better, there would be such an unexpected surprise.

For a moment, Su You even regretted why Jin Luo didn't learn Bu Guo's persuasion skills.

Jinluo was originally a big liar when it came to money. If she learned the skill of persuasion, how could she deceive everyone in the entire territory... and convince them to deposit money in a bank?

Tsk… I don’t dare to think about it…

But having said that, Jinluo's ability is indeed powerful. Not counting the funds invested by Su You, the bank's current savings are as high as [-] gold coins, and today is the tenth day of the bank's opening, which works out to an average of [-] gold coins per day.

The initial capital was [-] gold coins, and Su You added an additional [-] gold coins later. In addition to the [-] gold coins, the bank's current capital was [-] gold coins.

According to what Su You learned from Jin Luo, she left [-] gold coins as working capital, and the remaining [-] gold coins were all put into the investment project she was optimistic about.

Five days have passed since the investment, and the income from this investment will be paid out today, so after Suyou has compiled all the territory data, she is ready to go to the bank to have a look.

Before going to the bank, Suyou first went to the herbal garden located behind the city lord's mansion.

The herbal garden had been built the day before yesterday, but because Suyou was not in the territory yesterday, she did not have time to go and take a look. However, when she arrived at the herbal garden, she found that Baicao had already moved and settled here.

Not only that, she seemed to have used yesterday's time to plan all the spaces in the herbal garden.

"Baicao? Where are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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