Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 459 Chapter 459 Building the City Wall

Therefore, Su You recruited a helper for her.

In this way, she can work when she wants to work and can leave at any time if she doesn't want to work.

To sum up, no matter from which angle you look at it, Lin Chen and Lin Mu are absolutely the ones who need to be protected.

As for how to protect them, there are actually many methods. The simplest and crudest way is to directly arrange bodyguards for the two of them. Anyway, the territory has just passed the baptism of the inspiration season, and the most important thing is combatants.

If one isn't enough, just two. If two aren't enough, just form a team of ten. Anyway, all they have to do is protect the two of them from being captured, and they don't necessarily have to defeat each other.

Moreover, the battle site must still be within the territory, so they only need to delay for time, waiting for others to discover the situation and rush to the scene to provide support.

However, Su You wants more than that.

In addition to protecting Lin Chen and Lin Mu from being captured, she also hoped to leave a few "survivors" alive for interrogation and get more information.

If she needed to catch someone alive, it would definitely be more difficult, because she couldn't arrange people around them openly, because it would be easy to alert the snake.

The other party is able to do so many things, including stealing the artifact templates of the orcs, kidnapping elf princesses, and arresting people across continents... All kinds of deeds prove that these people are definitely not fools, and they will definitely not be fooled, knowing that they are not fooled. It can be done.

So if you want to protect people, simple!
But it’s very difficult to arrest people!
For a while, Su You couldn't think of any good solution, so she could only put this matter aside for the time being and arrange for Ain to solve the problem of territorial wall defense.

After all, in addition to protecting people, she couldn't forget that the beast tide was also happening simultaneously.

Don't worry, if the people are protected and the territory is gone, it will be a big joke.

Because she didn't know the scale of the beast tide, Su You could only arrange the defense measures for the beast tide according to the best settings that the territory could currently make.



"The city wall is made of arrow walls. This is a blueprint. You can study it directly, or you can choose to improve it and copy it."

"In addition, I also have drawings of catapults and city-defending crossbows, so the city wall I need to build has locations where catapults and city-defending crossbows can be placed." Su You explained her requirements in detail, and then put The drawings of the Arrow Wall were given to Ain.

Ain looked at the drawings and meditated for a few minutes. While meditating, the pen in his hand was still rapidly drawing the first version of the city wall sketch on the white paper in front of him.

Halfway through the drawing, his movements suddenly stopped, and then he raised his head and asked, "Lord, are you suddenly reinforcing the city wall because of what is about to happen?"

Perhaps because he was worried that Su You would misunderstand, he explained: "If I can know the reason, then I can design better and more suitable drawings based on the situation of the territory and the existing materials in the warehouse."

Whether it's fighting dark creatures or fighting beast tides, they all look similar on the surface, similar to city defense, but in fact the fighting methods are different.

The main characteristics of dark creatures are that they are soft and changeable, so the city wall must be permeable, otherwise they will try their best to get in like slimes.

In addition, high-level dark creatures have extremely strong assistance capabilities. They have similar thinking to humans and can enter the city in various ways.For example, drilling holes, stacking on top of each other to increase height, and then climbing into the city wall, or evolving dark creatures with strong flying or jumping abilities.

Therefore, in addition to the fact that the city walls must be permeable, the height of the city walls must also be higher, otherwise they can also use unexpected methods to enter the city.

But the beast tide is different. The main theme of the beast is a beast charging, with great power, but average intelligence, especially the contaminated beast, which highlights a simple mind and well-developed limbs.

Therefore, if it is to fight against a tide of beasts, the biggest requirement for the city wall is to be strong. Otherwise, if the group of crazy beasts collides with it a few times, the city wall will collapse. Needless to say what happens next.

There is nothing wrong with what Ain said. If you want the best city wall, it is very simple. Just use the best materials. However, the territory definitely does not have that many top materials that can be used to build the city wall.

But if you want the most appropriate drawing, you must understand the actual situation.

Su You knew what he meant, so she directly talked about the beast tide.

"There will be a tide of beasts in the near future. The time is uncertain, but it will basically be within a week, so it is best to reinforce all the city walls in the territory within three days."

After Su You finished explaining, he added: "If you have any other requests or information you want to know, you can tell me."

For Su You, as long as the city wall can be built well, everything else is not a big problem. Moreover, Ain has been in the territory for such a long time. Su You also knows what kind of person Ain is. She knows that he is not Will ask some useless things.

"It would be best if you could show me the drawings of the catapult and the city defense crossbow. I need to know the size and specifications of these two devices so that I can leave enough space for them on the city wall."

"In addition, since it is a beast tide, the strength of the city wall is very high. Lord, you should also know this, so I need a large number of wall bricks made of reinforced stone to build it."

"Finally, the original construction team was short of manpower and could not complete such a large amount of work in three days. If we want to build the city wall quickly, we must recruit manpower quickly."


That’s the benefit of having professionals.

He draws the drawings, arranges the personnel, and oversees the construction process... After having a professional and loyal architect, all Su You needs to do is prepare the manpower and materials according to his requirements, and then wait for acceptance. It worked.

In view of the tight time, Su You immediately agreed to Ain's plan after reading the sketch and confirming that there were no major problems.

"I have arranged for people to make materials this morning. The reinforced stone will be delivered to the construction warehouse at noon at the latest. Then you can just send people to transport it."

"As for the manpower issue, I have already considered this. Just yesterday I recruited twenty people. They will gather in the square at ten o'clock this morning. You can go and take them away directly. In terms of salary, you can see Come, I will allocate the funds at noon."

After Su You said these two sentences, Ain also began to lament the benefits of finding a good lord.

He trusts everything, decentralizes power, doesn't pick and choose, and basically responds to everything as long as he explains the reasons.

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