You must know that Ain was already close to the strength of a senior architect before he came to the Sunset Territory.

He is similar to Jinluo. Although he can't find a particularly good job in a large territory, he definitely doesn't need to come to Sunset Territory, a small and remote territory that was once called a "ruin".

Jinluo wanted to be able to realize her wish to have complete control over everything and be able to actively control funds.

The same is true for Ain. He also wants to find a place where he can show his talents without being judged by people who have no knowledge of the industry.

In fact, joining the Sunset Territory was an adventure for Ain, after all, he came earlier than Jinluo.

The Sunset Territory at that time was not comparable to when Jin Luo came. When Jin Luo came, the territory had developed and the natural disasters were coming to an end.

But when Ain came, the territory was about to face the threat of natural disasters, but for Su You's promise, he decisively chose to join the territory.

Because of this promise, Ain was ordered to take over all construction-related responsibilities in the territory. He also played an important role in the maintenance of buildings destroyed by acid rain during natural disasters.

For capable people, they always hope to avoid self-righteous advice and unfounded criticism from superiors, which will seriously affect their enthusiasm for work.

Although the Sunset Territory is not the best territory at present, it is the most suitable territory for them and the best territory in their eyes.

All this has a huge relationship with Su You's own attitude towards the residents.

For the residents of the territory and the people she has entrusted with important responsibilities, her main thing is to use people without suspicion and not use them without suspicion. She will never point fingers at their work, let alone give self-righteous instructions, nor will she blame those who have imposed them on others. There is no need for much pressure.

Of course, this may also be related to the fact that she has a digital system, because she can see the loyalty, favorability and strength of these people, so she knows whether they are trustworthy and whether their strength is qualified.

As long as they are trustworthy and capable, she will basically delegate power.

Su You never interfered in any of their professional matters, and would only get involved in more critical matters, such as the execution of the investment business that Jin Luo mentioned yesterday.

Having such a lord is definitely a lucky thing for most people, especially those with ability and dreams.

Because here, they can realize many of their dreams without worrying about them dying due to human factors.



Returning to the topic, after communicating with Ain about the city wall, Su You went to the blacksmith shop and machine shop.

The purpose of going to the blacksmith shop was to have Cang Lan make the 'large crossbow arrows' used in the city defense crossbow. The reason to go to the machine shop was to give Anjie the drawings of the city defense crossbow and catapult, and let him be in charge of making them.

Although making large crossbow arrows is definitely more difficult than ordinary arrows, it is not difficult for Cang Lan, who can be upgraded to a senior blacksmith soon.

But the city defense crossbows and catapults are obviously not that simple.

These two big guys need to use medium and large parts, and Anjie has just been promoted to the intermediate level. Although he can already use these two parts, he is not very skilled.The consequence of not being proficient in using parts is that certain problems may occur during the assembly process. These problems may be exposed during the assembly process or may be exposed during subsequent use.

If it's the former, you can just assemble it again, which is just a waste of time.

But if it's the latter... it's like during a battle, the gun in your hand not only failed to fire a bullet to kill the enemy, but instead exploded and killed yourself.

Therefore, Su You was very strict when explaining the production of catapults and city defense crossbows.

She even spent most of the day in the machine shop, watching Anjie assemble it step by step. She didn't feel relieved until she made the first catapult and city defense crossbow.

Although Su You is not a professional mechanic, she has seen a lot of mechanical equipment and understands some related basic common sense. In addition, she can also see the information of these two mechanical equipment, so she can also see this. There was no problem with the quality of the first catapult and the first city-defending crossbow.

"In three days, I need you to make at least four more catapults and four more city-defending crossbows." Adding the existing one catapult and city-defending crossbow, there are a total of five catapults and city-defending crossbows.

"No problem!" Anjie guessed that he needed to make more than one catapult and city-defending crossbow, so he had calculated the time to make this one.

The catapult is less difficult than the city defense crossbow, but it requires more parts, because the stone is a heavy object after all, and more parts are needed to support the operation to achieve the effect of throwing stones.

So the parts for the catapult took one hour to make and two hours to assemble, adding up to three hours.

The situation of the city defense crossbow is opposite to that of the catapult. It has few parts, but it is difficult to assemble, because the most important thing about the crossbow is the accuracy of the crossbow arrows. If the assembly is not careful, the launch position of the crossbow arrows will be offset, and the arrow's shooting position will be offset. The launch force was insufficient, causing it to fall halfway.

Therefore, it takes half an hour to make the parts of the city defense crossbow, and a full three and a half hours to assemble, for a total of four hours.

Calculated in this way, these eight large machines consume a total of 28 hours, which is more than nine hours of work per day on average over three days.

It looks like a lot, but the actual speed is faster.

Because the parts of the catapult and the city defense crossbow are common, Anjie does not only make one part at a time.

If he's lucky, he can make more parts in the same amount of time, thus shortening the time it takes to make parts.

Not only that, the assembly time is actually not stable, but will shorten as proficiency increases.

According to Anjie's calculations, he can shorten the original 28 hours of work to 25 hours. If he is lucky, 2423 hours is also possible.

As for overtime, for machinists, the best working condition is eight hours a day...ten hours at most. Any more will affect work efficiency and work quality.

Anjie knew that the lord valued quality, so he didn't mention anything about overtime. It was a thankless task.

"Lord, I think I can at least make one more catapult or city guard crossbow. Which one do you think you need?"

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