Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 472 Chapter 472 Past Events

Her power is still too small, it can even be said that she has no power at all, because she is just an ordinary person.

"Can you guarantee that you will be able to save Ah Ling? If you agree to save Ah Ling, I can tell you everything and do whatever you ask me to do!" Shana was a little nervous because she knew what she said was silly.

From Lin Chen, she already knew the identity of the woman in front of her. She was the lord of the territory, but she was just a minor figure in the other territory. She didn't have any capital to negotiate terms with her.

But because she still cared more about Sha Ling than anything else, she foolishly asked a question that might not necessarily yield an answer, or even make sense.

Shana didn't know that Su You had guessed about the inheritance, so she was still thinking that if Su You didn't give a definite answer, although she couldn't do anything, she must hide everything in her heart. .

"I can't guarantee that I will be able to save her, but I can guarantee that I will try my best to save her." Su You never makes a promise easily, especially a promise that she doesn't know whether she can fulfill.

But she also knew that Shana actually just wanted to hear what she wanted to hear. As for whether she could fulfill her promise, it didn't matter. After all, the gap in identity and strength between the two parties was too big.

But Suyou didn't choose to lie, but told the truth.

Her status as a god-level magician is indeed worthy of Su You's best efforts to save her, but Su You doesn't know whether she can really be saved. After all, she has not yet contacted the elves.

Shana was not surprised by Su You's answer, because Lin Chen had already praised her lord to all the best before he brought her here.

And as if to convince her how good the Lord was, Lin Chen also used his own personal experience to convince Shana.

Of course, she would definitely not talk about the stowaways, nor about the other continent. She only said that she and Lin Mu encountered a shipwreck when they were out, and were rescued. The Lord not only saved them, but also Gave them houses and jobs.

Although he didn't know if Shana believed it, Lin Chen could clearly feel that Shana was a little more moved...

Now, although Shana felt regretful and faintly desperate because she didn't hear what she wanted to hear, on the contrary, because of such an honest answer, she trusted Suyou a little more.

"Okay, let me say..." Shana took a deep breath, and then said: "This matter starts from three years ago. At that time, Sha Ling was not like this, she was just an ordinary little girl, until one day, I took her out to collect resources..."

Sha Ling is ten years old this year. She was seven years old three years ago. She is just a lively and active age. The parents of the two sisters are busy outside all year round. Although they often send money back so that they can have food and clothing, Sha Ling still needs to shoulder the responsibility. The responsibility of taking care of my sister.

So every time she went out, she would take Sha Ling with her. After all, she didn't feel at ease if she was left alone at home.

But that time, Shana took Sha Ling to collect resources in a familiar place as usual. During the collection process, Shana discovered that there were many more herbs in that place. Although these herbs were not very valuable, if all of them were The collection can equal her weekly collection income.

In her excitement, Shana neglected to monitor Sha Ling. After she collected all the things, she realized that Sha Ling was missing.

She searched for a long time and finally saw the silk flower Sha Ling wore on her head at the entrance of a cave...

"When I walked into the cave, I found that the temperature inside was extremely cold, and the cave was very deep. I don't know how long I walked until I felt like my whole body was freezing. I heard something inside the cave. There was the sound of someone talking..."

【how so!Please explain it clearly to me!There will be no mistakes in all this?Is this what you mean by being flawless? !Can one easily disrupt your situation? ! 】

[This... this is something that can't be helped. Who would have thought that there are other people in this kind of place, and it's just a child... This woman Naxi is really smart, she would transfer the inheritance at the last moment...] [The matter is now over. It’s useless to say anything else. I just want to know how you plan to deal with this little girl. 】

[What else can we do? Since she has been inherited, let’s use her as...]


When the conversation between the two people heard this, their voices gradually became quieter, and Shana had a bad feeling in her heart, because she always felt that the little girl mentioned by these two people should be Sha Ling.

After all, no one would come to such a remote place, and Shana didn't see anyone else looking for her lost child nearby.

After having this idea, Shana began to think about how to rescue Sha Ling from the hands of these two people.

Although she didn't know what these two people did, it was not difficult to tell from their conversation that these two people were by no means good.

But while Shana was thinking, she suddenly felt a pain in the back of her head, and then lost consciousness...


"Later I found out that I had actually been discovered by those two people a long time ago, and the follow-up information that I didn't hear was also the result of their deliberate concealment."

When you find that someone is eavesdropping, the correct way is to calmly go over and arrest the person, just like what happened to Shana.

It often appears in various plots. It is obvious that someone is eavesdropping, but you still deliberately say "someone", and then the person who is successfully eavesdropped finds that you are exposed, causing the eavesdropper to escape early. This is the best way. stupid.

"When I woke up, I found that I was tied up, there was no one around, and I didn't see Sha Ling." Shana was very scared at the time. After all, she was just a girl who had not yet reached adulthood three years ago.

But besides being scared, she was even more worried about Sha Ling's condition.

After all, she could feel that the target of the other party was not her. From the fact that they did not get rid of her, but just tied her here, she could also see that they were not prepared to do anything to her for the time being, but it was hard to say for Sha Ling. .

I don’t know how much time passed... When Shana was tired, sleepy, thirsty, and hungry, she heard the sound of footsteps. She raised her head with difficulty, and then saw Sha Ling with a timid and surprised look on her face.

She wanted to shout, but because she hadn't eaten or drank for a long time, she was too hungry to open her mouth and too thirsty to speak.

"Look, uncle is right. Your sister is here fine. As long as you obey, we will let you and your sister go."

Thanks again to [Xingmanxingman] for the many rewards.


Because it is a reward from a non-main site, no messages can be received in the background, and only daily data can be seen, so I am a little late in thanking you. Thank you for your support.

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