Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 452 452 Inspiration Season 34

Chapter 452 452. Inspiration Season 34
Su You shouted several times but got no response. Just when she was guessing whether Baicao hadn't woken up or was not in the herbal garden, Lingbao suddenly appeared out of nowhere and called her.

After following Lingbao for a while, Su You found a rabbit that had been restored to its original form in a small corner of the herbal garden. It looked like it was digging a hole.

"Baicao?" Su You looked at the dusty rabbit covered in mud, with doubts and confusion in his eyes.

Baicao Rabbit was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at her, then raised his paw and waved as if to ask: "Sister Su, wait a moment, I'll dig a hole first, and I'll be fine soon!"

Su You: "...Okay." Although she didn't know what Baicao wanted to do, Su You seemed to realize that the hole she dug was different from the ones she usually dug, so she didn't say anything to help.

Baicao kept his word, and it was very fast. In less than 5 minutes, the rabbit who almost buried himself in the soil when digging the hole finally emerged from another hole.

Afterwards, Baicao directly transformed into a human form, and the white dress that was transformed from fur also became a lot darker in color due to the soil.

However, Baicao didn't seem to care. She even looked up and greeted Suyou as if she hadn't noticed.

"Sister Su, why did you come to see me?" After saying this, Baicao seemed to have remembered something, and before Su You could say anything, he said again: "By the way! Because you were not here yesterday, I don't know what to plant. So I just turned the soil yesterday and added some nutrients to the soil. If there are any herbal seeds, they can be planted directly now!"

"Also, thank you Sister Su for the small room you prepared for me. Baicao likes it very much!"

Because Su You had just seen that the status of the medicinal fields outside was 'can be planted', she was not surprised by Baicao's words.

"The herbal seeds have been placed in the warehouse of the herbal garden for you. Just plant good and excellent quality herbs first." The good and excellent quality in Su You's mouth are actually equivalent to the green quality and blue quality in the system level. .

There is no need to grow white-quality herbs. On the one hand, these herbs are basically found in the forest and do not need to be planted. Just purchase them directly. On the other hand, white-quality herbs can also be grown in farmland.

Red grass is the most typical example.

Only herbs of green quality and above require special medicinal fields for cultivation because of increased soil requirements.

As for purple-quality herbs, Suyou also has some seeds, but not many.

The skill level of Baicao and the level of the herb garden are not high, and planting can easily fail, resulting in a waste of seeds, so I will not plant it for the time being.

"Okay~ I understand!" Baicao nodded in agreement, and then looked like he was going to the warehouse to get the seeds.

But before she could take two steps, Su You called out to her.

"Wait, don't rush there yet. I have a question for you. What were you doing digging a hole just now?" Su You had actually wanted to ask this question for a long time, mainly because it didn't look like a rabbit to her. hole, so Baicao probably didn’t dig it for himself to live in.

Moreover, Baicao herself had just said that she liked the house that Suyou asked Ain to build for her. In other words, she was probably living in that house these days. In this case, there was no need for her to dig a hole. .

So, what other reasons could there be for Baicao to dig holes in a small corner of the herbal garden?
If she hadn't looked at Baicao's innocence and innocence, without any bad intentions, and there were no abnormal fluctuations in the loyalty value, she would really have suspected something else.Baicao didn't shy away from Su You's question. Su You seemed to be curious, so he explained to her: "This hole... this is the place I plan to use to bury the herbal stones. Sister Su knows that the herbal stones are What?"

Su You shook her head, she had never heard of this thing.

But since the name is 'herbal stone', it must mean that this thing is related to herbal medicine.

"Wait, let me look for it..." Baicao rummaged through his body, took out a palm-sized pebble, and handed the pebble to Su You.

This pebble has a very smooth appearance, a slightly irregular oval shape, and a gray-white color. However, after looking through it, Su You found that there was a touch of emerald green strands on one side of the pebble.

If you don't look carefully, you might even mistake it for two stones spliced ​​together, and the splicing position is exactly where the green strands are.

"This is the herbal stone. This is a stone discovered accidentally by the beasts in our tribe. The reason for discovery is that there are many herbs growing around this stone..." Because there are many herbs growing, they were discovered by the beasts and collected them. In the process, I discovered this strange-looking stone.

So the orc took the stone back.

After experiments, the orcs discovered that if this stone was placed next to a field where herbs were grown, the herbs would grow faster, better, and more.

After confirming that the stones were harmless, the clan leader asked everyone to bring back all the stones and give them to the orcs in the clan who were good at growing herbs.

Baicao is one of them.

Then when Baicao was preparing the things he needed to carry for traveling, he conveniently put this thing into the package.

Anyway, the stone is not big or heavy, and although its appearance is slightly strange, it is ordinary and does not easily attract attention.

According to Baicao's idea, if she is desperate one day, she will sell the stone. Although she doesn't know how much it will be worth, she should be able to make a fortune!
"Although I brought a little few herbal stones, the herbal garden is not big, and these few herbal stones are enough!" Baicao said with a proud expression, and his bright black eyes curled up from time to time. You look like a child who asks for praise and rewards from adults for doing good things.

Su You has always been generous with rewards for her residents, and she even gives compliments casually. With just a few words, she can make Baicao smile.

"Although you are a resident of the territory, this does not mean that you have to give for free... Well, if you need anything, you can tell me, and it will be treated as a reward to thank you for taking out the herbal stones." Suyou Since you can say this, it must be confirmation of the role of herbal stones.

But it wasn't just because of Baicao's words, it was because Suyou found that she couldn't view the information about this herbal stone.

Since it cannot be viewed, it means that this seemingly ordinary stone is actually not that simple.

(End of this chapter)

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