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Chapter 469 469 Divine Magician

Chapter 469 469. Divine Magician

And not only did time stop, Su You also saw some additional information!


Life: 100/100
Status: Level 39 Frost (Remaining time: 42 minutes and [-] seconds, stopped)
Talent: Magic (73/100)

Skills: God-level Ice Magician (Seal)

Traits: Son of God (a child blessed by God, possessing superhuman magical talents), fragile (physically weak, with reduced attributes in all aspects)

After seeing the above information, Su You had only one thought in her heart -

A god-level ice magician?
how can that be!

Although she had guessed before that Sha Ling's appearance was most likely related to ice magic, she never thought that it would be related to a god-level magician!
What's more, I didn't expect that Sha Ling was actually the ice magician himself!
The outrageous results made Su You have huge doubts about the data provided by the system for the first time.

It has been mentioned before how rare a god-level magician is. All those who can become a god-level magician are elderly people. The youngest god-level magician in history has reached 50 years old.

Although their appearance and physical functions will become younger and stronger as they become stronger, these cannot conceal their true age.

But how old is Shanna?

Although Su You didn't know the specific age, she could tell that Sha Ling was about the same age as Bu Guo.

Moreover, the fact that she is Shana's sister also shows that she is not some kind of existence like the Tianshan Child Mother. After all, Suyou has read Shana's information, and she is just an ordinary person.

Unless Shana and Sha Ling are not biological sisters... But this is not important. What is important is that there is a god-level ice magician lying in front of him who is about to die!
If Su You just wanted to try her best to save Sha Ling at first, but after seeing all the information, she only had one thought in her heart - she must save Sha Ling.

Regardless of Sha Ling's identity, the fall of a god-level magician is not only a loss to the territory, but also a loss to the entire continent!
But Su You still had a bad premonition in her heart. This premonition also made her feel that she must save Sha Ling.

"Open the door!"

The shout outside the door broke Suyou's thoughts. She recognized Meike's voice and went to open the door.

After the door opened, Su You ignored Meike's stinky face, closed the door directly, and drove the person in.

After being driven into the room, Meck frowned. He was about to say something, but then he was startled by the obviously strange temperature in the room.

"This temperature... is wrong! Why are there so many ice elements here!?" Mike said subconsciously, and then he realized why Su You asked him to come here.

He moved in the direction of the ice element and came to the place where the ice element was strongest, and then he caught a glimpse of Sha Ling lying on the sofa.

Although the liquid Vivian had just prepared could melt the ice and stop the frost, stopping did not mean it disappeared. From the moment the countdown started again, Vivian was still powerless.

"The medicinal effect of lava grass is limited. Normally, it can maintain high temperatures for at least 24 hours. However, this is level [-] frost, so its efficacy is greatly reduced. Judging from the current situation, lava grass can only inhibit frost at best. Ten to twelve hours.”

Vivian explained the situation to the two people, then took two steps back to give space to Meck.

Meck stared at Sha Ling again and again, then took out his magic wand and started chanting.

A moment later, a red flame-like halo appeared on Sha Ling's body. Su You recognized it at a glance as the magician's shield.Magicians with different attributes wear shields with different attributes. The magic effects are also different, and the physical sensations are also different. Fire shields mainly resist fire, and they will also increase the temperature around the person with the shield, but this It's controllable, so it won't hurt anyone.

After one fire shield, Meck seemed to feel that it was not enough, so he set up four or five fire shields in succession.

While he was taking action, Su You was also constantly observing Sha Ling's condition.

Until Meike stopped, Sha Ling's situation was as follows——


HP: 100/100

From the above information, it is obvious that apart from the addition of a magic shield, the frost state has not changed in any way.

Although Meck couldn't see the information panel, he was a high-level magician after all, so he still keenly noticed something was wrong.

"This is magic doesn't work on her?!" Although Meck didn't care much about magic, it didn't mean that he wasn't confident in his own magic.

On the contrary, he clearly knows his own strength and will consider whether he can do it before doing anything.

For example, the conflict between him and Black Snake. Black Snake scolded him for his poor cooking skills and the food was unpalatable, which was indeed the source of the conflict, but he also knew that Black Snake was injured, so he dared to chase and beat Black Snake.

But if Black Snake was not injured, he would definitely not be so impulsive.

Being able to become a high-level magician, Meck naturally cannot be a fool...except for certain moments, of course.

"She has higher-level magical energy!" After a brief period of confusion and disbelief, Meck said firmly.

Su You nodded in confirmation. After thinking about it, she told her about Sha Ling's extremely high magical talent. As for the god-level magician, she didn't say anything.

The reason why she didn't say anything was not because she didn't believe Meike and Vivian, but because she felt something was wrong about this matter and couldn't say it easily.

"Very talented?" Meck held one of Sha Ling's hands doubtfully, then closed his eyes, and the traces of magic fluctuations around his body became stronger.

Seeing this, Vivian also held the other hand and made the same move as Meck.

Just as they were both checking Sha Ling, there was another knock on the door. Su You paused and then heard a familiar voice.

As the door opened, a man rushed in.

"Where's A-Ling? Where did you take A-Ling?!" Shana at this time was completely different from the one Su You had seen before in the tavern.

At that time, she felt as gentle as water, and getting along with her was like a clear spring in summer.

But at this time, Shana's hair was messy, her face was stained with tears, and she looked extremely embarrassed, but the determination and worry in her eyes were incompatible with her appearance.

"Come in, she's inside, but be quiet. Two magicians are checking her body." Su You was afraid that Shana wouldn't recognize Meike and Vivian, so she only told them the identities of their magicians.

(End of this chapter)

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