Chapter 470
But what she didn't expect was that after hearing the word 'magician', Shana became obviously more excited than before.

"Is there a magician here?!"

Although she didn't know why she was so excited, Lin Chen stepped forward in time and said a few words to calm down the atmosphere, which stabilized Shana's mood.

At Su You's signal, Lin Chen brought Shana into the living room. Shana immediately saw her sister lying on the sofa and the two people surrounding her sister.

She wanted to go over and grab Sha Ling, but recalling what Lin Chen had said to her before, she resisted the urge, and then chose a position very close to Sha Ling and squatted down.

After squatting down, he stared at Sha Ling closely, as if he was afraid that she would suddenly disappear in front of him.

Su You looked at Shana, recalling her previous performance, and began to think about the story of the two sisters...

The first is Sha Ling's talent. This is the only talent that Su You has seen with two numbers so far.

Of course, being the only one doesn't mean it's the first one, nor does it mean Su You doesn't understand what it means - having two values ​​on the same talent is actually an extremely rare talent that can grow.

Although it is said that talent is destined by nature and it is basically impossible to grow, but just like the bard, there are always a few lucky people who can improve their talent through special adventures.

Sha Ling's magic talent is '73/100'. The first '73' represents her current magic talent, and the latter '100' represents the upper limit of her talent that can grow in the future.

The upper limit of talent value is '100', so Sha Ling is actually a magician with full talent.

It's just that she is still in a state of growth, so her talent is not even as good as that of most magicians.

But having said that, if she really has a hundred talents, then it is not surprising to become a god-level magician, but it will definitely take time, but Sha Ling seems to have been in Rome as soon as she was born.

She is already a god-level magician. Although she is sealed, this cannot change the fact...

But the talent for growth has already achieved the final result of growth... Why does this seem so strange?

Suyou thought of several possibilities, but they all felt a little unreasonable, and finally eliminated them one by one. Until she finally remembered Shana's violent reaction to the magician, she vaguely felt that the problem finally appeared here.

A magician had done something to these two sisters, or to Sha Ling, so Shana was so resistant to the magician.

This can also explain why Su You refused so decisively when she proposed to take Sha Ling to Vivian for treatment. Although the excuse was that she didn't want Sha Ling's condition to be known to others, the most important reason is probably I don’t want other magicians to see Sha Ling!
After thinking about it, both Meike and Vivian had put down Sha Ling's hands.

The two people looked up at each other, as if they had determined some answer, and then stood and sat down. Meike stood up and came to Su You's side to indicate that he wanted to talk.

Su You turned her head and glanced at Sha Na, finding that her attention was always on Sha Ling, and then took Meike to the corridor to chat.

When he came to the corridor, Meck told him what he had just discovered and the possibilities he had guessed.

"You are right. This girl does have extremely powerful elemental energy in her body, which means that her magic talent is extremely high... But I discovered a very strange thing, that is, the elemental energy in her body is very strong. Weak levels are very fragmented.”

To put it simply, Meck said that there is a high probability that Sha Ling has two different strengths of magical elemental energy in her body.One is very strong and one is very weak.

But under normal circumstances, the elemental energy in any magician's body is relatively balanced most of the time, and there will not be a situation where some elemental energy is too high and some elemental energy is too low.

It is true that elemental energy that is too high or too low may appear a small part of the time, but the amount is very small, and elemental energy that is too low will be absorbed by other elements, while elemental energy that is too high will be used and consumed by magicians first.

Sha Ling's situation is obviously a 'heterogeneous' situation. There will be such a serious separation of energy levels. There is only one possibility that Meck can think of -

"I suspect that part of the elemental energy in her body is not her own." Because it is not her own, she cannot absorb it. If Sha Ling's own elemental energy is very weak, but another stronger magician inputs more energy into her body, Strong elemental energy, then the current situation will occur.

But this is only short-lived, because too much elemental energy is not a good thing, especially if she is not strong enough. This part of the powerful elemental energy will accumulate in the space in her body until she explodes and dies... …

So the question is, since Sha Ling is a god-level magician, how can there be a power more powerful than the elemental energy of a god-level magician in this world?

Just when Su You was confused, Meck's next words made Su You have a bold idea——

"It's strange to say that if they are elemental energies from different sources, they should be mutually exclusive, but I don't feel that these two elemental energies with different strengths are mutually exclusive. I even... I feel that they are merging. !”

Meck's words directly reminded Su You of a dark witchcraft that she had seen in a book!

The function of this witchcraft is to take away other people's natural skills and forcibly transfer them to another person.

The talents here include magic!

Sha Ling's situation is indeed impossible to be a god-level magician, but if she has obtained all the magical energy of a god-level magician, then all this will become very reasonable.

Of course, this is only theoretically reasonable if the difficulty of the process is ignored.

In fact, it is the most unreasonable thing to be able to take away the innate skills of a god-level magician. With the strength and status of a god-level magician, there is no way he or she can be a 'victim'.


Unless this god-level magician is willing!
Suyou once encountered an adventure. Before his death, a master-level blacksmith wanted to find a suitable successor and teach him everything he knew.

This kind of teaching is voluntary, but the price is not small.

If Sha Ling is really the descendant of a certain god-level ice magician, all of this will be explained.

For example, why her talent has two values? Although it is a growable talent, it is not innate, but because of the inheritance, the potential value of her talent is forcibly increased.

 Thanks to [Xingmanxingman] for the many rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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