Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 475 Chapter 475 The tide of beasts is coming

Because it is a man dressing up as a woman, his whole body needs to be adjusted. After the adjustment, it needs to be compared to avoid unnecessary flaws.

Because Jing Que has the same gender, the workload of disguise has been reduced a lot, but it is not easy. After all, Jing Que and Lin Mu, one has short hair and the other has long hair, one has darker skin and the other has lighter skin...

Except there are some other details that need to be adjusted.

After the adjustment was completed, Su You looked at the two Lin Chen and Lin Mu in front of him and nodded with satisfaction.

In order to make the plan of "Li Daitao Zombie" go smoothly, it is best for Lin Chen and Lin Mu not to appear in front of outsiders during the whole process. Su You also arranged Shana next to Youai and Duo Ya to take charge of Jing Que. Help them both complete this plan better.

It was Su You's arrangement to involve Shana in this matter, because she also hoped to win Sha Ling into her territory by winning over Shana.

No matter what happened to her, the weight of a god-level magician was enough for Su You to make a definite choice.

Moreover, Shana originally worked in the tavern, and she was also the closest person to Lin Chen in the territory, besides Lin Mu and Su You.

She knew Lin Chen and all the details of the work in the tavern, so she could also play a big role in this 'scene'.

As for Duo Ya, she was chosen because she was one of the few people in the territory who knew the existence of Jing Que, and she was also the only one in the territory besides Su You who could speak well.

In order to avoid arranging other people who would conflict with Jing Que, Su You arranged Duo Ya to be with Jing Que.

"You guys should also help to see if there are any problems." Su You turned to look at Shana and Duoya, and motioned for them to also help to see if there were any problems.

Su You actually knew what was true and what was false. After all, they were all residents of the territory. For her, what was true or false was just a matter of investigation.

What's more, even without detection skills, the different temperaments of each person are enough for Su You to distinguish the real from the fake.

"I can't see the difference." Duoya stared at the two 'Lin Mu's, and then shook his head.

Without speaking or taking any action, Duo Ya felt that there was no difference between the two Lin Mu.

But everyone has different habits, and these habits cannot be changed or learned in a day or two, so as long as these two people get active, Duoya will definitely know who is the real Lin Mu.

But it doesn't matter. After all, those people don't know Lin Chen and Lin Mu. They most likely arrest people based on their faces, so as long as they have the same appearance, similar appearance, and their words and deeds are not too outrageous, the problem will not be discovered. , will not affect the plan.


Although there was nothing wrong with Jing Que's disguise of Lin Mu, Shana could spot the disguise of Lin Chen on Yuai's side at a glance.

"Your sleeves should be folded up, because you usually have to make wine, so even if you wear clothes with wide sleeves, you should pay attention to the hem of the sleeves, otherwise it is easy to be contaminated by wine."

"And the hair, this way of tying it is easy to unravel. It's best to wrap the hair rope a few times before tying it into a knot."

"The last thing is your head. Don't lower your head. It looks lifeless. It doesn't look like a shop owner at all. None of the waiters in the tavern are as depressed as you."


Faced with Shana's instructions and fiddling, Yoei listened carefully and memorized it at first, but in the end, he felt that he had completely become a puppet at the mercy of others.

Lin Chen on the side was also surprised, because she did not expect that Lin Chen would observe so carefully many details that she might not necessarily notice in daily life.Out of curiosity, Lin Chen couldn't help but ask this question. After Shana was silent for a moment, she said, "It's just the experience of wandering around with A Ling."

In order to prevent those people from discovering them, Shana has played various roles, male and female, old and young. Sha Ling's identity will also change with her identity.

For example, in the previous territory, Sha Ling was her 'daughter'. Shana disguised herself as a middle-aged woman and lived in that territory for a while. However, someone seemed to have discovered her later, and Shana felt unsafe. So he took Sha Ling and left.

Moving on to the next territory, the relationship between Shana and Shaling is that of 'brother and sister'.

"Sorry, I shouldn't ask this." Lin Chen is one of the insiders. She knows that Shana and Sha Ling almost escaped death, so this memory must not be a good one, even for both of them. I really want to forget.

Shana: "It doesn't matter, this is not a bad memory. On the contrary, I am very lucky that I have this talent of disguise."

Hearing this, Su You thought and opened Shana's information panel again. However, except for the large introduction that could be seen due to unlocking the plot, there was no change.

However, Su You was not surprised, because she had never seen the skill of 'camouflage' before, let alone talents related to disguise in other people, so she preferred that the system did not recognize disguise as a skill.

Not all specialties can be counted as skills, otherwise the database would be too huge.

In addition to camouflage, specialties such as swimming and climbing are all hidden skills.

They will not be collected by the system and displayed on the panel, but they will play a key role at certain moments.

With Shana's guidance, Youai has successfully made breakthrough progress in playing the role of Lin Chen. Now his performance has reached the point where even Lin Mu can't distinguish his biological sister.

After watching them struggle for a while, Su You also asked Lin Chen and Lin Mu to put on simple disguises.

Compared to the first two people, their disguises are much simpler. Anyway, as long as others can't recognize them as Lin Chen and Lin Mu, the territory has such a large flow of people every day, so it doesn't matter if there are a few more unfamiliar faces. strangeness.

After all the disguises were completed, everyone went back to their homes.

Jing Que and Youai went to the homes of Lin Chen and Lin Mu, while Lin Chen and Lin Mu themselves moved into the inn.

In the past few days, the two of them will not go out until those people take action. If there is any need, they only need to ask the staff inside the station to prepare it.

So far, the preparations for the beast tide have been officially completed.



At seven o'clock the next morning, Su You received another prompt from the system——

[This beast tide is ongoing, please make appropriate defense preparations and protect your territory. 】

[Number of Beast Tide Waves: Unknown]

[Duration of Beast Tide: Unknown]

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