Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 468 The 468 countdown stops

Chapter 468 468. Countdown stops

When the frost reaches level ten, the owner will gradually consume his own vitality within the duration until death...


With Frost's explanation, combined with Su You seeing Sha Ling's current condition, it is not difficult to see that she only has the last 47 minutes of her life left.

If you cannot find a way to lift the frost state or inhibit the frost state within these 47 minutes, there will only be one consequence...

Time was urgent, and Su You didn't want to waste time here. She took advantage of Shana's communication with Lin Chen and knocked Shana unconscious with a knife in her hand. This was a quick and easy way to finish her sentence before she finished it. Lin Chen was confused.

"Sha Ling's current condition is very bad. According to what I saw, she has very little life left. I will take her to the medical center. If the medical center is closed, I will go directly to Vivian's home... You stay here Look at Shana." After saying that, Su You took out a cloak made during the acid rain from her backpack, wrapped Sha Ling first, and then took her away.

Although Lin Chen was also worried, she knew that the lord asked her to stay not just to take care of Shana, but also to let her have a good chat with Shana about the ice cubes and let her explain to Shana. situation, so she did not leave.


After leaving Shana's house, Su You opened the information panel of the medical clinic and took a look at the business status. When she saw the words 'Closed 10 minutes ago', she turned directly and went to Vivian's house.

In the process, Suyou also met Lilith who had just returned home from get off work at the pet shop.

"Lord, are you asking... do you need help?" Lilith saw that she seemed to be hugging someone, and she subconsciously wanted to know the situation.

When she noticed that the man was wrapped in a cloak, she realized that this was a topic that shouldn't be asked, so she just asked if she needed help.

"Then please help me find Meike..." Su You looked at the status of the restaurant and found that it was still open: "The restaurant is not closed yet. You go to the restaurant to find him and ask him to come to Residential Room 8."

Meike's identity destined him to be a well-known person in the territory, so Lilith naturally knew Meike and knew Meike.

What's more, she has been in the territory for a month and is one of the earlier batch of people to join the territory. Although she doesn't like to socialize, Lilith knows most of the people in the territory.

Residential building 8 is Vivian's home.

"Okay." Lilith stopped thinking about going home, called Xiao Hui, then turned around and ran towards the restaurant.

When the wolf cub heard Lilith's voice, he responded with a 'ouch', and then left closely following his master's footsteps.

Su You didn't stop and walked directly towards Vivian's house.

When she came to the door, Su You called Vivian first. After hearing a reply from inside, she didn't wait for Vivian to open the door and kicked the door with her foot (while holding the person in her arms).

"Hey, Lord, why are you coming to Vivian so late? You can't even wait for the door to open..." Vivian was stunned for a moment when she heard the movement, and turned around to make a joke, but she saw Su You hugging her Before he could finish his sentence, he seemed to have realized something and immediately stood up to greet him: "Where did you pick up this person again?"

It's normal for Vivian to have this kind of speculation. If he wasn't a picked up person or a special person, he wouldn't be wrapped up in such a shameful manner.

Su You: "...Don't be ridiculous, you only have 43 minutes." 43 minutes is the remaining time for Su You to freeze after arriving at Vivian's house.

Vivian frowned, then cleared the sofa so that Su You could put Sha Ling on the sofa.

When Suyou stood up and turned back to close the door, Vivian had already taken off her cloak and saw Sha Ling who was about to be wrapped in ice.

"Is this...frozen?" Vivian's expression changed slightly, and she could see Sha Ling's situation at a glance.

Su You responded: "It's frost, and it's level ten frost."

Vivian originally checked Sha Ling immediately after discovering that it was frost, but after hearing Su You's words, she raised her head helplessly.

"Lord, the tenth level of frost transformation is basically equivalent to a dying person. Let alone me, even if my teacher comes, there is nothing we can do." Vivian's teacher is a master-level healing magician and a god. The highest level below level.

If she can't be treated, then there aren't many people in the world who can solve this problem. After all, there haven't been many god-level magicians since ancient times, and they basically exist in legends.

In the past hundred years, there have been only a few magicians who have reached the level of gods, not even five fingers.

"...Is there no other way? You can give it a try. I've already sent someone to call Meike." Although Meike is not a healing magician, he is a fire magician. Fire can melt ice and raise temperatures. The principle of death from frost is actually death from cold, so the fire element can also help.

It's just that after all, this is a level [-] frost that even a master-level healing magician can't solve. Meike is only a high-level fire magician and can only help in a limited way. However, there is no other way to treat a dead horse like a living horse doctor.

"Okay, since you said so..." Vivian muttered, then got up and went to the room to take out a medicine box, then took out a bunch of herbs from it and kneaded them, and finally poured the kneaded juice with water. On the ice.

When the seemingly harmless water comes into contact with the ice cubes, the ice cubes begin to melt. Although the speed is very slow, it is visible to the naked eye. This can at least prove that it is effective.

Su You asked: "What is this?"

Vivian spread the liquid on her hand evenly and said: "The juice of a high-quality fire-attribute herb. This herb is not cheap. Lord, you have to reimburse me."

"Okay." Su You nodded, and then added: "You go to Jin Luo to get the money."

Vivian was still smiling after hearing the first half of the sentence, but after hearing the second half, the smile on Vivian's face disappeared.

"Let me go find that guy who is obsessed with money. I don't think you are sincere, Lord." Although she knew that Su You was joking, Vivian still snorted, then turned away and stopped talking.

Su You didn't say anything, but carefully checked Sha Ling's condition.

As mentioned before, the way of death from frost is related to temperature. In this case, as long as the temperature rises, although it cannot save people, it will definitely play a certain role.

Sure enough, when Su You checked Sha Ling's information again, she discovered some changes - the countdown to frost had stopped!

(End of this chapter)

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