Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 467 Chapter 467 Frost

As long as she is a little grateful, she only needs to use a little persuasion, and then use her identity as a lord as a guarantee, and the success rate of wanting to know the source of the ice is still very high.

'Knock knock—'

There was a knock on the door, which was particularly harsh in the quiet night.

"Shana, are you there? I'm Lin Chen."

inside the house.

Shana, who heard the knock on the door at first, was not prepared to pay attention to the person outside the door. It didn't matter whether the person outside the door knocked on the wrong door or something else happened.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that she heard a familiar voice that the stiff expression on her face relaxed slightly.

She subconsciously wanted to stand up, but finally sat back down.

She looked at the little girl lying on the bed as if she was asleep, and remained silent.

If there is a third person in the room at this time, he will definitely find that the temperature inside the room is so low that it makes people feel shuddering.

If the temperature outside is as mild as spring, then the temperature inside the house is as cold as winter. The temperature difference is so huge that it obviously cannot be caused simply by ice.

What's even more strange is that the whole body of the little girl lying on the bed seemed to be covered with a light layer of white mist. Then, the white mist gradually condensed into pieces of thin ice that was as transparent as glass.

Shana seemed to have gotten used to it, and she very calmly slowly cleaned off the thin ice on the little girl's body bit by bit.

She threw the cleared ice cubes into a bucket, and within a short time, the bucket was full.

Next to this bucket, there are dozens of buckets, but these buckets are not filled with ice cubes, but buckets of water.

However, I believe that with the current indoor temperature, the water in these buckets will turn into ice cubes before long.

And these ice cubes are the ice cubes Shana brought to the tavern for sale!

"How could there be no one..." Lin Chen couldn't believe it.

They had been standing outside the door for five or six minutes. Lin Chen would knock on the door every ten seconds, but there was no movement at all from the house... This gave Lin Chen the feeling that Shana had come out of thin air. Just disappeared!
Su You also felt that something was not right. She approached the house and considered whether to push the door directly in...

Although it is a private house, as mentioned before, she is the lord of the territory. Theoretically speaking, there is no place in the territory that she cannot go to. As long as it is within the scope of the territory, no authority can stop her.

She can even break into a store leased to outsiders, but the consequences and impact of doing so will definitely be bad, and she will have to pay some price.

But the moment Su You's hand touched the door, she vaguely felt that the temperature under her hand was not right.

"Lin Chen, touch this door to see if the temperature is very low." Su You felt that this was not her imagination, but she still asked Lin Chen to try it too.

Lin Chen previously knocked on the door with her knuckles, so she didn't feel the change in temperature. Now that Su You specifically said so, she put her hand on the door...

"A-Ling! A-Ling, wake up!"

The moment Lin Chen put his hand on the door, an anxious female voice suddenly came from the room.After hearing the content clearly, Lin Chen's expression changed and he quickly explained: "Lord, Shana's sister is called Sha Ling."

With this explanation, Su You quickly realized that something must have happened to Sha Ling.

All her thoughts were cleared at this moment, and then she opened the door without hesitation.

You can still feel the cold temperature on the door, not to mention after the door is opened?

The moment they pushed the door open, the two of them felt an icy chill rushing towards their faces.

Shana was holding the unconscious Sha Ling anxiously. At this time, her nerves were tense. After hearing the movement outside the house, her heart sank and she subconsciously said: "Who is it!? This is a residential area, trespassing into a house. He’s going to be arrested!”

Although Lin Chen had already announced her door when she knocked on the door, Shana thought that Lin Chen had left because she stopped for a while and did not knock on the door. In addition, she could not think of the reason why Lin Chen broke in, so she thought that Lin Chen had left. It’s what strangers do.

Because Lin Chen had just been here not long ago, she took Su You directly to Sha Ling's room.

After seeing the scene in the room, both of them were stunned for a moment. Su You came to his senses quickly and subconsciously shifted his gaze to the girl Shana was holding tightly.

She saw ice cubes constantly forming on the girl's body. Although she couldn't think of the reason for a while, she also knew that she couldn't let the situation continue to develop.

"This can't continue like this. I'll take her to find Vivian." Su You said as she casually threw a probe to Nasha Ling. Although the information found was a bit sketchy, based on the knowledge and memory in Su You's mind, she He also vaguely guessed Sha Ling's situation.

Su You stepped forward and wanted to take Sha Ling away. Although Shana was shocked by seeing the two of them, she quickly reacted and stopped Su You.

"Who are you?" Shana was on high alert at this time, and Su You knew that it was basically impossible for her to take Sha Ling away directly.

But before Su You could say anything, Lin Chen also came over.

"Shana, you have also seen Sha Ling's situation. We just heard your voice and had to break in. She can take Sha Ling to Miss Vivian...that is, the healing department at the hospital. Magician." Lin Chen saw that Su You didn't directly explain his identity, so he didn't take the initiative to mention it. He just emphasized that Su You could give Sha Ling good treatment.

With Lin Chen helping to speak, Shana's attitude obviously softened a lot, but she still refused to allow Su You to take Sha Ling away.

"No! Sha Ling can't leave here! Her current condition cannot be seen by anyone!" Shana felt very uneasy. According to the past situation, Sha Ling should have woken up at this time.

But not only did she not wake up, more and more ice cubes condensed on her body. This abnormal behavior made Shana panic. At the same time, her past experience also made her dare not let Sha Ling leave here.

Lin Chen had no choice but to continue communicating with her.

While the two of them were communicating, the data that Su You could see in front of her eyes was also changing step by step——


Life: 100/100
Status: Level 47 Frost (Remaining time: 16 minutes and [-] seconds)
[Frostization]: People with this state will continue to condense around the body during the duration, and the internal organs in the body will be in a state of extremely low temperature.

When the frost level reaches level three, the owner will be unconscious for the duration;
When reaching level five, the frosting time increases;
When reaching level [-], all effects caused by frost are intensified;

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