Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 454 454 Inspiration Season 36

Chapter 454 454. Inspiration Season 36
From their conversation, Su You could probably guess the reason for the long queue at the bank today - who wouldn't queue up now that they can get money? !

However, it has only been ten days since the bank opened. In other words, even if you started saving money from the first day, it has only been ten days to this day. How much profit can you make in only ten days?

Which fixed deposit in the real world is not based on years?
However, after all, the situation here cannot be compared with the outside. Jinluo must have her reasons for doing this. Wanting the Money Rat to take money outside can only mean that the Money Rat can harvest more money in the future!
Therefore, although Su You was confused and didn't know what Jin Luo had done, she had no objections for the time being and was not prepared to stop her. Instead, she watched quietly.

"Deposit: 2 gold coins, the time is exactly ten days, and the interest is 20 copper coins. This is the money note. Take it to the side to get it." Jinluo found this person's record, then wrote something with her pen, and took the money. The note was returned to the woman in front of him along with the money account order.

After that, the woman happily went to Bu Guo with the money note.

"Hello, this is my money note. I want to take out all the money." The woman did not despise Bu Guo because she was a child. Instead, she was very polite and respectful to her... But this is normal, after all. Regardless of their age, the other party is a person who works in a bank and is not someone they can offend.

Bu Guo took the money note and said nothing.

Although Jinluo was right next to her, she could see the whole process, which confirmed that the money note was genuine, but she still looked at it carefully again, and then counted out twenty from the huge money bag in front of her. A copper coin.

"Here are twenty copper coins. You count the number. If there is no problem, please leave as soon as possible. Don't delay the next person's time." Bu Guo's movements are very skillful. It can be seen that he has done it many times.

However, Su You still found some problems, that is, it took a lot of time to count the copper coins.

Twenty copper coins are not many and can be counted in a few seconds, but what should we do if the other party has dozens of copper coins that need to be collected, but the number does not reach a hundred copper coins and cannot be exchanged for one silver coin?
Just when Su You was thinking, the next person happened to be in this situation.

After the woman is a man dressed as a businessman. He deposited a full ten gold coins in the bank. Based on the ratio of the previous woman, he could get at least one silver coin, but because he did not come to the bank on the first day it opened, In other words, the deposit time is not ten days, but less than ten days, so the interest will be less.

I don’t know how Jinluo calculated it. Anyway, the businessman met the conditions for receiving interest, and in the end he could get a total of 76 copper coins.

76 copper coins!
This amount is not small.

Bu Guo frowned, took the money note, looked at it, and then looked up at him: "Do you have any copper coins? I'll give you one silver coin, and you give me 24 copper coins."

This is actually a way.

If the number of copper coins is greater than seventy, then you can give silver coins like Bu Guo and let the other party make up the excess.

But unfortunately, the businessman shook his head.

"I'm sorry, I only have silver coins and a few copper coins with me. Little girl, please work harder and count them for me. I'm not in a hurry." This businessman was easy to talk to, but Bu Guo suffered a lot.

A pair of small hands grabbed two handfuls of copper coins in the copper coin bag. They counted them and found that they were not enough. Then they grabbed another handful and counted them again. They counted the 76 copper coins.

Because the businessman had been watching during the counting process, when Bu Guo handed over the money and asked him to count it again, he did not count it, but thanked him and left directly.

After he left, there were four people in the queue because he was delayed counting money.Bu Guo looked up at the queue in front of him, which was not long but was obviously growing rapidly, and his eyes glazed over for a second.

"Why don't you divide the money first before you distribute the interest?"

Just when Bu Guo was resigned to his fate and ready to continue working, he suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from behind him.

Bu Guo turned his head in surprise. Before he saw the person he expected, he was overwhelmed by a pile of money bags that covered his sight again.

"There are ten copper coins in the green purse, twenty in blue, and fifty in red." These purses were made by Su You temporarily. They don't consume much anyway. A piece of cloth and dye can make three or five coins. One, she just made a lot of them at once, so she can use them first.

As for the money in the purse, she put it in. After all, she had a system. Unlike Bu Guo who had to count them one by one, she only needed to grab a handful and she could directly see the number of copper coins she picked up.

After the copper coins were put into the purse, she could still see that it was a purse containing how much money——

For example, [green purse containing ten copper coins] [blue purse containing twenty copper coins] [red purse containing fifty copper coins].

With Su You's help, Bu Guo was obviously much more relaxed.

She only needs to check the authenticity of the money note, then take the corresponding number of money bags and copper coins, and then pour the copper coins out directly - yes, pour it out directly.

The money bag is not a gift, it is just a container for holding coins.

Although the money bag consumed very little material, Su You didn't have time to waste several workbenches making the money bag day and night.

However, although it is convenient for Bu Guo to use a purse to prepare a certain amount of money in advance, it is still a bit troublesome, because it is money after all. Su You can confirm how much money is in the purse, and Bu Guo can also believe that his lord has no problem. , but the person receiving the money cannot completely believe it.

Even if Bu Guo counted the money in front of them before, most people still had to count it again after getting the money. What's more, Bu Guo didn't count it yet, he just picked up the money bag and poured it into a pile before handing it over. Give it to them, and let those who are worried do their own counting.

After this back and forth, Bu Guo felt relaxed, but there was a row of people counting money standing in the corner of the bank.

Fortunately, there are only a few people who have saved a lot of money, so most people usually only receive a dozen or twenty copper coins. So far, the only one who has saved the most money is the previous businessman, 76 copper coins, so Their counting speed is still very fast.

However, in order to prevent someone from making small moves, Su You specifically asked the bank guard to watch when they were counting the money, lest someone deliberately hide the money and then say that the banker gave the money.

It doesn't matter if you lose a few copper coins to make up for it. The main thing is that your reputation is ruined. This is the biggest impact.

(End of this chapter)

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