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Chapter 471 Chapter 471 Unqualified Successor

Chapter 471 471. Unqualified Successor
In addition, the identity of Sha Ling, the sealed god-level magician, also has a reasonable explanation. After all, the essence of inheritance is not to get something for nothing, and it is impossible to pass everything down at once.

Those who receive the inheritance must also work hard to absorb the content or energy of the inheritance step by step, so that they can reach the top height...

Suyou told Meike her guess. After thinking about it for a while, Meike seemed to think it made sense, but she still felt something was wrong.

"If it is a magician's inheritance, it can indeed explain all this, but one thing that is unreasonable is that no one would choose a person who cannot bear the inheritance as his successor."

Just like what Meck said, those who are qualified to inherit are all strong men at the top, and they are very strict in selecting successors.

Not only because the other party will become their successor in the future, but their words and deeds will affect future generations' judgment of themselves. The most important thing is that they do not want the inheritance to fail.

Everyone's abilities and talents are limited. Inheritance can only improve a person's talents as much as possible, but it cannot make something out of nothing. In other words, the successor chosen by a god-level magician must also be capable of becoming a magician and possess a certain level of magic talent. people.

But Shana is definitely not a qualified successor.

Because her magic talent is too low.

If she just wants to be an ordinary magician, 73 talent points is enough, but if she is a god-level magician, this value is not enough.

According to Meck, Sha Ling is a successor who cannot bear the inheritance.

If you want to become a descendant of a god-level magician, you must have at least 90 talent points. If the requirements are higher, 95 points is not surprising.

Perhaps it is precisely because her talent is not high enough that Sha Ling cannot digest the inheritance of a god-level magician, which is why she is like this now.

"Ignore the inheritance thing for now, do you have any way to save her?" Other things can be studied later, but the most important thing now is to come up with a way to save her.

Otherwise, if Sha Ling dies, all the truth will be meaningless.

But it is a pity that when faced with Su You's question, Meike shook his head decisively: "I can't do it, this frost level is too high... If you ask me, judging from the current situation in the territory, no one can save her. There was nothing that could save her.”

Meck had actually guessed that there was another very high-level magician involved, even much higher than him, but since Su You didn't mention it, he pretended not to know.

"Nothing you can do, it seems there is really no hope..." Although she knew that Mike was telling the truth, Su You still felt some inexplicable discomfort and regret.

"There is still hope. Don't you have a good relationship with the elves? Although we can't help it, the elves may not have it. If it doesn't work, just drink a few bottles of elf spring water. This way, even if you can't save your life, you can hang on. ." Although Meck's words are a bit simple and crude, they are indeed feasible and the last resort.

Meike and the others knew about the rescue of the kidnapped elves in the territory, but they just didn't know that one of them was an elf princess.

As for the last time Su You was invited to go to the elves, Meike also knew that he could guess that Su You had a very good personal relationship with the elves, so he made such a suggestion.

"...That's probably all there is to it." Su You sighed, and was about to take out the Elf Clan's Vocal Token, but then seemed to think of something, and put the Vocal Token back again.Meck took a look, and then said: "Judging from her current leakage of elemental energy, my magic shield can only last for a day and a half at most. During this period, the frost will be suppressed, but subsequent energy leakage will It will get worse and worse, and when it exceeds my ability, I won’t be able to protect her.”

"Thank you for your hard work, please go back first." Su You dismissed Meike with one sentence, then entered the living room and found Shana.

The reason she didn't go to Anita directly just now was because she was worried that Shana would not agree to take Sha Ling away... After all, she was Sha Ling's sister, so she still had to respect her wishes.

But it doesn't matter whether she agrees or not. Su You can use coercive means, just like what he did just now.

The most important thing for Su You to find her was to find out from Shana why Sha Ling became like this.

There is only a symptom but no cause, which is also difficult to treat.

"Shana, I want to talk to you about your sister." Suyou walked over and explained her purpose straight to the point. Shana was stunned for a moment, and then nodded silently.

Su You was about to go out and chat, but Shana didn't seem to want to leave. Su You guessed that she might not want to leave Sha Ling, so she had to look at Vivian.

"I'm sleepy. Go to bed. Don't come to me if you have nothing to do. Don't come to me if it's not a big deal... Of course, it's best if you don't come to me if it's a big deal." Vivian yawned and stretched out seriously. Waist up, strode out the door.

The two rooms in Vivian's house were originally empty, and no second person was arranged to move in after they were arranged for Vivian, so it was equivalent to occupying two rooms by herself.

There was someone in the room here, so she went directly to the room next door to rest. Anyway, this whole floor was equivalent to her home, and it was the same wherever she lived.

After Vivian left, Lin Chen took a look and wanted to leave, because she knew that what happened next was not something she could hear, but Shana didn't seem to care that she was here. After Vivian left, she went directly Ask Su Yousha Ling about her situation.

"You should know her situation better than the rest of us. If you're not mistaken, this shouldn't be the first time she's been like this, right? It's just that as time goes by, this situation is getting more and more serious. You know what she's doing now Is the situation just one step away from death?”

Su You did not exaggerate the facts. After all, the real situation had no room for exaggeration.

She didn't hide Sha Ling's situation, because only if Sha Na understood all this and how urgent the situation was now could she tell everything.

If she has already gone to this point and still conceals it, it will only make Shana feel less sincere and make her hesitate to tell the truth.

Shana believed what Su You said, because what she said before was consistent with Sha Ling's recent situation.

Since a month ago, Sha Ling's frost has become more and more serious.

First, the duration of coma increased, and then the impact on the surrounding environment became more serious... These little changes made Shana clearly understand that the development of things had gradually reached a point where she could not change it.

(End of this chapter)

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