Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 466 Chapter 466 The Bridge of Communication

The reason was simple. She wanted to get rid of Lin Chen so that she could have a chance to sell ice cubes.

Selling ice cubes is just for money, which corresponds to her lack of money. Let’s not mention where the ice cubes come from, but she definitely did not buy the ice cubes. On the contrary, she also wanted to use the ice cubes to make money. Block money.

As for why Shana didn't tell Lin Chen about this, she was probably worried that Lin Chen wouldn't agree, and she didn't want to be held accountable for the source of the ice.

Anyway, as long as Lin Chen didn't know about it and didn't care about it, she could use the convenience of her job in the tavern to sell ice cubes.

Giving away ice cubes for free at the beginning can be interpreted as the tavern is trying a new way to let customers try it out. When the time is right, she can take out the ice cubes and sell them directly.

The guests will not suspect that there is something wrong with the ice cubes. They will all think that the ice cubes were made by the tavern. No one will suspect that a small employee secretly brought the ice cubes and sold them in the tavern.

As long as Lin Chen didn't discover it for one day, she could sell it for one more day.

Even if Lin Chen found out, judging from the current situation, Shana just brought ice cubes to sell privately, and did not violate any territorial regulations. After all, ice cubes are non-toxic and harmless and did not cause any bad consequences. .

The worst outcome would be that she would be fired.

After hearing Su You explain so much, Lin Chen suddenly felt a little uncomfortable... This was probably a feeling of being taken advantage of.

In addition to the discomfort, there is also guilt.

The guilt here is for Su You. After all, in Lin Chen's opinion, even if he did not mention the previous life-saving grace, the lord believed in her so much and left all the affairs of the tavern to her, but she had not noticed it for so long. Shanna has a problem...

Fortunately, Shana just wanted to sell ice cubes. If she took the opportunity to tamper with the wine, causing problems for the guests and the reputation of the tavern, Lin Chen would definitely be guilty of improper jurisdiction.

"This matter is not entirely your problem. I know you are very busy and can't take care of the affairs of the tavern." Su You saw her thoughts, but she did not blame Lin Chen.

It wasn't because she was tolerant, but because she knew that Lin Chen's negligence had a reason.

Lin Chen was not a boss who didn't care about things. On the contrary, it was precisely because she had too many things to manage that she gave Shana a chance.

The tavern is different from other shops. Other shops have already recruited apprentices one after another. Even the flower shop has helpers to help with the flowers and plants. Only in the tavern, all matters related to brewing are taken care of by Lin Chen.

Although Lin Mu occasionally comes to help, she also has her own flower shop after all, so her free time is very limited.

This resulted in Lin Chen being very busy every day, making wine, settling accounts, purchasing... She was responsible for all these matters alone.

She was even busier when she didn't recruit employees to help entertain the guests, because in addition to the above things, she also had to act as a waiter responsible for taking orders, delivering drinks, and collecting money. This was completely like tearing one person apart into five or six people. used.

Even with a waiter now, her workload is far greater than that of three people, because in addition to brewing the wine that the tavern needs to sell every day, she also occasionally needs to research brewing according to the needs of Suyou... or the territory. Brand new wine.

She didn't realize Shana's behavior was normal under the circumstances.

In particular, what Shana did was not a big deal, and it was not obvious. As long as no customers specifically reported to Lin Chen, or Lin Chen himself did not stay at the tavern and watch the shop all the time, she would definitely not be able to find out.

"Anyway, if I hadn't checked the operating situation of the tavern during this period, I wouldn't have discovered it. I still need you to remind me." Lin Chen sighed, his inner attitude towards Shana was very complicated.After this incident, trust is definitely out of the question, but if you really want to say disgust or hatred... there is actually no such thing.

"I know you care about this matter. It just so happens that it's not too late now. You should know where Shana lives. Let's go and ask together?" It's said that Lin Chen cares about it. In fact, Su You herself also cares about it. this matter.

She really wants to know how Shana makes ice...Does she have a lot of saltpeter?

Or maybe she discovered some way to make ice cubes without saltpeter?
Lin Chen hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "This side of the pub..."

She really wanted to go to Shana and ask for clarification, but at this time, there was still an hour or two before the tavern closed.

If she had left before, she would have left. Anyway, the operation of the tavern mainly depends on the waiters at the front and the wine in the cellar and warehouse. It doesn't matter whether she is in the tavern or not.

But after Shana happened, she always felt that she couldn't leave the tavern and had to keep an eye on her all the time.

"Don't worry, we're just leaving for a while." Su You could guess that this incident had a great impact on her mentality. Seeing that there was no way to hesitate, she simply pulled the person and left the tavern.



"This is Shana's home... She originally lived in the inn, but the inn was overcrowded, so I introduced her to a house in a residential area."

Houses for rent in residential areas are actually very popular. After all, if you are going to stay in one place for a long time, everyone would definitely prefer to rent a small house of their own instead of staying in a place like a hotel.

Especially since Shana's sister is still sick, she needs a quiet place to rest.

Under normal circumstances, most of the houses rented out in residential areas will be snatched up by territorial residents, and only a small number of places will fall into the hands of non-territory residents.

Shana falls into the latter category. She did not join the Sunset Territory and it was difficult for her to rent a house in a residential area, so she asked Lin Chen for help.

In order to thank Lin Chen, Shana originally wanted to give Lin Chen some money, but Lin Chen didn't accept it.

Su You: "Go and knock on the door."

There are two reasons why Su You needs to take Lin Chen with her on this trip. One is that Lin Chen really needs to have a chat with Shana, and she doesn't want this matter to become a knot in Lin Chen's mind.

Secondly, Suyou also needs someone to serve as a bridge of communication.

She was just a stranger to Shana. Even if she knew that Shana had a problem, if she didn't tell her, there was nothing Su You could do to her.

If you use the identity of the lord to coerce, it may have some effect, but Su You believes that it will force people to a dead end.

But Lin Chen was different. She was the person who had helped Shana many times, and she was also the person Shana needed to feel guilty about.

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