A vaguely familiar voice sounded, and Shana guessed that this person was one of the protagonists she had eavesdropped on the conversation before.

It can also be seen from his attitude and the content of his words that they currently attach great importance to Sha Ling, and it is probably because Sha Ling made a fuss to see her that he brought her here.

After Sha Ling saw Shana, she immediately ran over and hugged her.

"The rope...can you untie the rope for my sister?" After the hug, Sha Ling said timidly.

Shana wanted to tell Sha Ling to stop talking, because she knew that this person was obviously impossible to agree to. After all, she knew her current position - she was the bargaining chip used by these people to threaten Sha Ling and make her obedient.

Since she was a 'hostage', how could she be released?
As expected, the man rejected her without hesitation, but when Sha Ling later asked for something to eat and drink, he did not refuse. After all, he came here to ensure that Sha Na was alive.

The hostages cannot be released, but they cannot die either.

I don’t know how long this kind of life lasted. Because she couldn’t see day and night, Shana had no concept of time. She was just tied up and locked up here every day. Although someone came to bring food and drink, when she asked anything, the other party would talk to someone. A mute will not answer.

And as if to prevent her from escaping, the restraints on her body also changed from ropes to desperate chains.

The only thing that comforted Shana was that Sha Ling would come to see her every once in a while, but every time she came, there were other people around her, which made Shana unable to speak every time she wanted to say something.

Because that person would stare at the two of them closely, leaving her no chance to say something she couldn't say.

I don’t know how long these days passed, until one day, Shana was woken up by someone pushing her from her sleep. When she opened her eyes, she saw Sha Ling squatting in front of her. Before she could speak, she only heard a "clang" and was restrained. The chains on her hands and feet broke.

At the break, Shana could clearly see that it was covered with a thin layer of ice.

Although she didn't know what happened, Shana knew that this was not a place to stay forever, so she immediately left with Sha Ling, but when she turned back, she found that Sha Ling, who was still capable of breaking the chain, had fainted. …


"After that, I took Ah Ling to wander around. We didn't dare to go back, let alone write to tell our parents." After all, no matter how stupid Shana is, she knows that the two of them seem to have offended someone they can't afford to offend, and telling their parents will only cause trouble. parents.

Going back to where they came from will only lead to them being caught again.

"A Ling said that the reason she was able to escape was because when she woke up that day, she found that everyone around her was 'asleep.' However, I suspect that those people must have been frozen to death, because A Ling said , those people were stiff, their faces were pale, and their bodies were covered with a thin layer of ice..."

As for why she froze to death, it was obviously related to the uncontrollable ice magic in Sha Ling.

It's just that although Shana knew the truth, she didn't want to tell Sha Ling, so she just let her think that those people were just asleep.

They deserved their death. Shana would not sympathize with them. She would only feel more sorry for Sha Ling and hate herself even more for not taking good care of her in the first place. Otherwise, none of this would have happened.

"That's pretty much it. If you have anything you want to ask, you can ask directly. I will tell you everything I know." After all, this happened a few years ago. Shana has forgotten many details, so she can only reluctantly Name the most important plot point.

As for the details, I might be able to recall them, but no one would take the initiative to ask, and they probably wouldn't take them seriously.

Su You actually had a lot to ask, but the most important thing at the moment was Sha Ling's matter, so Su You didn't ask about the previous details, but talked about sending Sha Ling away for treatment.

Of course, Suyou didn't say that the place for treatment was the elves. She only said that he was sent to a place for treatment, but she didn't say where specifically.

As expected, although Shana agreed, she also asked to go together.

Su You understood her thoughts and guessed what she would say, but she could not agree, nor was she qualified to agree on behalf of the elves.After all, not everyone can go to a place like the Elf Clan.

There is a high probability that Sha Ling can go in, because her identity and experience are enough for the elves to make an exception. After all, the status of a god-level magician is the same as that of an elf princess or even an elf queen in the eyes of others. What's more, Su You also suspects that Sha Ling may be related to That thing's relevant...

So she believed that the Elf Queen would definitely agree to let Sha Ling enter the Elf clan.

In the end, Shana agreed.

Because she has no choice.



The elves are very fast, and what was said the night before was done the next afternoon.

Su You originally wanted to go together, but that morning, she had received a system reminder from the beast tide——

[Random event has been triggered. 】

[This random event: beast tide. 】

[Event size: medium. 】

[Duration: unknown. 】

[Countdown to the beast tide: 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds]


The system reminder was received at six o'clock in the morning. In other words, the time when the beast wave struck was six o'clock the next day, and the scale of the beast wave this time was as she expected, it was medium-sized.

As for other information, Su You knew nothing.

Because of the beast tide, Su You had to stay in the territory. Although there was still one day before the beast tide came, she still had a lot of preparation work to do, so even if she had this day, it would not be enough for her to go there again. A trip to the elves.

Fortunately, she has a voice transmission command. Although this thing cannot be used at any time because it consumes a lot of money, with this, Su You can at least know Sha Ling's situation.

At least Anita said that Sha Ling's condition has stabilized under the treatment of the elven doctors.

Of course, the power of the elven doctors is not enough... When she said this, Anita looked very surprised.

"...Suyou, you seem to have a good relationship with the Queen? I really didn't expect that the Queen would actually take action." With the help of the Elf Queen, Sha Ling's situation was difficult to figure out.

What seemed very reasonable and normal to Suyou seemed very strange to Anita and other elves in the elves.

If they hadn't known that the Elf Queen had no desires in her life and was only interested in developing the Elf race, they would probably have started to guess whether this little girl's identity belonged to the Queen... Ahem...

Suyou didn't expect Anita to be such a gossip, but after thinking about it, she knew she was just joking. After all, they knew best whether Sha Ling had elven blood or not.

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