But it can also be seen from this point how much the Elf Queen's action shocked them.

After knowing that Sha Ling's condition had improved, Su You felt relieved. After she told Sha Na about it, she began to deal with the beast tide with peace of mind.

The material preparations are complete. What Su You is doing now is mainly the personnel arrangements and some detailed adjustments.

It ranges from the patrol time, number of people, and routes throughout the streets to the scouts who go out in disguise to detect wild beasts, the defenders on the city wall, the defense team using crossbows and catapults, and the active attack team that goes out to fight. A trap group to assist defense, a long-range group to contain wild beasts...

In short, as a person with rich experience, Su You can be said to have arranged everything in detail.

The level of detail in all this has even reached the point where many people are confused.

Su You didn't care if they were confused or not. Anyway, he just had to do what he was doing well. In order to prevent someone from making mistakes, there were at least five people working on any key job. In this way, it didn't matter even if one or two people were stupid. As long as As long as one person can stand up.

Su You gave them the absolute right to report important matters directly to their superiors, so there was no need to worry about someone finding a problem but not knowing who to tell.

The preparations for the beast tide have been fully completed. Su You used the remaining time to complete the preparations for protecting Lin Chen and Lin Mu.

"What?! Women's clothing?! Lord, can you change someone else?!" Youai looked at Su You with a look of collapse and disbelief.

Yes, it was obvious that Su You's idea of ​​getting the best of both worlds was to let others pretend to be Lin Chen and Lin Mu, and then take the initiative to 'fish'.

The inspiration for this method is obviously found from Meck. Even the various props for these disguises, such as wigs, various powders for adjusting skin color, liquids for adjusting facial condition, and a series of props, are all from I bought it from the stall owner that Meck mentioned.

With the props of disguise, you must choose the person to disguise.

Youai is one of the actors carefully selected by Su You, and the other one who needs to be disguised is Jing Que.

You Ai pretended to be Lin Chen, and Jing Que pretended to be Lin Mu.

The reason for choosing these two people is that they meet the conditions Suyou needs.

The person in disguise must first have sufficient combat effectiveness. Otherwise, even if Lin Chen and Lin Mu are not caught, the person in disguise will be injured or caught. It will not be worth the loss.

Secondly, the pretender has a calm and calm personality and cannot be exposed easily, otherwise all the preparations will be in vain.

Of course, the most important thing is to be someone you can trust!
Originally, there were quite a few women with fighting ability in the territory, and it seemed that it was not necessary for Youai to dress up as a woman, but they always had some other conditions that did not meet the requirements.

For example, Duoya's weapon is a bow, which is difficult to hide, and her combat effectiveness in close combat is average, so she was excluded.

Not to mention Vivian, those little tricks and tricks were not enough to make Su You take risks. Although she seemed very interested and very willing to participate in this matter, she was still rejected by Su You.

Lilith's fighting power was derived from tamed beasts, and it was too obvious to have such a big animal following her around, so she was excluded.So in the end, only Chanyue and Jingque were left.

Chan Yue was not chosen because her identity is too special. According to Su You's previous evaluation, she is the central figure in the main plot.

Su You could imagine that originally the other party only wanted to capture Lin Chen and Lin Mu, the two 'supporting characters', but in the end, she disguised herself and sent the 'protagonist' directly to the other party... This kind of protection protected Sesame but lost the watermelon. Su You wouldn't do anything like that.

Moreover, Zenyue herself has no fighting ability, she can only run.

The reason for choosing Jing Que is very simple and crude. She is very good at fighting. This can be explained from the "Blood Night" that day.
As for the issue of trust...she herself is one of the clues in the main plot, so there is no issue of trust or distrust. Anyway, she will know everything she should know and shouldn't know sooner or later.

In addition to Jing Que and the above people, although there are also female melee masters who can fight among other people in the territory, Su You can only exclude them one by one because of the word 'trust'.

Without a good candidate, Su You could only turn his attention to others...such as Youai.

Needless to say, Yue's combat prowess is an intermediate magician after all, and the most important thing in the tavern is water, so there are sufficient resources for him to use it.

The second is his character. After all, Youai has been with Su You for so long. He has been to an underwater maze, seen a dragon, and fought a sea monster. Ordinary wind and waves really can't affect him now.

Although the ability to adapt to changes may not be strong, you can still be calm.

The last thing is trust...not to mention this. After all, Yue is a magician taught by Meck step by step, and he is also an old resident who joined the territory very early. If Su You can't trust him, then the territory's leader There are not many people who can be trusted.

"...The main reason is that there are indeed no other suitable candidates in the territory. I believe you will be able to complete this mission." Although Su You also felt that this was somewhat difficult, there was no way around it.

After hearing the explanation of the reason why he was selected, Yuai still had a grimace on his face, but his expression of resistance became less intense.

"You can't let other people know about this!" Although Youai thinks that he doesn't care about face that much, but for things like women's clothing... he doesn't want to become someone else's talk after dinner!
"Except for the few people present, I will not tell anyone else about this matter." For the sake of the face of his own residents, Su You will definitely not take the initiative to tell others about this matter.

Of course, if someone guesses it, then Su You has no choice...

Youai looked at the people present, except for the lord, the two sisters Lin Chen and Lin Mu, Jing Que who also needed to disguise, and Shana and Duoya who were responsible for helping cover...

In the end, he nodded with great difficulty.

"...Okay, I'll give it a try." Yoei knew that he had no other choice. After all, he knew how good the lord was to him. He was able to achieve what he did today all because of the lord.

It's just a woman's costume, and it's mainly for the purpose of performing tasks. If other people know that you can become a magician by dressing up as a woman, there will be countless people rushing to do this.

After Yoe agreed, he took the props to the cubicle to 'dress up'.

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