Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 462 4622 Complete Strategy

The crossbows fired by large machines have a minimum defense-breaking property of 50%, and can also increase the critical hit rate. When a critical hit is triggered, the damage is 100%, which completely ignores the defense.

No matter which attribute it is, these are the greatest weapons against the beast boss!
Although Su You is not sure whether there will be a beast leader in this beast wave, it is always okay to prepare more. Anyway, even if there is no leader monster, other elite monsters can attack with crossbow arrows. This crossbow arrow will definitely not wasteful.

Then, the number of combatants specially organized for the beast tide reached 150 in two days.

It is worth mentioning that all of these 150 people are non-territorial residents, because territorial residents participate in the beast tide by default. After all, the beast tide attack is different from the previous activities of cleaning up the sea. The beasts attack their 'home'.

They couldn't possibly watch their home being attacked, so they had to participate.

Even residents who have no fighting ability will need to do some logistical work within their capabilities, whether it is helping to transport supplies, wounded people, dressing wounds... Anyway, everyone has something they can do.

The population of the territory has now exceeded the 150 mark. Adding these 650 people, the number is [-]. It may be difficult to deal with large beast tides, but there is definitely no problem in dealing with small beast tides. Even medium-sized beast tides can last for several days.

This is only counting the total combat effectiveness of ordinary people.

If you add catapults, city guard crossbows, and a few magicians, then even a medium-sized beast tide will not cause any big surprises.

The fastest large-scale beast tide that Su You had seen before was eighty days, but now it was only seven days, a difference of more than three weeks, and the possibility of a large-scale beast tide was basically zero.

In addition, there is another factor that proves in disguise that this time it is impossible to be a large beast tide.

The people who caused the beast tide could not do anything while the leader beast, the black bear, was still alive, otherwise they would definitely be discovered.

After all, the black bear is the alpha beast and knows the forest very well. All the beasts in the forest are its "eyes and ears". It can be defeated by the black snake because of its equal status, but it is absolutely impossible for humans to do anything in the forest without telling it.

In the forest, the beasts had an absolute advantage. No matter how powerful they were, they could not defeat the beasts, so they must have polluted the animals after the black bear died.

The black bear died six days after No. 40, which is exactly ten days from today.

If they could trigger a large beast wave in just ten days, what else could they not do?
In other words, if they are really that powerful, do they still need to do things in such a secretive manner?

You must know that the difficulty and scale of a large-scale beast tide are several times that of a medium-sized beast tide. The number of participating beasts is at least tens of thousands, and more than [-]% of them must be at least medium-sized beasts, otherwise they will all be little guys like rabbits and squirrels. That can't be called a beast tide.

Let’s not talk about whether there are so many wild beasts next door. On average, thousands of wild beasts are polluted every day. This cannot be easily achieved by using some small means.

Therefore, Su You believes that this time's beast tide is most likely to be a small beast tide, or at most a medium-sized beast tide that barely surpasses the small beast tide.

After coming to this conclusion, Su You was better prepared for all the preparations for the beast tide.

The only thing that I'm a little undecided about so far is the matter about Lin Chen and Lin Mu, but there's nothing that can be done about it.

Su You had already thought about it, she couldn't ignore the safety of the two sisters just to catch them alive, so she could either find a way to have both of them, or if she couldn't, she would definitely focus on protecting the two of them.

As for the life and death of those people, it doesn't matter.It would be best if they could be captured alive. Even if they died, these people had committed many evil deeds and deserved to die. They did not deserve sympathy. It was a pity that there was no way to get any information from their mouths.



In the blink of an eye, another day has passed, and the solid arrow walls have been completely built. Ain's current work is mainly to arrange for people to further strengthen and maintain these walls.

And he himself got another arrangement from Su You, and began to set up various traps for catching animals outside the city wall, as well as build watchtowers in the city for observing distant situations, as well as arrow towers for long-range attacks, etc.

These are not actually necessary, but since you have time, it is definitely best to make more preparations.

Anjie has already assembled six catapults and five city-defending crossbows. At the same time that the city wall was completed, these eleven large machines were also sent to the city wall simultaneously and placed in their positions. .

At present, Su You has arranged for some people to be proficient in the use of these two large machines. In order to ensure uninterrupted use, Su You has arranged for nearly thirty people to be proficient and learn.

While Anjie was instructing the use of the machine, he also took his apprentices to learn the maintenance of the machine.

On Canlan's side, the number of crossbow arrows has reached nearly four thousand, which is completely enough to deal with the medium-sized beast tide.

As for ordinary arrows, the inventory number is more than 10,000.

After all, it is simple to make, does not require any skill level to make, and can be made dozens of times at a time.

Arrows are daily consumables like whetstones and other props, so there are hundreds of thousands of them in stock in the warehouse. Coupled with the tireless workbench production, it is not surprising that there are 20 arrows.

The number of combatants recruited through the announcement increased by more than a hundred within one day.

Although Su You didn't explain clearly what the action was this time, everyone looked at the fiery preparations of the territory in the past few days and understood that the territory's seemingly sudden recruitment was not a temporary move, but sufficient preparations in advance.

Under the same conditions, everyone is definitely more willing to fight a well-prepared battle, because it is less likely to be dangerous, and the reward this time is not low. The most basic guaranteed daily salary is one silver coin per person, and the more enemies you kill in the future, the more likely you are to fight. The more, the greater the reward...and it also includes food and accommodation!

Such generous treatment, if it were not clearly stated that only combatants were required, and their combat levels were also restricted, let alone less than 300 people gathered now, even if 300 more people came, it would not be an exaggeration.


In addition to the above preparations, other stores in the territory are also busy, and everyone is busy preparing for this beast wave.

For example, a sewing shop works overtime to make various armors.

For example, in the tavern, Lin Chen, under Su You's instruction, started preparing wine early to brew wine that could increase combat attributes and even restore magic.

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