Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 457 457 Inspiration Season 39

Money is not a seed, and you cannot sow it yourself to make money, but the high interest rates they promise cannot be less, otherwise they will lose their credibility.

In this way, it is obviously a profitable business, but it has turned into a bank giving money to everyone. This is a loss-making business, and naturally they do not want to see it.

Then this is even more impossible.

If you choose to invest money knowing that you will lose money, unless there is another reason, you are stupid.

It is better to just give the lost money to the customers, which can at least increase everyone's goodwill towards the bank, as well as the bank's own reputation and credibility.


Su You didn't think there was anything wrong with Jin Luo having this innovative idea, otherwise she would have brought it up with Jin Luo directly when she saw the introduction of this business last time.

But she didn't expect that Jinluo would move so quickly. It wasn't even half a month ago, and she was actually planning to launch this business directly.

If Jin Luo has a reasonable way to deal with the lack of good investment projects, then Su You is still willing to support her, but if not, then the matter can only be left alone.

It is impossible for Su You to support a plan that is destined to have problems, even with the last investment. Although the temptation of money is great, she must let Jinluo show evidence that she can successfully invest before she will agree. .

"I have thought about this problem..." Jinluo has indeed thought about this problem. After all, she values ​​money so much, and compared to Su You, she is still an insider.

It makes no sense that even Su You could think of losing money, but she couldn't think of it.

"Regarding this problem, I really don't have a clear and good way to solve it at the moment. However, the investment business I want to launch this time is not the type of bank, but an investment within the territory." Jinluo said very confidently. She frankly admitted that she had not found a solution, but she also found a reasonable explanation for her behavior.

"Tell me about it." Su You raised an eyebrow and asked her to continue.

She asked why Jinluo proposed a plan that obviously had no solution and asked for it to be implemented. It turned out that there was something else.

"Lord, you just saw the account books. One of them is about loans and debits..." Jinluo pulled out a ledger. This one is indeed an account book about loans and debits. Su You did read it just now.

"Your investment is related to borrowing?" Hearing what she said, Su You immediately understood what Jin Luo meant.

"Yes, I have learned from those who come to the bank to borrow money. Most of them borrow money to buy houses, buy shops, organize caravans, or do other profitable businesses. If we can control these actions of theirs, Do a benefit estimate before investing in them…”

Jinluo's idea is nothing in the real world, because there is already a similar type of investment in the real world. This kind of investment is called 'angel investment'.

However, there are no angel investments on this continent, so Jinluo's idea can be said to be quite advanced.

In comparison, the risk of investment in the territory is much smaller.

On the one hand, it is because the person is within the territory and cannot escape.

On the other hand, Jinluo is able to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the borrower before borrowing money, which can further reduce the possibility of non-repayment of the loan.

After listening to Jin Luo's explanation, and Su You knew about angel investment, in addition to being able to better understand Jin Luo's meaning, she could also give her some opinions and suggestions... These are all summed up by modern people over the years. With experience, these suggestions and cases, Jinluo will go smoothly in this business.

The moment she gave her opinion, it proved that she had agreed with Jinluo's plan.

If she disagrees, there is no need for her to waste her time talking about so many things here.

When Jinluo heard Su You's suggestion, on the one hand she was happy for her agreement and support, and on the other hand she was surprised at Su You's understanding of the plan and its level of innovation.

In her opinion, this business, which is similar to angel investment and temporarily named 'friendly investment', was entirely her own idea. There is absolutely no way that anyone on this continent would know about it.

But under the premise that she was so determined, Su You could give such reasonable opinions and suggestions simply by understanding the situation from her. If it weren't for her identity, Jinluo would definitely want to lure Su You to the bank. Work!

But this is obviously impossible. Let a lord of a territory come to work in a bank in the territory?
Isn't this a joke?
Although there is no way to poach the corner... to be precise, what she wants to poach is not the corner, but the wall!
However, Jinluo felt that she was very lucky to have such a lord.

She was extremely glad that she had chosen to join this territory. If not, she would not have had so many opportunities to choose independently.


When I left the bank, it was already very late, but even so, there were still many pedestrians on the streets of Sunset Territory. Compared with the previous situation, which was deserted and miserable and even no one passed by during the day, the current development of Sunset Territory It can be called excellent.

Today's Sunset Territory is different from before. More people want to join the territory, and more people want to settle here.

They are all working hard in this direction, and the Sunset Territory is also moving towards becoming the best territory in their hearts.

The day passed quickly. When the time came to 59:[-] pm, a light-colored screen appeared in front of Su You.

When the time came to twelve o'clock in the evening, lines of text appeared on the screen - this was the settlement evaluation of the inspiration season.

Yes, the Inspiration Season also has settlements, but the settlement items are different, and there are no rewards.

[The inspiration season is over, this inspiration season evaluation: SSS. 】

Another SSS!

It's just that this time SSS doesn't seem to mean that much to Su You.

Because there were no rewards, not even a ranking list, it completely eliminated Su You's idea of ​​taking this opportunity to learn more about other people's situations.

Since there was no other new content, Su You stopped staying up late and closed her eyes to rest.

But just a few minutes after she closed her eyes, Su You suddenly felt that something was wrong. When she opened her eyes suddenly, she also opened the territory information panel.

At this glance, she really discovered something was wrong. At the bottom of the territory information panel, there was a brand new territory event——

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