Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 465 Chapter 465 Shana

Chapter 465 465. Shanna
As Meck said this, he expressed his disdain for the set of things in his hands.

I originally thought that I could successfully disguise myself as another stranger to protect Feiya, but I didn't expect to be seen through at a glance. What a useless piece of garbage!

Meck, who was cursing like this in his heart, did not feel at all that the reason why he was discovered was not because of disguise, but because his own words and deeds were exposed...

"What does the stall owner look like?" Su You continued to ask.

Meike frowned and thought for a while and said: "The woman is shorter than you. The most obvious feature is that her hair is curly and the color is strange...I can't tell the specific color, but it's not black anyway."

A slightly shorter woman with non-black curly hair?
This feature is not particularly obvious, but it is not common either. At least it can help Su You find someone.

"You like it? I'll give it to you. It's useless for me to keep it anyway. If you're okay, I'll leave first." Maker stuffed all the things in his hand to Su You, then turned around and left.

Su You stared at the disguise props in her hands for a while...

Trading area?
Also reasonable.

Although there are many stores in the territory, some of them are not owned by the territory, but Su You has data on what these stores sell, at what price, and for how much.

If this set of disguise props was bought in a store, there's no way she wouldn't have discovered it today.

In addition to shops, the only place in the territory where items can be bought and sold is the trading area...



Based on the answer given by Meike, Su You came to the trading area.

Although it was late afternoon, there were still many people setting up stalls. At a glance, there were almost no empty seats.

The trading area is still the original size, and Su You has not expanded it. In the middle of the trading area is a cross street, with three rows of stalls on the left and right sides. Each row has ten stalls. On the fifth There is also a road between the first and sixth stalls.

Calculated this way, up to sixty stalls can be set up in the trading area at the same time.

This number is obviously too small for a territory whose floating population has reached four digits, so Su You has already thought about expanding the trading area after the trading area closes at night.

Anyway, the trading area is just a special area. It is not a building and does not require construction time. She can modify its size at any time.

Along the way, Su You didn't see the woman with "long curly hair" that Maker said. Let alone curly hair, Su You didn't even see a single person with hair color other than black.

Although she was a little regretful, Su You also knew that the stall might have been closed down or there were other reasons for not setting up the stall, so she could only tell the matter to the patrol team responsible for order in the trading area.

"Please help observe in the past few days to see if there are women with curly hair that is not black... If so, help keep the person and then notify me. It is best to take the person directly to the City Lord's Mansion..."

After giving the instructions, Su You walked around the trading area again, and after getting to know the current situation of the trading area, she left.

...After that, Su You went to a flower shop, a medical clinic, a tavern and other shops to learn about the preparation status of supplies.

Except for the unstable yield of the anesthetic flowers cultivated by Lin Mu, the preparations of several other stores are very good.

It is worth mentioning that when Su You came to the tavern, Su You suddenly remembered the woman who had prepared drinks for him before and kindly gave him ice cubes, but she didn't seem to see her today.

Because of the problem of ice cubes, Su You mentioned that person after finding Lin Chen and asking questions about the reserve of attribute wine.

"How come the person who was at the front desk when I was here last time isn't here today? Doesn't she still work here?"

Although Lin Chen didn't know why the Lord suddenly cared about an unknown waiter, he still answered truthfully: "Lord, you must be talking about Shana, right? She is still working here and has not left. Her sister is sick. She needs more money for medical treatment, so she usually works the longest hours and has the heaviest workload...but today her sister seems to be a little seriously ill, so she had to take leave."

It is reasonable and there is nothing wrong with taking time off to take care of your loved ones when they are sick.

But Su You always felt that something was not right.

Before she could think about it, she heard Lin Chen say again: "The reason why I left last time was because Shana asked me to take care of her sister. Her sister seems to have had health problems since she was a child and has been bedridden almost every day. I'm going The child's face was pale when he was there, and he looked very pitiful..."

"Their parents are not around, and the two sisters are dependent on each other. It was because of this that I let her work in the tavern."

It's actually a bit inaccurate to say that it's sympathy. Lin Chen has more of a sense of empathy for Shana.

After all, she and Lin Mu are also in the same situation. They have no other relatives and are important to each other, so they can't help but want to be more tolerant towards people who have the same experience.

Of course, tolerance does not mean unconditional and unlimited charity.

It happened that the tavern was short of people at that time, so Lin Chen gave Shana a higher salary and invited her to come to the tavern to help.

Hearing this, Su You realized something was wrong.

According to Lin Chen, Shana should be very short of money. Under such circumstances, how could she spend money on non-necessities like ice?

Moreover, it is now a break in the mild season, and the temperature is mild and comfortable. According to the data, it is maintained at about 25 degrees. This is a season that neither makes people feel hot nor feels cold.

With such a balanced temperature, there is absolutely no need for ice cubes. Therefore, Shana's original statement that she bought too much ice cubes was completely inconsistent with her actual situation... Suyou suspected that she did not buy the ice cubes at all. It came, but she made it herself!

"Lord? Do you have any questions? Is it related to... Shana?" Lin Chen originally thought it was strange that Su You would suddenly ask about a small employee, but now looking at her thoughtful look, I couldn't help but think a lot in my heart.

Su You came to her senses and did not answer Lin Chen's question. Instead, she asked, "Do you know that Shana sells ice cubes in the tavern?"

Lin Chen was stunned for a moment, then shook his head slightly.

Seeing her expression, Su You roughly understood... She understood why Shana asked Lin Chen to go back and help take care of her sister.

It was obvious that Shana could take leave by herself to take care of her sister a few days ago, just like she did today, so why did she have to trouble Lin Chen?
(End of this chapter)

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