Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 455 455 Inspiration Season 37

No one would be willing to put their money in a bank with a bad reputation. In this case, the bank would be ruined.

From this perspective, it can also be seen that putting the money in the money bag in advance is not a long-term solution. After all, there are fewer people now, and there are more people waiting, and more money needs to be distributed. Then won’t the entire bank be affected by it? Is it filled with people counting money? .

Therefore, we must find a solution as soon as possible and find a method that can quickly 'count money' and convince everyone.

Otherwise, the territory hasn’t developed very much yet, and the banks are already so busy. What’s the point of waiting until it develops into a large territory?
"It would be nice if there was a 'money detector' here too..." Su You murmured with emotion, thinking quickly about what could be used as a substitute for the money detector.

Just as she was thinking, Jinluo, who happened to hear Su You's words, looked back at her and asked in a hurry: "Lord, what are you mumbling about?"

Su You turned her head and glanced at her. She didn't directly say what she was thinking about just now, but said, "Let's talk after you're done."

After hearing what Su You said, Jin Luo didn't care and went back to work.

This busy day lasted all day long, and Su You took lunch out of his backpack casually.

However, the two of them didn't even stop to eat. After eating for a while, one of them came to collect money or handle other business. Jinluo was also really patient, and ran to work without even taking a bite of the meal.

By the time I rested completely, it was already night.

During this period, Su You left for a while. After all, she was also busy and did not have much time to stay at the bank for such a long time.

In the evening, when the bank was closed and she finally had time to talk, Jin Luo immediately responded to Su You and asked to recruit people.

"You must be able to learn basic arithmetic. I don't want to start teaching you arithmetic! And your character must be guaranteed! You should all know these lords, so I won't say more!" This is the first time that Jinluo has used it! Talking to Su You in such an excited tone, it seemed like he was really exhausted.

Su You nodded in agreement: "How many people do you need? Are there any other requirements? What kind of work do you need them for?"

Jinluo thought for a while and made no other request.

"Two people come first... It's okay to have a few more substitutes, but only two will be left at that time. After they have learned the lesson, one of them will register information and the other will introduce business to the customers."

Although Jinluo finally relented and wanted to recruit people, it can still be seen from her words that she did not feel comfortable handing over the main work at hand to others.

Because obviously, whether it is registration or business introduction, these two tasks are the simplest, and they are also tasks that cannot directly touch money.

Since they don't have access to money, the risk is much reduced. After all, their power is limited and they can't do anything terrible.

"Okay, I understand." Su You was very satisfied with Jin Luo's caution.

From here we can also see the benefits of recruiting a Money Rat.

Although it is not easy to deduct money from her, and she will even ask for money in return, she is also very strict about money matters and is not prone to problems.

After finishing the recruitment matter, Jin Luo took out all the ledgers she had kept during this period without waiting for Su You to ask.

The one placed at the top is undoubtedly the data ledger related to the investment five days ago.Seeing that Jin Luo was so sensible, Su You was not polite and took away the top layer of the ledger. When she opened it, she saw a lot of data densely recorded inside.

Although it is dizzying at first glance, if you look at it carefully for a while, you will find that the data above is particularly clear.

When, how much money was invested, how much money was gained, how much money was lost, what were the reasons for the gain/loss... Such detailed information can definitely be understood even by people who have no knowledge of the industry.

You can even learn a lot of accounting skills and techniques from it.

After reading the ledger, Su You summarized the income. Two thousand eight hundred gold coins. In five days, the cumulative income was 320 three gold coins. Calculated, the rate of return was close to 11.5%, which was higher than the 10% that Jinluo said at the beginning. Up 1.5%!

"How's it going? Lord, I didn't disappoint you, did I!" Jin Luo looked at Su You with a smile, her expression a bit proud.

Su You nodded... Although she didn't want Jin Luo to be complacent because of this glorious achievement, she still had to praise what she deserved.

After all, she watched the entire investment process, and it was perfect, without a single mistake. It could be called a textbook-level investment demonstration!
"You have done a good job, I don't deny this, but with your strength, the funds you have experienced in your life will definitely not only be less than 3000 gold coins. You can seize this opportunity. I hope you We can also seize the next opportunity and do as well as this time, or even do better.”

Su You didn't spend too many words to suppress her emotions, but more reminded her that this investment was just one of the thousands of investments she had experienced in her life.

One success actually means nothing, what she wants to achieve is success again and again!

Jin Luo understood what Su You meant, but this did not affect her joy. After all, this was the first time she had independently operated so much funds.

You know, although she had worked for banks in other territories, she missed countless opportunities because of her lack of qualifications.

Every time there is a related investment project in the bank, she will work hard to calculate to get the best result, but every time the result she gets is worthless in the eyes of others.

They are still more willing to trust those experienced financial planners.

Of course, Jinluo had to admit that those senior guys were indeed more powerful than her, but she wouldn't just reject her plan every time without even taking a look at it, right?

For this reason, Jinluo changed many territories and worked in many banks, but she never had a chance to really get started.

The best one was when her investment plan was approved, but her plan was handed over to others to control. As for the final fame and rewards... naturally it was the person who operated it.

Who would remember that the owner of this plan is just a 'newcomer' with no investment experience?
Although Jinluo got her share of the reward afterwards, she still left the bank.

The previously agreed three updates on 10.3-10.5 are still two days away.


Thanks for the reward of 【Panxia Ruyan Lifetime Dream】.

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