Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 453 453 Inspiration Season 35

Chapter 453 453. Inspiration Season 35
Baicao just took out the herbal stone without making any request to her. If she didn't take the initiative to ask, Su You certainly couldn't pretend that she didn't know.

Just like what Su You just said, although the residents need to help develop the territory, the help here is not free. Any resident who contributes to the territory will be rewarded by Su You for their contribution to the territory.

Territory contribution played a very small role in the early stage of the territory, because the territory had nothing at that time, and even if they contributed, they could not exchange for anything.

But it's different now. There are many things contributed by the territory that can be exchanged.

For example, free exchange for any goods in all stores opened for the territory, such as additional registration quotas for the academy, additional monster spawning tower quotas, and even the opportunity to change jobs, as well as exchange for rare items in the territory warehouse, the territory Exchange of houses or shops...

Of course, the more precious something is, the more contributions it requires. Suyou is very strict about the contribution value. Obtaining the contribution value is not difficult, but it is by no means simple.

If a resident has reached a contribution value that can be directly exchanged for a rare material for free, then it must mean that the benefits he brings to the territory far exceed such materials.

Calculated this way, even if the materials are given to the other party for free, the territory will not lose money, and it can even win over the people and let everyone know that their contribution to the territory is not without any value.

It was Baicao's first time going out for training and she didn't understand these things, so Su You had to lead her to understand.

"Ah? Can anything be used? I want the fluffy blanket from the sewing shop last time... Of course, it would be better if you could use the same material to make a small nest for me..." Baicao's His voice became smaller and smaller, as if he was afraid of Suyou's rejection.

"Okay, actually you can go directly to Dori for this kind of thing. She knows about your matter and she will help you." Su You felt that Baicao didn't look like a social phobia, but rather an outgoing personality. Tien Tie's relationship with other people was generally good, but he seemed a little alienated from Dolly.

Did Dolly do anything to her?

This is obviously impossible. After all, Baicao had this attitude on the first day he met Dolly, when they didn't know each other yet.

Moreover, Su You also knew about Doli's character. It was absolutely impossible for her to bully others, and if something happened to her, she would definitely tell Su You immediately. However, Su You had not heard anything from Doli in the past few days. What news did you hear over there... So this problem will most likely arise on Baicao.

Under Su You's insinuation, Baicao finally revealed the reason why he was unwilling to contact Dolly.

In fact, it's nothing. The main reason is that rabbits are the most common creatures in the forest, which means that nearly [-] to [-]% of the fur in the territory is rabbit skin.

As for furs, the only point of consumption is sewing shops, so there are a lot of rabbit skins in the warehouses of sewing shops.

What happened after that is easy to understand. Baicao probably felt scared, so he didn't want to go to the sewing shop. It didn't have much to do with Dolly. If it had to do with it, it might be because Dolly was made of rabbit skin. thing.

"Although the patriarch also said that it is normal for humans to hunt animals, and even we orcs hunt other beasts, the smell of the sewing shop is too strong, and I am not used to it." The smell here naturally refers to the smell of rabbit. To be precise, it smells like 'dead rabbit'.

It's not that she hates or fears human hunting, this fear is simply a fear of smell.

"I understand. When the time comes, I will ask Dolly to come here." This is not a big deal. It can only be regarded as a misunderstanding at most. Now that it is explained clearly, it will be nothing.

"No, no, no, there's no need to go to such trouble. Just tell me where she lives, Sister Su." Since Baicao said so, Su You didn't refuse and told her the location of Duoli's residence.

After finishing speaking, Su You brought the topic back to the stone. "Do you know the name of this kind of stone?" Since she couldn't check the information, Su You could only look up the relevant information by herself.

It would definitely be easier to look up if it had a name.

"I don't know, it may have other names. 'Herb Stone' is just what everyone in our clan calls it." Most of the orcs are simple-minded and don't deliberately think about those delicate things, so the name is also Seems very simple and crude.

Just because it is a stone and has an effect on herbal medicine, it is called a herbal stone.

"Okay, I understand." Suyou didn't regret not knowing the name. This was expected. After all, if the orcs really knew the name of this stone, they probably wouldn't bother to name it.

After meeting with Baicao and arranging the herbal matters, Suyou left the herbal garden and went to the bank.



As soon as she arrived at the bank, Su You once again saw the long queue of seniors.

This situation couldn't help but remind her of the time when the bank just opened, and it was like this.

This time, Su You didn't just pull someone over to ask what happened. Instead, she went straight into the bank. There were people watching her, but seeing that she wasn't trying to jump in line, they didn't pay much attention.

The first person who saw Su You coming in was Bu Guo, but Su You saw that she was busy and motioned for her to continue working. Bu Guo opened her mouth and said nothing, finally nodded and continued busy with what she was doing.

There was a heavy-looking bag placed in front of her. Su You saw that the bag was full of copper coins, at least a thousand in number.

Moreover, there were seven or eight similar bulging bags piled on the ground behind the Bugo chair, most of which contained copper coins.

Jinluo was sitting next to Bu Guo, holding a pen in her hand. There was a thick account book on the table. Every time someone came, she started to rummage and write.

Suyou suddenly felt that even though she had only been to the Elf Clan for one day, she seemed to have missed a lot of things.

She didn't bother, and found a corner where no one else could see, sitting and watching the two of them working.

When Su You sat down, the next person walked up to Jinluo. The other person took out a money account order (similar to a bank card). Jinluo took a look at it, and after confirming whether it was true or not, she started based on the information on the money account order. Look it up on the ledger.

"Are you here to collect interest?" she asked while searching without wasting any time.

"Yes, yes, I deposited two gold coins. Do you think it meets the requirements for receiving money today?" The owner of Qian Hu Ling looked a little happy, but also a little nervous, holding the corners of his clothes tightly with both hands.

(End of this chapter)

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