Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 463 Chapter 463 There is a fool

In addition, there are restaurants, medical clinics, flower shops, etc.

One is preparing quick meals that can be easily consumed, food that can increase attributes, and the other is preparing a large amount of wound medicine, blood recovery medicine, antidote, attribute medicine and other medicines.

The florist who seemed unable to provide material help during the battle also participated in the preparations because Lin Mu cultivated the calming flower and green soul grass.

The soothing flower literally means a sleep aid, which ensures that everyone has enough energy to deal with new battles every day.

Green soul grass is a kind of grass with very graceful appearance. It is often bought and taken home as an ornamental by people who love green plants.

But what most people don't know is that Green Soul Grass can grow small purple flowers the size of a fingernail after special cultivation. These small purple flowers only need to be simply ground and sprinkled on the wound to act as an anesthetic. 'Similar effect.

Lin Mu told Su You about it as soon as she found out about it, and Su You immediately asked her to cultivate a large number of small purple flowers that were temporarily named 'narcotic flowers'.

Of course, anesthetic flowers also have side effects.

Because the anesthesia effect is too strong, the whole person will fall into a state of unconsciousness for nearly half a day after using the anesthesia.

However, this side effect is actually nothing. After all, minor injuries do not require anesthesia, and seriously injured people cannot fight, so it does not matter whether they are conscious or not.

Although there is magic, dragons, elves, and all kinds of magical beings in this world, the medical level is basically not much different from the ancient times.

It's better to be unconscious than to die in pain!
Of course, Suyou has actually discovered that this anesthetic flower is actually a relatively unorthodox herbal medicine. This side effect can actually be offset by combining it with other herbal medicines.

It's just that the anesthetic flower was discovered too late, and Vivian didn't have enough time to study it, so she had to make do with it for the time being.


Among the shops that are not owned by the territory, the enchanting shop has the best business. Every day, gold and silver are brought into the account, which makes the enchanter who was unhappy during the process of renting the shop smile. He is no longer showing off every day. A cold, dead face.

Su You looked at the packed warehouse, feeling satisfied and at the same time feeling more confident about this time's beast wave.

In the evening of that day, after sorting out the supplies list, Su You was ready to go out for a walk, and at the same time, he also 'inspected' the situation in the territory to see if there were any novel events.

What Su You didn't expect was that her luck was indeed good, because she did encounter an extraordinary incident, but the two protagonists of this incident were actually two old acquaintances...

"Master Magician, I have said before that what happened last time was just an accident. I am very grateful for your help, but I believe that the territory is still very safe. There is absolutely no need for you..."

Feiya frowned, her good aristocratic cultivation and the baptism of reality for more than ten years made her resist the urge to curse.

In the end, she chose to express her meaning in a more tactful way: "There is no need to waste your time."

Su You saw Fiya from all the way and was about to come over to say hello. When she got closer, she heard these words. She was stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously followed Fiya's gaze... and then she saw a A certain fire magician that even the mother who dressed up might not recognize.

Su You: ...ha, a cunning man.

Although she didn't know what plot she had missed, Su You thought about it and knew that Meike must have done something. Otherwise, with Feiya's good temper, she wouldn't be so impatient to say this. 'Three words written on the face.After Fiya finished speaking, she saw Su You. She was stunned for a moment, then nodded politely towards Su You, and then took the opportunity to find an excuse to leave.

"You must be here to see the Master Magician, right? Then I'll leave first." After saying that, Feiya turned around and left, as fast as if there were jackals, tigers, and leopards behind her.

Su You stared at Meike speechlessly, her eyes almost glued to her eyes, and waved her hand to interrupt without mercy.

"Are you harassing Feiya? Have you forgotten what I said before?!" Although she didn't know the truth, it didn't stop Su You from taking this opportunity to warn Meike again.

Anyway, even if Meck didn't make a big mistake in this matter, he definitely made some small mistakes.

Just this disguise of "stalking" was enough for Su You to characterize his behavior.

Suyou didn't know what she thought of, and her eyes that were staring at Meike drifted for a while, and it took a while before she came back to her senses.

After coming back to his senses, he found that Mike was still stunned, and was left speechless by Su You.

Su You: "Come back to your senses. Stop looking. If you keep acting like this, you are really going to run away. How can a magician like you come up with so many shameful methods? Why don't you be more upright?"

When Su You said these words, she felt a little familiar. Then she thought about it, and she seemed to have said almost exactly the same words to 'Mike' before.

It's just that the situation at that time was not that Meike was 'stalking' Fia, but that Meike was secretly giving gifts to Fia.

It was okay at first. Fiya just thought it was someone who accidentally left it on her doorstep. Later, when she discovered that there were unknown 'gifts' every day, Fiya was so frightened that she went to Su You's place...

Having said that, it was a good thing that Feiya had already joined the territory at that time, otherwise Su You would have thought that she would just pack up her things and leave that night.

The result is now better, and almost the same situation happened again. Su You still remembers the answer Meck gave him at that time...

"Ah... Shouldn't I let her know how good I am first and then pursue her?"

Suyou: grass (a plant), there are idiots here.

The exact same answer as before made Su You couldn't help clenching his fists.

That's right, Meck's answer to Su You was exactly the same, even the punctuation marks were the same.

"Do you think you're doing her a favor? Have you ever seen anyone being followed and still think the stalker is a good person? You might as well give her a gift secretly. At least you won't be regarded as a pervert!" After all, as long as you don't write anything on the gift, Name, no one knows who sent it.

Su You was just angry at the idiot with low EQ in front of her and started talking nonsense. She couldn't help but talk about the incident. Unexpectedly, Meike's next words directly shocked Su You. Yuzu fell silent on the spot.

"How do you know that I gave her something? Did she tell you? Do you know what she likes? She didn't seem to like the things I gave her. I saw her throwing things away..."

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