Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 456 456 Inspiration Season 38

Yes, Jinluo likes and loves money, but she is not just for money.

She still enjoys the tension caused by operating money and the happiness when getting profits.

Since none of the previous banks could satisfy her wishes, she would change. She didn't believe that the mainland was so vast and she didn't even have a place suitable for herself.

So she came here.

When Su You told her that she could take full control of a bank, she chose to join Sunset Territory without hesitation.

She had a feeling that this would be her best chance, and if she refused, she would regret it for the rest of her life.

Although with her current strength, she could definitely work in a territory with better conditions, she still chose here because only here could she have the opportunity to accomplish what she wanted to accomplish.


After reading all the ledgers, Su You briefly took a look at the bank's situation today.

The reason why there is a long queue is that Jinluo posted a notice at the bank door yesterday. Anyone who has deposited money for more than seven days and the amount of money deposited exceeds one gold coin can come to the bank tomorrow...that is, today to claim the money. A batch of extremely high interest rates!

The longer you save, the more money you save, and the higher the level of your account, the more interest you earn.

Of course, when distributing money, you will definitely not just say it is interest. Jinluo emphasized that this is because the bank wants to thank everyone for their trust and support, so it makes an exception and distributes a batch of high-proportion interest in advance.

Although there will still be profits in the future, the proportion will certainly not be as high as today.

As soon as this announcement came out, everyone was shocked.

They never thought that they just came to the bank to open a money account with the mentality of "something is better than nothing" and "even if you don't have it, you won't lose money". They didn't expect that it had only been ten days and it was less than half. Within a few months, they could actually receive interest!

There are many reasons for Jinluo to do this, among which there are three main reasons -

First, because Jinluo knows that today is the last day of the inspiration season and the day with the most traffic in the territory. Only by giving out money today will attract more people to the bank.

Regardless of whether they save money or not, as long as they come and take a look, Jinluo's goal will be achieved.

It was a business where you could collect money while you were still depositing money, and it was the only one in the whole continent. She wasn't afraid that they wouldn't be interested!

Second, in addition to being the last day of the inspiration season, today is also the fifth day of the first investment. Generally, most investments are settled every five, seven, or ten days.

It just so happened that the one that Jinluo chose was settled every five days. Today can be said to be the richest time. If she didn't pay out today, Jinluo felt that she would be reluctant to pay in the future.

Of course, this reason belongs to Jinluo's personal factors and cannot be considered a reason, it is just a make-up.

In fact, the most important thing is the third one——

Third, Jinluo is about to open the 'investment business' that was not unlocked before, and the interest distributed today is a stepping stone.

Because the so-called high-yield investment is actually using the money deposited by others to make stable long-term investments.During the investment period, the money cannot be withdrawn. If you need to force the withdrawal, the bank will not stop it. However, it will be considered a breach of contract and a part of it will be deducted from the deposit, or a part of the amount will be paid as liquidated damages.

The first is 'no withdrawal', and the second is 'liquidated damages'. These two points alone determine that the promotion of high-yield investment business will not be particularly smooth.

Because investment is open to ordinary people in this continent, it is a rare and perhaps even unprecedented operation. Everyone is always curious and wary of new things.

Because this involves money, their curiosity may not be very high, but their vigilance must be very high.

However, this business is the bank's largest profit segment, and it is absolutely impossible for Jinluo to give up, so she thought of distributing interest today and tempting them with high interest, so that they would willingly hand over the money. Bank management.

There is no need to say much about what happens next, you can all understand it.

The owner of the money will take a small part of the profits earned from this money, while the bank will take the majority... Of course, this kind of thing will definitely not be known to outsiders.

This is the foundation for the development of a bank!

In the eyes of these wealthy owners, they just put their idle and useless money in a safe place, and this safe place can continue to "use money to make money" for them!
"So you want to take advantage of this high interest payment to launch this investment business..." Su You understood the meaning of Jinluo's actions. After thinking about it carefully, she felt that although this operation was a bit risky, it was indeed It works.

"Lord, you are smart, that's what I think." At this time, Jinluo was not as happy and relaxed as before.

Not only was he not relaxed, he was even a little nervous.

Because she knew that although Su You had given most of the power of the bank to herself, the execution of such an important plan would definitely require Su You's consent.

Because investment involves a large amount of money, a little carelessness will lead to huge losses. Under normal circumstances, let alone Su You, Jinluo thinks that if she thinks from her perspective, she probably won't agree.

After all, there are too many things that a territory needs to take care of, especially a territory that is still developing, and there are even more things that need to be taken care of.

But if Su You didn't agree, then all the plans were just trying to fetch water from a bamboo basket, so she very much hoped that Su You could agree.

"Lord, do you think it's not appropriate to launch this business now?" Because she wanted to know Su You's thoughts quickly, Jinluo saw that she hadn't spoken for a long time, so she took the initiative to ask her opinion.

Su You shook his head: "No."

She paused, then continued.

"You have grasped the timing very well. It is not impossible to launch this business at this time, but have you ever thought that the current level of the bank cannot refresh too many investment projects. If the quality of the projects refreshed next time is not good, then What are you going to do with the interest on this investment fund?”

Su You's meaning is very simple. It's okay to launch an investment business.

However, due to level restrictions, the number and quality of investment projects currently refreshed by the bank are limited, and the refresh mechanism is similar to that of the tavern. After choosing to invest in a project, the bank's investment interface will enter the refresh state.

It would be okay if good investment projects were refreshed this time, but what if they were all junk projects that lost money?
Do not vote?

The money given to the bank by these customers can only be kept in vain.

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